
Charlie's Universe

After a sudden family accident, a big boy with a warm family and a kind-hearted personality but cowardly found out that his parents were not human, and a woman who claimed to be his mother appeared and told him his life experience and more shocking secrets about human beings. At this time, he has been involved in a turbulent struggle for power and a journey to the universe.

charlei_saint · Sci-fi
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25 Chs

birthday invitation

Alena Bay has beautiful scenery, fertile fields, flying birds, steep sea cliffs and rolling waves, many reefs on the coastline, and various islands hidden in the depths of the sea.

Continue southward across Alina Bay, overlooking a heart-shaped emerald inland Jiali Lake. Over the years, countless couples have come to the lake every spring, sometimes boating in the middle of the lake to exchange vows. Over the mountains and shrubs, across the Moli Forest Farm, is the town of Sun City.

Sun City is the most remote town in Clara City, near the southeast corner of the territory.

The southeast of the small town is a desert. If you continue to drive for three days, you can reach Rocky City, where arms smuggling and drugs are rampant. It seems remote, but the traffic is very smooth. Every morning on the main road, transport vehicles and private cars work across the district. Of course, during peak hours, traffic jams are inevitable. Sun City is different from the neighboring towns of Locke and Santa Clara. Most of them are low-rise private courtyards. There are substantial sycamore trees on both sides of the road. Most of the time, there are few pedestrians and vehicles in the town.

Charlie's family lives at No. 395 Wutong Road, a beautiful two-story villa. The lawn in front of the house is neatly trimmed, and several automatic sprinklers inserted on the ground make rhythmic clicking.

It is said that his parents immigrated here from other cities. His father is a famous dentist in the town, and his mother is a music teacher. The two met and fell in love at a friend's funeral. The two quickly fell in love, and within the third month of moving in, Charlie's father gave her an elaborate romantic proposal at her mother's birthday party. Charlie was born one year after their marriage, and this sweet young couple has since become a happy family of three until now.

Charlie hurriedly pushed out the door, biting the unfinished bread in his mouth. After running a few steps, he turned his head while walking and said to his mother, who was standing at the door, "By the way, I may be late tonight."

Mother's "Niko's birthday party, I know, we all know."

He grimaced and turned, and ran to the station.

"Are you sure you don't need your dad to drive you?

Without looking back, he boarded a bus that happened to pass by.

At one point, Charlie also wondered whether his thin body had something to do with skipping breakfast or even the reason for the unbalanced nutrition. During this period, not only is the breakfast rich but the milk before going to bed every night is changed from the initial glass to a bucket. Crazy research recipes, addicted to rock fitness. However, the result was a big disappointment. In half a year, he only grew by one centimeter, and the muscles on his body only looked firmer.

Fatty Jimmy, Tomboy Lily, maybe this is his only best friend. He never considered himself arrogant; he just thought many people were stupid. He is reluctant to admit that he has no sense of existence and is used to the neglect of him by his classmates. But he said to Xiaoping that it was because he didn't like to be in the limelight and didn't want to be distracted by some unrelated things.

He thinks his appearance is ordinary and even a little strange. It was his big, tall nose.

He didn't like his big nose, and there was a time when he hit his nose whenever he had time, either with his hands or with a slight massage hammer, and sometimes with a book or a pen.

If you do anything, you don't have any objection - in the chemistry experiment class. The coach was sent to a group with Jimmy because the other party had a crush on one of the girls; on the basketball court, he never adopted his opinion, and he sat for a long time. On the bench, no chance to play.

It is difficult for oneself to accept others, not refuse some rude requests, and swallow them up - cleaning for others after school, sending love letters and being teased, going to the cafeteria for others in the heavy rain, lending their jersey to a person with body odor Guys, put up with people making fun of their hair and big nose. Bringing the characteristics of a peacemaker to the extreme - talking to Jimmy in an open class, he was warned by the seniors that he laughed too loudly, and he apologized repeatedly; in the ball game, his teammates made many coordination mistakes, the coach was angry and faced with the accusations of his teammates, he Smiling face to face the error.

Then, most conflicts will not happen, and Charlie did it, so he is not bad at school. After all, he is kind and cautious because he is obedient enough.

