
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

King, Successor, Fine, Executed and First BJ.

Inside a well lit room, a young man that has a sickly appearance, is currently resting on his bed. He looks absolutely miserable. Standing beside his bed, there are two young women and another man that resembles the one resting on the bed.

The one that is on his death bed is none other than the King of Zhcted, Viktor Arthur Volk Estes Tur Zhcted, also known as Viktor for short. He was a paranoid King, like most of his predecessors, he was always afraid of a rebellion from the Vanadis against the crown.

To stop this by any necessary means, he used Oemitsu's rising influence in the continent in his favour. He made sure that the Vanadis are all focused on the rising threat that is the Britannian empire, taking away their attention from the decaying prestige of the Royal Family.

In the end, he fell into madness, since Oemitsu would always ruin any type of plans that he had. Taking over the Babel fortress, destroying their navy, defeating the coalition army... all of this had a massive impact on the King's mental health. It also didn't help that he was poisoned.

"My King... it is time for you to formally declare your successor before the King of Zhcted title falls under the wrong individual, we need someone who is able to continue your crusade against the tyranny of the empire in the west."

The person who just spoke is woman with a tall and voluptuous body figure, with her enormous bust and slim, curvy waistline. This woman is none other than Valentina, who is using the King as her little puppet.

Meanwhile, the other woman was the newest Vanadis that replaced Sasha was standing beside her. Her name is Figneria Alshavin, also known as Fine, the successor of Sasha and the new owner of Bargren.

Fine is a beautiful woman who has long hair, with her front hair-bangs covering her left eye. She also has an average body built with a well-endowed bust size. In attire wise, Fine's clothing design is revealing and sophisticated. She has a black dress that almost expose her cleavage, which is wrapped by blue obi that surround her waist, as well her skirt which its cut almost reveals her legs until her hips.

One notable feature about her clothes is her sleeveless black cape with white feathery collar and the design of falcon sewed on her clothes vividly stood out.

She was standing right beside the scheming Valentina before she looked at the King.

"My king, I know that I haven't had the time to proclaim my loyalty to the monarchy, but unfortunately we have no time for such things. The empire is expanding rapidly, Sachstein has fallen and soon it will be our turn! Our only hope is to get a King immediately and preemptive strike them before they can attack us!"

While Fine´s mouth was screaming patriotic things, her mind was completely different. Unlike Valentina, who wants to be queen of Zhcted, Fine wants to create a militaristic nation. A nation that it is a militarised one focused on dominating other kingdoms, like Britannia.

Britannia is her dream personified. An empire that is focused on world domination.

When she was about to join the Britannian army, Bargren choose her, so she instead choose to ally herself with Valentina who promised her that she will aid her in her dream.

Valentina is only interested in the crown, with her help she will be able to create her own militaristic nation.

The King turned to the other man in the room, he looked at him in the eyes with his own being almost devoid of life.

"Are you sure that you can do this my son?"

The young man looked at his father's dying form and nodded with confidence.

"I promise you father, I will return Zhcted to it's former glory. As long as I live Britannia will not step foot inside our Royal Capital."

The dying King smiled at his words before he took a clear look at his own son. The one that he thought died years ago, now is standing proudly in front of him. His son saved him from depression, if it weren't for the news of his son being alive, he would have probably died by now.

The madness in the King's eyes decreased with the news of his new son and Valentina in the end got what she wanted.

"I, King Viktor Arthur Volk Estes Tur of Zhcted, hereby proclaim my eldest son Ruslan as the official heir to the throne, replacing his uncle Eugene Shevarin!"

The King announced and signed in his will that the crown of Zhcted shall be inherited by his eldest son Ruslan. The Vanadis bowed and swiftly left, leaving the King's son alone with his dying father.




As soon as they left the hall, Valentina was smiling, her ambition is close to being realised, however, before she could dream more, Fine brought her out of her little dream-like state.

"What should we do with the Vanadis that managed to return?"

Valentina put her hand on her cheek and smiled, like she was pretending to think what to do with them.

"You mean Mila, the Vanadis that let Olmutz fall to Muonizel and Olga, the one who was defeated two time in a row?"

Fine nodded.

"They are both waiting to in the western part of this castle for an audience with the King. One wants reinforcements to take back Olmutz and the other one wants to leave to go on her weird adventures. If we let them leave without meeting any of her demands they might join Oemitsu..."

