
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Interruption, Death, Defeat and Exhaustion.

Oemitsu was interrupted by the main character of the show, Tigrevurmud Vorn. He actually had the balls to shoot him while he was finishing off Sasha.

Oemitsu then crushed the arrow on his hand and turned to face the one who dared interrupt him. It looks like he brought reinforcements, he brought with him 50 cavalry and Eleonora's friend, Limalisha.

"What is wrong Elen? Are you out of breath? The Eleonora I know wouldn't back down from an injury as simple as that!"

"Eleonora-sama get up! Your enemy is still standing, this is no time to rest!"

The words of encouragement from Lim and Tigre reawakened the flame inside Eleonora. She stood up, even with a spear stuck in her stomach, but through pure willpower, she managed to stand up.

Following her lead, Sasha and Ludmila also stood up. Ludmila managed to get her head out of the wall and she didn't look pretty after that...

Their actions of defiance only served to further enrage Oemitsu, who, in response, clawed the 50 cavalry man who were charging at him as if they were made out of butter.

"Penta-Chromatic String."

Tigre and Lim, feeling the danger, jumped off of their horses, this action saved their lifes. The buildings around the alley were all split in half by Oemitsu's strings. The same could be said for the cavalry man who charged at him, be it rider or horse, they were all split in many parts. The alley was quickly filled with limbs of both humans and horses.

Even with all the Vanadis standing, Oemitsu turned his sight to Tigre who interfered in his revenge.

Eleonora noticed this and tried to stop him, however, she could barely walk with a spear stuck in her stomach.

Tigre immediately fires multiple arrows that Oemitsu caught with his bare hands. Lim stood between him and Tigre, she had the resolution of defending him even at the cost of her own life.

"I am not going to let you!"

Sasha screamed as she propelled herself in Oemitsu's direction.

Oemitsu in response, sidestepped her, dodging her attack. Lim tried using this opportunity to stab him in the back, but his tail stopped her from doing such thing. His tail is so big that he can use it as a weapon.

"Ley Adnos!"

He heard Eleonora screaming and immediately turned his head to the side.

Oemitsu was greeted with a huge wind ball when he did this. While big, it lacked the strength to injure him. With his hands and tail busy he opened his wings and pushed Sasha back.


A huge burning string was connected to Oemitsu's hand. He used it like a whip, stopping the wind ball from coming close to him.

Oemitsu was fighting 4 people from 4 different places. In front of him there was Sasha, behind him Lim, Eleonora was on his side and Tigre was firing arrows like a machine gun fires bullets.

(Calm down. Use your rage... don't let it consume you. Rage is a weapon not something that should cloud your judgment.)

Nyar whispered while Oemitsu was busy dealing with 4 enemies at the same time. His eyes went all over the place and he immediately realised something.

(That is right, you are supposed to be fighting 5 people not 4. Ludmila went missing.)

Oemitsu knew that Ludmila was way too prideful to run away from battle. He immediately looked around trying to find her while dealing with her friends. She was not on his right, neither on his left, Sasha was covering his field of vision in front and He looked behind him and she wasn't there. Which means that she is above him.

As soon as he looked above he saw a blue Vanadis falling down upon in with a sword in hand. He used this to his advantage, moving as little as possible he dodged her attack and grabbed her hand. He threw her over his shoulder to Sasha, who had to stop her attacks to catch her fellow Vanadis.

Oemitsu took this opportunity to round kick Lim, sending her in Eleonora's direction. Eleonora, who was already extremely injured, couldn't do anything except get hit by a flying body.

Oemitsu noticed something when they were fighting, the war maidens shouldn't be able to fight. The Vanadis are all barely alive... Their injuries are almost claiming their lives and yet they keep getting up.

"You are the insolent brat that keeps getting in my way."

Oemitsu said as he dashed to Tigre, who couldn't even pull an arrow before he was kicked in the stomach. His reactions were decent, he placed his bow in front of his chest, saving him from certain death.

After getting kicked, he fell on the ground and Oemitsu formed an ice sword and placed his foot down on his chest.

Tigre tried to reach to his bow but Oemitsu's foot was keeping him in place. Not wanting to deal with this annoying brat anymore, Oemitsu was about to plunge his sword deep into Tigre's heart.

"Get away from the young master!"

An old man tried to stop Oemitsu from killing Tigre, what he got as retribution was a slash that split him half. The old man laying on the ground bleeding to death was Bertrand, Tigre's attendant and adviser.

"You bastard! I am gonna kill you!"

Tigre screamed as his bow glowed and an arrow made entirely of a weird dark energy formed. He pointed the arrow to Oemitsu, while Oemitsu brought down his sword on his heart.

Sasha and Ludmila who managed to fix themselves up jumped at Oemitsu.


The adjacent building turned into strings and blocked Sasha and Ludmila.

Tigre used this window to release his arrow, noticing this Oemitsu kicked his bow upwards making the arrow fly to the skies.

A huge explosion took place in the skies showing the power of that arrow.