An important reason why he did not dare to cause trouble at school was related to his hard-won places.

As the most famous local aristocratic high school, Sun City High School recruits every year and is exceptionally picky about the students. The school only recruits children from the city's upper class, elites, or families who have made significant contributions to the city's construction, except those with top grades, and the tuition fees are incredibly high. Expensive; on the day of graduation and walking out of school, the cost is almost ten years of income for an ordinary family.

Fortunately, his mother was a teacher at the school. He finally won the only place to be admitted to the school. Still, the premise is that during the study period, no violation of the rules is allowed, and it is not allowed to fall out of the top ten in the class.

In the few days before he entered school, his parents told him to focus on his studies with peace of mind, be a well-behaved student, and act cautiously.

Charlie had been in a relationship for three months, held hands, and kissed once. When he wanted to go further, the sudden fart caused by excessive tension also broke up this relationship. However, Charlie repeatedly emphasized that it was from the stomach. The breakup was because the girl's mother thought the two had different religious beliefs. Lily and Jimmy agreed in private that Charlie was just a spare tire on this issue. The pocket money would no longer be of any value if it were drained because Lily heard the joke about Charlie when the girl was with her friends in the toilet.

Jimmy told Charlie more than once on the way home that Lily, though rude to him at times, really liked him.

Charlie also said that the two were just friends and nothing more.

"Come on; I've never seen her as a woman; she's my brother, a brother who can sleep together drunk, just like us."

"Go away; I don't want to sleep with you."

For the next two years, he didn't date any girls again because he chose a crush, an unknown form of affection - which he thought was perhaps the wisest thing to do.

The girl she has a crush on is named Neeko, the only daughter of the deputy mayor. She is tall and sexy, and her face is delicate and noble but cold.

The crowd around him is more determined than the paparazzi and reporters, and the face that rejects the world and turns a blind eye will have little effect.

To see Neeko from a distance in the library, Charlie often planned to wait for the right time. Therefore, when Neeko dropped her student ID card that day, Charlie just picked it up. Neeko also expressed her gratitude for this. On Friday, after they got to know each other, Neeko sent Charlie a birthday invitation at the library door.

Neeko has many suitors, but soon only one remains. Most of them were forced to give up because a rich second-generation named Pierre took a few helpers to clear the opponent quickly. Even those men who had spoken to Neeko for more than three sentences would be taken into the car shivering, close the door and chat a few words. Although Pierre chases behind Neeko's ass in a sports car every day and believes that Neeko must be his woman tomorrow, Neeko is still hot and cold to him.

Charlie doesn't have any extravagant expectations and doesn't want to cause any trouble for himself. This kind of ordinary friend can occasionally appear in front of the girl he likes and is very content to say a few words. This unknown secret crush made him very happy. Like that sentence, whether you want me is your business, but I like you are mine.

At this moment, a basketball game is going on in the gym.

This is the daily confrontation training of the grade. Still, many girls are standing on both sides of the court to cheer for it - the school flower Neeko is also among them.

The boys were very excited under the eyes and cheers of the beautiful girls. Pierre ran rampant on the court, and his scores made him cheer and become the focus, and he was immersed in it to win Neeko's eyes. Even if there were collisions, blocking fouls, etc., the referee turned a blind eye.

A defender came off with a leg cramp, and the coach brought in an unprepared Charlie sitting next to him.

Charlie dribbles the ball skillfully, organizes passes to get the team back to form, and the score is pulled back little by little. Afterward, Charlie made several precise long-range shots to tie the score. This also attracted the attention and admiration of the girls at the scene, including Neeko with the screams. Charlie and his teammates encouraged each other and did not forget to wave and interact with Neeko.

"Nice job!" Jimmy turned to look at the pretty girl beside him, "Hey, beauty, do you want to meet him? he is my brother."

Pierre glanced at the scoreboard on the field, seeing that Neeko's eyes had already fallen on others, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart.

Pierre blocked Charlie's way, staring him in the eye. Seeing the other party approaching him aggressively, he quickly comforted and said, "Relax, brother, relax; I don't want to cause trouble."

