
Chapter 144: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 10, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Safe?

Mitch sits by the window, staring out at the world. She tries to read but can't concentrate. She watches daytime TV; quiz and game shows, crap soaps and re-runs. Two minutes later, she can't remember any of what she just watched.

She has only the clothes she arrived wearing, so she settles in bed, trying to sleep. After twelve hours she can sleep no more and yet, gritty-eyed, feels as though she never rested at all.

No-one calls.

How long has it been?

Have they forgotten her?

At least here, she's safe.

Passively, beyond thinking, she waits.

Two days later, the phone rings. She gazes dead-eyed at the ceiling for a moment before registering what the sound is.

She reaches from the depths of the bed. "Hello?"

"Mitch, it's Theo. Max is sending a taxi to bring you to our offices. Be at the front door in twenty minutes."
