
Chaotic Levelling

You have died That should be a scary statement, right? Trust me, the terror has only begun. {Shut up. Don't ruin my surprise. They'll see} {I'll bring 11 unlucky souls and make them another chance at life. But this time, I call the shots} So here we go. Good luck. Oh, and try not to die... Again 11 people have been killed across different timelines. Without warning, they are transported to a world that exists beyond all timelines and the multiverse. On a planet that has only one of them throughout all of time, indigenous life is already more powerful than all other species across all timelines. These people are then forced to survive, all for the entertainment of the system, but it seems to have an ulterior motive, and no one may live to see the truth.

The1k · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: Accepting Chaos


I stare at the wooden ceiling as the moon sets and the jewel that is the sun rises in the corner of my eye. I haven't slept at all, and my mind is plagued with thoughts as to why I'm here and what could have happened to me. I can faintly remember speaking to someone, but as soon as I get close to even seeing their outline, my body will contort in pain. It's clear that person did something, but what?

I sigh and slowly get up from bed. I don't even remember my old life; I just know this isn't my face or body. That person seems to want me in character in this new life, so I don't have a sense of weirdness if I'm older or younger than the body I'm in. At the same time, I feel imbued with knowledge.

But what if my thoughts are cut off by a knock at the door and my dad enters since I didn't respond?

He wore a white casual button-down shirt with two buttons undone and black trousers. He seemed to be wearing red cufflinks to go with his hair, and due to his naturally cluttered appearance, I knew instantly they were going out but still asked anyway.

"Where to?" pointing at the clothes, he seemed taken aback for a moment, then said

"Me and your mother are going out for an important meeting."

He pauses and looks at me as though she expected me to react.

"At the guild..."

now staring at me intensely.

"You're not mad, are you, Sky?"

"No, I'm not; it's really fine. I'll return after school and go straight back home," I say, confused at his concern about my question.

"Ok...." he says; clearly, I have not been cleared of the allegations that are in his mind. There was now a deafening silence between us, as neither of us could do anything to say goodbye. A voice cuts through the silence.

"Sweetie, is our little sky awake?" My mom's voice is soothing to the ear.

"Mom, I'm up!" I reply happily,

There is silence before I see her appear at the doorway. Rushing towards me, she stops right in front of me, bends down, and reaches out a hand for me. She then stops, almost looking to ask for permission to touch me. It was the first time I had seen my mother's normally calm and cold eyes now filled with shaking hope. I lean my head forward into her hand, and it feels so nice and refreshing to the touch.

She withdraws suddenly after a few minutes, like waking from a daze, and then she turns to my dad with a face drained of color.

"We need to take her to a doctor NOW!" she says, urgency etched in her voice.

With speed almost faster than I can see fire burst out of my father's legs, somehow not burning the wooden floor, and my father picked me up simultaneously,

The bedroom wall opened itself to my surprise as if sensing the urgency, and my dad burst off the ground into the air with speed, using his arms to shield me from the air pressure. I look down to see my mom glowing with a blue aura and flying after us.

{Parents, am I right?}

I blink twice, then just decide to sleep right there while flying at God-knows-what speed. It's better to accept the chaos than fight it.

