
Chaotic Night

Miss_Gracey · History
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7 Chs


It was a warning tinged with hostility, but Eunha just nodded her head. Right now, she decided to only think about the money she would earn, as it might be an opportunity to make 1,000 nyang at once. Just by looking at the amount of books the owner had brought earlier, she could tell she could earn at least 500 nyang. Of course, it would be exhausting and she might even get a nosebleed, but she could endure that much.

"I've come to introduce the jongisu, sir."

"Come in."

Eunha felt a shiver run down her spine from the cold yet languid voice that came from inside the door. Amidst the scent of camphorwood wafting from various places and the pungent smell of burnt tobacco mixed in between there was a deep musk underneath. Each time she turned the paper, which hadn't fully dried, she could accurately identify the scent she had smelled before.

Beyond the silently opened folding door, a gentle light flooded into the room, revealing the scene inside. A man, leaning on one knee on a silk cushion, looked straight at her with a soft smile playing on his lips.

Draped in an azure robe, which hadn't been touched by the brush, and adorned with a golden topknot cover upon his head, the man exuded an indescribable nobility. Those deep mysterious eyes, unlike the delicate lips tinged with the color similar to those of a woman, held a wildness akin to that of a beast.

Eunha took hesitant steps forward, feeling like prey. She tried not to show fear, but seeing behind the sword placed under the man's right hand filled her with dread.

She felt like stepping into a tiger's den of her own accord. Even if the incredibly handsome man before her were to transform into a beast and devour her on the spot, it wouldn't be surprising.

How could such a man be blind?

Eunha thought the bookstore owner had told a wicked lie. Seeing him staring at her so directly, she was certain he's not blind.

She stopped about ten paces away from him. As she attempted to kneel, the velvety voice she had heard earlier restrained her.

"Come closer."

Eunha, standing awkwardly, took a few more steps forward. Each time she did, the man chuckled, as if amused, urging her to come closer.

Finally, Eunha stopped a step forward and knelt on the ground, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"I can't go any further. If I get any closer, our knees will touch."

At her words, the man narrowed his eyes and leaned forward abruptly, bringing his face closer. Startled, Eunha held her breath as the man's hand touched her cheek.

"M-My lord."

"Oh, you're a female. A very young one at that."

"W-Well, whether I wear a skirt or pants, it won't affect the way I read."

The man's fingertips were calloused, but his palm was soft. His thumb brushed slowly over her lips, grazing against the firmness of her cheek. Eunha closed her eyes tightly at his exploratory touch.

"If you dislike me being a woman, I'll leave now."

"Who said I disliked it?"


"I've never said I disliked it, it's just fascinating, that's all. So, how old are you?"

"Eighteen... I'll be nineteen soon."


"I don't have one yet."

Only after answering all the questions did the man release her. Eunha, breathing heavily, leaned back as far as possible. She wanted to check if he could really see, but she was overcome with fear that she might faint if she tried.

The man is beautiful. Eunha pondered this even amidst her turmoil. Was it like seeing the dew clinging to the edges of fresh leaves early in the morning? Or perhaps like observing a piece of charcoal, with its red flesh exposed amidst the white ashes? She couldn't find a comparison, but the man's beauty seemed precarious, as if it might flicker out or wither away, strangely drawing her gaze despite her fear.

Remembering the warrior's advice not to ask questions, Eunha mulled over it delicately, waiting for the man to ask her some questions.

The man, lost in thought as he traced his own lips with the thumb that had recently touched Eunha's, eventually pointed to a shelf with one of his fingertips.

"Open that shelf there and fetch the book at the top," he instructed.

Eunha approached the shelf and fetched the book the man had mentioned.

It was a book with an unfamiliar cover, the title was read as "IL PRINCIPE". Feeling even more uncertain upon seeing the title, Eunha brought the book to the man's attention.

"I've brought it, sir."

"Read it."


"Don't make me repeat myself. Don't you need to confirm your usefulness before I determine your value?"

"Um, how should I read it? Would you like me to interpret the content, or just read it as it is?"

"Hmm, do both. It should be quite interesting."

Eunha could tell that the man was suspicious of her. Perhaps, he doubted whether she would read the text truthfully, taking advantage of his blindness to deceive him and simply pocket the money.

Eunha, steadying her breath, cautiously turned the pages of the book. The man's breath descended over her bowed head, settling on her as close as possible.

'Do I always have to read books from this close distance? Even though he's not deaf...'

"Niccolò Machiavelli's letter to the magnificent Lorenzo de' Medici."

As she tentatively began reciting the principles of princely rule, the man's gaze, looking down at her, started to gleam with a cool intensity.

