
Character's POV

a Basic name but a outstanding Story of our Crazy, Fun, Loving, Cute and depressing stuff ... Our 7 peoples story this is but not so different than our Lives ...until the fated Awakening arrives unannounced...

Aryan_Doshi · Fantasy
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2 Chs




{In the space unknown}

"Heyy u Up ?" a heavy male voice could be heard as asking a old friend about something.

"Yes more than you" another voice responded to the first one ..

After than the first voice gets a little grumpy and says " Boy mind your tongue it's getting lose I might show you something more lose than your tongue and harder then your existence "

"Noooooooooooo" a terrified sounding voice says "not your sword I have a long time to live old fart keep me away from that monster sword I might actually die laughing my life out"



After that the second voice gets silent and first one continues "I am getting bored here what are your suggestions should we do it's simply too boring and the awakening is a couple of decade left too be,

it's boring to wait and just drift I am not even sleepy with all this excitement about how things will be in this 17th time of us watching this might see something good"

After a long silence

First voice gets impatient and says

"So much for your intelligent ass huh u can't even find an idea huh" to this he replied

In a sarcastic tone " it's not me who is intelligent it's you who is dumb I have many ideas but for your sorry self thinking might be for you for one it's whatever how about just see mortal activities and find something fun too see"

Getting agitated he replies

"Hey you know it's all repetitive and same dull all boring with the same mortals all same might as well call them sheep all black and white doing mah mah mah ..."

Laughing loudly the second voice responded " yah yah you got me dude 😂 it's super similar then how about just add our own mortal in this world too easy for you to create isn't it huh "

Heavy voice resounds

"It's NOT a GOOD IDEA ,what to create the same will look boring and new will be my creation I will know all its move too much boring"

To this the second voice gets silence and gets thinking " Why not just take someone's already made Character and bring it to life it will be fun too see how that imperfect being fits in the world and the world to come "

After a short silence the voices decides that this is a very good idea and goes to see who to pick and what to create and how to create as this things goes on , a time as long as a months ended up passing .

After all this they




So after picking WhatsApp they thought might be the future they decided to create 7 Individual to life .



{In a planet known as Earth by the natives and universally SS-5118207 }

A planet divided in 7 different land masses and many types of geographical topography.

The Voices thinks it's best for all to start at different places at the same time to see where one's Limits are and see how Different Character live in different places with different types of people and in different situations,

with this setting the voices think they won't be getting bored and it's definitely not going to disappoint them,

as they would have never believed that there Joke would someday be able to .....

The planet was completely ruled by bipedal species Human of the universe the ones known as the weakest of em all.

That Time a sudden Wind was ranging in the whole Planet Changing the fates of all with that one wind as the 'FATES CHAGES BY THE WIND'

as the winds moves and all stays oblivious to the changes happening in the atmosphere as thinking it as mere fast winds , like stating the facts the winds die down after 3.3 minutes. 

while the whole world is oblivious to the Future of the World , the world is in a world of surprise when the characters make there entry in the positions of Wealth , Fame and Power. 

just to be oblivious that it was all for entertainment.

this is my first actual novel pls support...

I will write the best story even if the name seems as a copy of other arts the content is different

Aryan_Doshicreators' thoughts