

Compilation of short stories with unending questions, created by the voices inside my head.

arkaib · Fantasy
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4 Chs

column and beam

This story is between the column, beam, and the whole building.

It was a magnificent building, built in the center of a dark forest, with sophisticated details. It is a building filled with colors, decorations, sparkling lights, and vegetation that will take you to another dimension of beauty. It was a successful structure, and unimaginable. It shines and makes the forest magical.

The columns of the building are well-built, and computed precisely. So do the beams. They were committed to carrying the load and vowed to be the strength of this magnificent building. They are in love with each other's company and duties.

Until one day, the column asked for the beam. "Is it possible for us to switch positions?"

"How are we going to do that? We are technically one. It's just that I'm positioned horizontally." The beam answered, confused.

The column questioned their reality and asked itself. "Am I gonna stay like this, forever?" The column observed the structure of the building. "I'm the only one who is carrying all of these. Am I built just to be like this?"

Knowing that the beam and column are practically one, the beam heard all of those questions. "I am very sorry. I don't want to be a burden. I didn't mean to be placed this way for you to carry all of me. I am very sorry that I don't know how will I help you lift all of these." This saddens the beam. With this thought, self-hatred bloomed in both of them, unconsciously. They didn't mean to hurt each other. They are still in love, despite this thought.

"I am very sorry I made you feel that way," The column started. "I know I vowed. I vowed that I will carry you. That I will lift all of you. That I will protect this building we are in."

The beam smiled bitterly. "I understand."

"I asked for your trust, can you still remember?" The column asked with a tiny, and anxious smile. "I asked you to trust me, that I will be the one who will carry all of your worries. I asked you to trust me that I will never leave you in our building, our beautiful, colorful building."

The beam is confused with this sudden realization. "You are right." The beam looked into the forest they were in. "You told me to trust you. And I did. I did let you lift all of me, including my thoughts, worries, and the pressure."

The silence of the deep, dark forest hugged the environment of their building. It became cold, the lights were turned off, and the colors began to fade. Their building is now filled with nothing, but the air.

"Did I give you a hard time?" Asked the beam. The beam is scared and unready for the column's answer. "I want you to be honest with me. We are one, right?" The beam knew the answer. Their hearts beat as one. They know everything about each other, but there's only one thing they cannot control; their own emotions.

"It was too much for me to handle." The column whispered. "We were both built according to our needs. It's just that, the problem lies in me."

"If the problem is in you, then the problem is also in me." The beam answered with its courage. "I agree with you, we were built according to our needs, and capacity. No one is wrong for someone; we are just with someone who isn't willing to be our companion."

"I am very sorry that I asked for your trust." The breeze touched the column. "Now that you gave all of it to me, how are you going to help and lift yourself?"

The beam smiled while shedding a single, drop of its tear. "I trusted you. Now that I can no longer be alone, what am I supposed to do?" The beam gradually accepted the fact that their building would collapse once the column decided to detach itself in their commitment, in their vow. "I will set you free. But you are aware that we are going to be nothing after this, right?"

"And I'm fully aware, that this building, will also be gone, forever." The column slowly detached itself from the beam. The building crumbled, and both of them watched how their building was destroyed by themselves.

"I trusted you." Beam's last words.

"You are wonderful, and too much for me." Column uttered.