Though initially startled by the unfamiliar arrangement of sentences, Eunha soon grasped their meaning accurately, this was no ordinary narrative or flowery prose she used to read.

As she continued to read, a satisfied smile crept onto the man's lips, his eyes towards her sparkled with profound interest.

"May it not be deemed presumptuous for someone of low birth and humble status to discuss the rule of princes and offer related guidance."

As she continued reading the text, her eyes, which were simultaneously deciphering the characters, began to tremble. The book was filled with intimidating words, sentences that shouldn't be uttered carelessly.

Eunha slowly lifted her head, her words trailing off. The man, who had lit his smoking-pipe in his mouth, raised one eyebrow as he looked at her.

"Not bad."

"I'm glad you liked it."

"Where did you learn to read?"

"I have a good teacher nearby."

"Well, then, shall we put a price on your voice?"

Eunha snapped to attention at the man's question, her eyes focused sharply.

This was her chance. If she let this slip by, she knew she would regret it for the rest of her life, listening to the taunts of missed opportunities. So, she seized the moment.

"I-I believe my voice is worth 1,000 nyang."

"Ha, 1,000 nyang?"

The man's response seemed not just indifferent but almost incredulous. Just as she was considering lowering the price to around 700 nyang, the man's finger touched the tip of her chin.


He smirked coolly as he tapped her chin.

"Double it. No, let's make it quadruple. But, you must read around thirty books. I'll give you part of the payment each time."


"But there's something you must remember before that."

Eunha swallowed nervously, nodding quickly. The lifeline from commoner to middle class was being extended by the man. Her hands trembled less, her vision cleared.

If the price quadrupled, it would be a significant amount of money, enough to rescue her sister from misery, find a good home, and even afford a small shop.

The man, who had been staring into her expectant dark eyes, suddenly wiped the smile off his face. Then, he lowered his head abruptly and whispered into Eunha's ear.

"I am the owner of your voice. You must always be by my side, ready and willing to speak whenever I desire... Can you do that?"


Earlier, as Eunha sat while reading her book, the man stared intently at the spot where she had been sitting. Smoke billowed from his lips like a storm cloud.

He turned the pages of the book lying on the floor with the smoking-pipe. It was a book he had already read and memorized to the point of wear and tear. He had only obtained a fresh copy because the old one was too worn out. As someone who had memorized the entire content, he knew the girl had not lied.

If she had dared to read and interpret the book falsely at that moment, he would have broken her neck.

A neck so fragile that seemed to snap with just one wrong twist.

Yet, she had still strived to read it correctly until the end.

"Sir, the jongisu has left."

When the chillingly smiling Jihak looked up, Yulje, who had entered silently, knelt at a distance.

"Yulje, it's time for you to spread the rumor. Say that Prince Seo Jihak has brought a jongisu home. It would be perfect if you can make them believe that he didn't even recognize that she was a man in disguise and innocently had her read a book."

"As you wish."

Jihak swung open the nearby window wide enough for his hand to reach. The stagnant smoke dissipated, brightening the view.

"Once that rumor spreads, even the emperor's loyalists will believe that I'm not blinded by ambition. They will come searching for that woman, who's ready to expose my weaknesses and flaws, and ready to squeeze her delicate neck. Oh, it will be delightful."

With those words, Jihak wore a cruel smile.

Wasn't her name Eunha?

The reason for choosing her, a small and fragile girl with a weak character trembling like a herbivore, was one and only one.

A bait.

A bait needed to be quick and clever in calculation, yet physically weak and easily killable. What would become of the bait once it had served its purpose and become worn out was not his concern. Of course, despite feeling reluctant to discard her beauty as mere trash, she was nothing more than a disposable tool.

Even if they died one by one, there was no need to care about the lowly bait. Yet, strangely, as he thought of those eyes, his mood became peculiar.

"Do you expect that girl to become a threat?"

Jihak, who had been casually gazing out the window, turned his gaze towards Yulje. Caught in the lord's ruthless gaze, Yulje trembled and bowed deeply.

"I spoke out of turn, my lord."

After flicking off the ash from his smoking-pipe, Jihak rose from his seat, standing over six feet tall with shoulders squared off at right angles, he looked down at Yulje with the countenance of the prince he had once been, overflowing with regal authority.

"Aren't you curious? Who will be the first to approach that girl? Will it be the Second Minister? Or perhaps the Imperial Delegate? Regardless of who it is, they will not be able to kill her. Since she has been promised to me, it is my duty to take her life myself. Isn't that right, Yulje?"