

Compilation of short stories with unending questions, created by the voices inside my head.

arkaib · Fantasy
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4 Chs

sunflower garden

"I am the most beautiful flower in this garden." The shiny, tiny, vibrant sunflower muttered while stretching its leaves from her stem. "Who dares to outshine me on this warm morning?" As she glorifies her beauty, a raven with a huge smile slowly appears in front of this garden.

"You are very outstanding," The raven closed its wings and bowed. "I am a raven that guards this garden. And why do you look so.." The raven looked at the sunflower from the ground up to its petals. "Unfamiliar?"

"I do not entertain dark, eerie, and uncanny creatures, like you." The sunflower avoided the gaze of the raven. It was very uncomfortable for the sunflower to deal with someone that signifies bad luck and death. 

The raven slowly spread its wings again. "That's not how you treat a bird that can fly in front of something that can't even catch me when I try to pick some of her friends and family.." The grinning raven bowed again. "I will repeat my words. I am a raven that guards this garden. Looks at you from afar while you are sleeping. Counting all of your petals and leaves, including your seeds. Why do you look so unfamiliar?"

"You symbolize death. And I signify happiness. We are not supposed to be talking, and mind your own business." The sunflower tried to act strong in front of the free raven that could easily pick her and grant her certain death.

"I am not here to draw a tension between your kind and our kind." The raven answered politely. "I am here to ask for a simple favor."

The confused sunflower looked at the grinning raven. "What kind of simple favor do you need from a shiny, beautiful sunflower? Say it now, I don't want to entertain a creature like you."

"I want your vibrance." Said the raven. "My color is black, and every place I visit, they only drive me away. They are afraid of my kind. They are not ready for a blackbird for I, a raven, signifies death and bad luck."

"How can I help you?" The sunflower looked at its environment. "We are all sunflowers here. I believe there's no way we can help you. Our kind is completely different. I am very sorry but I have to turn your favor down."

"Let me stay in this garden. Maybe the rays of the sun can transform me into something wanted, beautiful, and stunning like your kind."

The raven stayed in the sunflower garden for many, many years. 

As time goes by, the sunflower notices that she is enjoying the presence of this raven. Half of her heart is worried, for she knows the danger she is in from the start. She is constantly choosing to take a risk for the raven to change. She is hoping for a miracle to happen: that the raven will be as bright, beautiful, and stunning as she and her kind.

The raven loves the idea of being accepted by the sunflower. He knew from the start that there was no way for him to have the sunflower's vibrance. It's just that, he loves the attention he is receiving. 

Every morning, the raven is exposing its wings like how a sunflower spreads its leaves from its stem. The sunflower embraces the divine sun rays and glorifies herself each, and every day. But the sunflower can't help but question their situation. Is it possible for a raven to transform into a wanted, beautiful, and stunning kind? Some things cannot be changed, nor be altered.

The sunflower is secretly expecting that a miracle will happen because of her grace, vibrance, and beauty.

One day, the sunflower asked the raven. "Do you think you can transform yourself? You have stayed here in my garden for many, many years. And I don't see any changes. You are still a dark, eerie, and uncanny creature."

"Perhaps, I have to ask for your petals." The raven answered with a low, and serious tone. "Give me your petals, and I will use them as my new feather."

"That would equate to losing my beauty," The frightened sunflower made a big, bad mistake; letting a raven enter the garden. Their safe zone. The sunflower knew that the raven might hurt her in the future, but chose to deceive herself and wait for something that would never happen.

"You will give your petals to me. That includes every, single, sunflower in this garden. That is the only way I can transform myself. That is the only way you can give me your vibrance." The raven slowly walked into this poor, frightened sunflower. "Do you think you can help me change? No one can change someone."

"I don't understand," The frightened sunflower's last word before the raven picks her. The raven slowly removed her petals and stuck them to his wings. 

"Poor sunflower, easily fooled by a raven that doesn't want to change." The raven only wanted to look good, but never wanted to be a good creature.