Valentina nodded and this time her face turned serious, she did all this work to avoid becoming Oemitsu's little puppet.

"Fufufu... if they refuse to bow to the crown, then they must be executed for treason."

Valentina said as she laughed with her teasing smile while Fine understood the meaning behind those words.

They were going to be given a choise either they submit or die. The heir to the throne was already in their hands, they had his son as hostage. Now they must eliminate the previous heir and the two Vanadis that might join the previous heir against them.

Little did they know that this was all within Oemitsu's grasp. If they keep destabilising the Kingdom of Zhcted, then Britannia will have no choice but to send a peace keeping army to "enforce" peace.




Meanwhile, Oemitsu is having the time of his life, he is currently resting againstagainst a chair while a silver haired girl is between his legs and licking the dick that made her squeal in pleasure and say things that made her face burn after she remembered them.

"Mitsu... am I doing right?..."

After making a lot of slurp noises, Elen asked while she jacked him off.

"Hmm. You are. However, try not to scrape your teeth, it hurts a little when you do."

He told her before sighing because she began to roll her tongue around his tip.


She said before locking her lips around the head and slowly swallowing his cock, the way he instructed her.

The woman working hard to please him is Eleonora Viltaria, also known as Elen, she is also the main heroine of Madan no Ou no Vanadis.

She was supposed to end with Tigre as known by many, however, now she belongs to Oemitsu. Which only gives him more pleasure each time he thinks about it.

While it is her first time sucking him, she is getting the hang of it really quick.

The only thing that she has on her body is her red stockings and her boots. Letting her big breasts free for him to see.

"Like this."

Oemitsu looked at her crimson eyes and complimented her, because she nodded before trying to take all of him inside her throat, however, since it was her first time, her gag reflex acted against her will and made her cough a little before she took his dick out of her mouth.


She apologised again before Oemitsu shook his head.

"No problem. You'll get used to swallow it in not time at all."

He smiled at her, making her cheeks red before she began to suck him again. Her gag reflex had acted against her a few times by now, however, she liked to suck him, after all, she becomes happy when she is pleasing him.

While Oemitsu was having his time with her, Pakunoda suddenly entered inside his tent. Elen, who was surprised by such intrusion, pulled her head back and wanted to stop, however, Oemitsu had other ideas, so he grabbed her head and pushed it deeper.

"Don't stop, keep going. What news you have got Pakunoda?"

Pakunoda, completely unfazed, by the sight in front of her, reported.

"Zhcted's King is dead, his son Ruslan inherited the throne and there are been a purge on the nobles of Silesia. Courtesy of Valentina, now we have no ears and no eyes on the state of the city. What is our next step?"

This new shocked Eleonora so much that she almost bit Oemitsu's cock off. Oemitsu, in response, stopped her before she could do such a thing.

"Don't worry. Don't think about it anymore, I promise you I will protect Zhcted and it's population. Remember, now you belong to me, just think of me and nothing else."

Eleonora like she understood what he meant, continued on her work while Oemitsu petted her beautiful silver hair.

"Everything is progressing as planned. Have our army regroup with Ou Ki. He should have 80,000 men; with our 10,000 we will "liberate" Zhcted from it's oppressors."

Oemitsu said as pakunoda smiled and left. Oemitsu in turn, turned his eyes to the girl that was doing the effort of her life in pleasing him.

'Such a good woman.'

He thought as Elen's little tongue caressed the back of his cock. A few strands of her hair then fell on the side of her face, so he gently moved his hand and placed it behind her ear. When she felt his gentle touch, she looked at his eyes and made an effort push his dick in her throat.

When she felt that her gag reflex was going to activate, she closed her eyes and endured it while swallowing more and more of him. Little by little his cock was being burried in her slimy and viscous throat.

When she finally managed to swallow all of it, she opened her eyes and looked at him, ansious for hit praise.

When Oemitsu saw her wet, puppy-like eyes, he smiled before cleaning a few tears that were trickling down them.

"Good job, Elen."

After this, she took his dick out of her throat and coughed a lot. After doing this, she looked at his spit covered cock and blushed.

'What will you do now?'

Asking himself, Oemitsu was amused by her next decision, because she got up and turned around before she spread her ass. Then she aimed his cock on her entrance and in an swift motion, she burried all of him deep inside her dripping wet pussy.

'Good girl.'