Pierre's lowered voice threatened, "Weak chicken, you'd better be honest with me! Understand?"

Pierre began to maliciously approach, block, and even pull Charlie, who was like a loach on the pitch. These are not enough. His eyes were full of anger, he couldn't bear it any longer, and now he was going to bring down this weak chicken. Charlie dribbled the ball to the basket with a jump shot, and Pierre jumped up from behind him and slammed him off the court with his strong shoulders. Charlie slid five or six meters off the floor until he hit the ground fence of the court.

Charlie finds it strange that when he is sitting on the cold bench with mixed feelings, he always feels like two men in black suits are staring at him in the corner. The two disappeared when he wanted to raise his head to take a closer look.

In the end, Pierre's first team won by a narrow score before the future, and he and his teammates left the field sadly.

At the end of the ball game, a group of young men placed their clothes next to the student lockers at the end of the classroom corridor. From time to time, some students just passed by with their books in their hands.

Charlie opened the locker, and a letter fell from the it . He picked up the white envelope and took out an invitation card - Neeko's Birthday Party - Sign Neeko.

Infinite joy filled His heart, and he just swept away the unpleasantness of losing and silently read the words on the card again.

"I advise you to die." Jimmy seemed to put a hand around his neck out of thin air—Charlie almost jumped up in fright.

"She and I are just friends, Jimmy." Charlie took his coat from the closet and put it on him.

"Come on, don't think I don't know what you think?" Jimmy tapped him on the shoulder and said earnestly, "You and she are not from the same world, bro; I don't want you to be played, understand, like... "

Charlie got emotional and shook off Jimmy's hand on his shoulder. "Enough, Jimmy, stop here! It's my business anyway, OK?"

"OK, OK, when I have nothing." Jimmy raised his hands in compromise.

Pierre's group seemed to pass them at the right moment. A group of people laughed smugly at his embarrassment. Pierre looked contemptuous, and a thin monkey-like guy beside him gave him the middle finger.

Charlie bent over to pick up the shoes on the bottom and found that the partition where placed the shoes were was overflowing with water. He picked up one leather shoe, tilted it to one side, slammed the shoe into a water cup, and poured out half a catty of water—the same with the other.

"What I'm talking about is the consequences of "fighting" on the court are not over yet" Jimmy patted Charlie on the shoulder and left, "I'll go first, take care of your ribs, brother."

He doesn't think this prank has anything to do with his liking for Neeko; he thinks it's just because he scored a few goals on the court just now, grabbed some limelight, and caused them almost to lose, that's all.

Moreover, on the afternoon when they had just met Neeko in the reading hall not long ago, when they were talking about Wilde's energy, the skinny monkey who had just raised his middle finger walked up to him. It said that Pierre told him to stay away from Neeko. I calmly explained to the other party that Neeko and I had just met and chatted a few words together.

And that time in the corridor outside the art room, Pierre warned him that time. Although at that time, he repeatedly explained that he and Neeko were just ordinary friends and also promised that it would not affect the relationship between the other party and Neeko, the cold threat of the other party made him feel that Pierre might pinch him. The latter was half a head taller than him if he was not careful. He died on the way home at night.

Looking at the invitation card in his hand, he instantly seemed to get some affirmation. He felt it was a matter, of course, to appear at Neeko's birthday party as an invitee.

He told himself to relax since the misunderstanding had been explained to the other party. There was no need to worry about the assumption all day.

Maybe Neeko will also say something nice to herself. All along, he thought he made a good impression on Neeko. Neeko called him a caring boy when she provided her with research materials on dragonflies and wrote the script for her first stage play.

At one point, he even thought secret love was pleased.

Be careful enough not to be known and only let Neeko seem to understand, and others will not notice; then not only will you not have the embarrassment and pain of being rejected, but you also will not lose Neeko in a certain sense and there will be no outside world. Trouble, this is simply the perfect idea.

He looked at the pair of black leather shoes filled with sewage in the locker like two rotten eggplants and then at the sneakers on his feet, thinking he could only go to the scene in this dress. There were many people at the stage, and maybe no one would care about the shoes on their feet, so I felt a lot of relief and then closed the cabinet door and decided to go.

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