
Chaotic Lands

In an era of chaos will Qiu be able to survive and fulfill his destiny, will what he do change the world, will he become the one standing at the peak.

InAu · Eastern
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20 Chs

Xueli's Encounters

As pair stayed in the cave, around the fire, with the light from the flames lighting up their faces, the pair can now clearly see each other's features.

Surprised to see Qiu, Xueli nudged back as a habit, as she saw the face of the pale demon clearly.

She does not know whether she should stay or leave, as she still can remember the time when Qiu lashed out on her and Teng, when Qiu could not take the mocking anymore.

But upon further thinking,she decided to stay with him as she really has no where else to go, and bo one else to rely on.

"So what happened to you." Qiu asked Xueli to break the ice in the cave.

Xueli let out a sigh of dispare after hearing the answer, within the few weeks many things had happened to change her life.

"I'm alone now, I I I don't have parents anymore," Xueli started crying after thinking about what has happened.

As Qiu calmed Xueli down, he finally understood what had happened to her and outside the woods.

When the uprising started, Xueli and her family had already left the city, as Teng had told them about the potential uprising happening having a court official father.

However, when they were making their way through the woods, to another city that they have relatives at to bring the in, they encountered bandits.

It was thought that the Scarf Bandits were gone, after their famous one sided fight against the Ivory Tiger Army five years ago.

Apparently they have been hading in the dessert, waiting for the right moment to come back out. The luckily for them their main target has ran right into their mouths, the 金(Jin) family, the riches family in the west and Xueli's family.

However, the Scarf's first work was not all that smooth, as the Jin family has hired quite a good number of Dao mercenaries to protect them.

But the Bandits also came prepared knowing that it is their chance to take back what is theirs.

The fight between the two forces were fierce, and during the battle Xueli's parents were able to sneak Xueli off to the side to hide.

As the fight continued, it became obvious that it was a stalemate, until when one of the bandits cam put from the shadows and grabbed hostage of Xueli's mother, asking the Jin family to stand down.

It can be said that when Lady Jin was captured, Mister Jin's will to fight had disappeared, he loved money, but he loved his wife more.

Mister Jin asked his hired mercenaries to stop what they are doing and asked the bandits for a negotiation.

"Negotiate, how dare you ask for a negotiation, was I able to negotiate when I sawy family died in front of me negotiate, Ha Ha Ha, Jin I bet you have never thought of this happening when you bribed that corrupted official did you."

"Ha Ha Ha, five years, five freaking years have I dreaded this day to come, to take my revenge on you, Wu and that corrupted official."

"Now the rest of you can leave, as you can see I have to say now, and he is not gonna be able to pay you when we take all these goods, come on leave, I don't want to kill some innocent person."

Having hear what the bandit said, the Dao mercenaries hesitated but eventually left, as they view their lives more valuable than money.

"Now what do I do with you two, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha..."

From this point Xueli closed her eyes and ears to avoid hearing or seeing what will happen.

The next thing she knew, was a pool of blood and the body of her parents stained with blood and throat slit off.

And the bandit has took away everything valuable that can be sold or used, leaving nothing behind.

She was devastated but did not dare to scream, just cried I silently, afraid that she will lure the bandits back, she is the only one left in her family and she can't let her family die with her.

She vowed to seek revenge on the bandits for the death on her parents and revenge on the mercenaries for their betrayal.

As Xueli was in her sorrows crying over the loss of her loved ones, there was a loud sound coming from the trees, and Xueli could see trees falling down.

Soon Xueli saw a gigantic boar charging towards her, it was probably lured there by the smell of the blood.

Without any hesitation, Xueli rush out of the way and into the woods and the rest of the story has been told, of how Qiu saved her.