
Chapter 53: Heads of the enemies

Lord's manor,

As Yang Feng entered the lord's manor he noticed something and quickly drew out his sword and shouted '"Who is there??"

From shadows a figure appeared, Yang Feng sighed and said "Come out Ling tian"

The figure was Ling Tian, covered in blood and in his hands were the heads of humans.

Yang Feng glanced at the heads and asked: "Why have you brought them??"

Ling tian kneeled and replied "I have brought heads of your enemies my lord"

Yang Feng sighed and said "Don't bring the heads of humans it is quite disgusting and you did very well protecting the village. Do you want something as a reward"

Ling Tian saluted and asked "My lord I hope you can take me to battles"

Yang Feng sighed and replied, "I guess ok and send my little brother to me and how is he??"

Ling tian replied "Don't worry my lord he is doing quite well"

Yang Feng glared at the cold eyes of Ling tian and sighed, "Ok"

Ling tian nodded and left.

Yang Feng sighed and started to think about ideas to improve the village. He decided to create more farmland for more production of food units. Even though the village had more than fifteen thousand food units, Yang Feng wanted to store separate food units in case of emergency or long war.

Yang Feng started to send soldiers to scout further areas for any potential rivals.

In the end, more than ten villages were spotted but they didn't pose any threat unless they united or formed an alliance against him. Yang Feng now decided to stable the situation of the village and increase the training of the soldiers. The only reason Yang Feng was able to win those battles was that his own soldiers were well trained and well equipped while the enemy soldiers were poorly trained and less equipped.

Yang Feng summoned You Zhong and ordered him to train suitable soldiers on how to properly use shields and form a shield wall and how to use spears.

If shield walls and spears were properly used they could be very deadly in the battlefield. Shield walls could also be used to block cavalry charge and there were other reasons too so, Yang Feng wanted his soldiers to be able to form a shield wall.

The soldiers were intensely trained by Guang Fei and others. The soldiers were taught to be well disciplined and listen to their orders, if not they will be given harsh punishment. Yang Feng also noticed some of his soldiers advanced towards [Trained Soldier] rank. He was quite happy about it and congratulated them and encouraged them to work even harder.

Yang Feng thought for a while and summoned Guang Fai and ordered to create a schedule for training and turns for guarding the village. Yang Feng wanted to create sperate groups of soldiers to protect the village in their absence but they had little soldier so Yang Feng had to wait until they finally have enough soldiers.

Yang Feng had already gained enough territory, riches and others except for structures and soldiers. It would only a matter of time before he advances to the high-level village.

As Yang Feng was getting tired of working he noticed a presence. He immediately drew his sword and took his stand. He looked around and suddenly back pointing his sword to a black figure. Just as Yang Feng was about to strike him, the back figure shouted: "Brother don't attack it's me it's me". The black figure was Yang Faolan.

Yang Feng withdrew his sword and punched his head, "You bastard don't play hide and seek with me"

Yang Faolan cried in pain "How were you able to find me??"

Yang Feng sighed and said "Just because you learned some tricks doesn't mean you can me. So how are you??"

Yang Faolan said with little anger "I was fine until you hit me"

Yang Feng glanced at the bandage wrapped around his hand and laughed, "How is the training going on??"

Yang Faolan replied with little fear and excitement in his eyes "Very well, do you know uncle ling killed a huge bear with just one strike"

Yang fang showed no excitement "Don't worry you will soon be like him too"

Yang Faolan shook his head and said "How can I be like?? I will even be greater than him"