(Oemitsu, that arrow contained Divine Powers... you know what that means don't you?)

'Somebody is interfering with my businesses. It doesn't matter who they will all face the same fate. The same fate as this foolish and naive character.'

Oemitsu's sword stabbed Tigre in the chest, it was lunged deep into his heart. Tigre tried to pull his bowstring, a foolish action that just enraged Oemitsu more and more.

"Even now as you draw your last breath, you continue to defy me? I tolerated your existence for far too long."

Oemitsu said as he brutally removed his sword from tigre's chest making him fall death on the ground. His blood painted the ground.


Eleonora screamed as she grabbed the spear stuck on her belly to keep it in place and dashed at Oemitsu.

"Elen! Don't, do not lose your mind just because of a man!"

It was too late, Eleonora used wind to propel herself in Oemitsu's direction. Seeing this, Oemitsu dodged her wind slash and blocked her sword with his ice sword. In retaliation, Oemitsu grabbed the spear that was still stuck on Eleonora's abdomen and ruthlessly rip it out of her.


Eleonora screamed as she fell on the ground, her blood pouring out from her belly like rain.




Sasha, Lim and Ludmila screamed as they saw Eleonora's body hit the floor. Enraged at their friend's fall they all dashed at Oemitsu.

"Hell Hounds."

Multiple hounds made entirely of lava rose up from the ground, stopping them on their tracks.

The hounds attacked anyone on sight, while they were weak they could regenerate and their attacks are lethal.

This deadly combination made the two Vanadis struggle dealing with such opponents.

Oemitsu did not stay idle while they were fighting the hounds, on the contrary, he activated his awakening and everything around him turned into strings. Oemitsu was about to attack but something stopped him.

'As I expected fighting for more than 7 hours, has it's drawbacks... using awakening, my Nen ability and Lucifuge Magic is draining my stamina. If I keeps pushing, I will die from exhaustion.'

Oemitsu pondered after he coughed heavy amounts of blood.

If his time is low then he will simply end this battle right now.

"Hunt and destroy any soul that tries to escape. Ad Infinitum, Cerberus!"

His arm turned black and miasma covered it almost like a glove, multiple skulls popped out of his arm.

Their expressions filled with regret and hatred. He lifted his arm and the skulls extended themselves in the direction of the two Vanadis and Lim who were busy fighting the hounds.

"What is going on?!"

Ludmila screamed as hands were grabbing her and pulling her down.

Seeing her friend in danger, Sasha tried to help her, however, when she looked away for a second the hound struck her, making her flew to the wall.

Meanwhile, the only one left, Lim, was a simple human that Oemitsu himself dealt with. He dashed at her and punched her with his free hand immediately blowing her away.

She lost consciousness with another blow to the head.

Oemitsu now turned his attention to Ludmila who was trying to fight off the souls that were pushing her down to hell.

"String Bullet."

Oemitsu fired 5 String Bullets that hit Ludmila in the chest, efficiently knocking her out for good. Now he turned his attention to Sasha that was barely conscious.

"It looks like we lost. Even with 3 Vanadis we ended up losing, what kind of monster are you?"

Oemitsu grabbed Ludmila's leg and dragged her with him in Sasha's direction. He eventually reached Sasha and glared her down. She was stuck to the wall with multiple bruises on her body, the biggest one is on her chest from when he kneed her.

"You made a grave mistake. You screwed with my woman..."

"Perhaps... still it was fun fighting you. What a shame there will not be a round 3, you can see it can't you? My Dragonic Tool has already choosen my sucessor. When I was hit by the hound, I felt that the connection I have with Bargren was cut off."

Oemitsu didn't say anything, he simply looked at his fallen enemy. This was were he realised, he has no equals, it doesn't matter how strong you are, he will surpass you with time. His enemies while many, none equal him.

It doesn't mean that he will lay down his guard, he will keep surpassing any type of enemies that may come to become a threat to him or his family. He knows that he is not perfect, he will make mistakes and that is when his family will step in...

"My disease is acting up, I know that I don't have much time... what a shame, we were destined to be opponents. If you were born on Zhcted's side maybe you could have been my husband... the way you cared for that girl, Machi was it? It was beautiful... it makes me sad that I didn't find a husband on my lifetime."

Sasha regretted in her last moments, however, to Oemitsu this didn't mean shit.

"You are talking like you are going to die. Your torment has just began, I will not let you die until I feel satisfied."

Oemitsu said as he kicked Sasha and knocked her out. He picked her up like Ludmila and carried her out of there. Now, the only one left was Eleonora, the barely alive Vanadis.

Well, to be exact all of them are barely alive. Oemitsu slowly walked to Eleonora.

"... I am sorry Tigre, I couldn't avenge you."

After coughing blood, dirtying her cherry lips, Eleonora grieved. Oemitsu closed his distance with Eleonora and whispered.

"I will give you your life back. Live for revenge, come after me and kill me. I will wait for you."

Oemitsu healed up her wound to the best of his abilities. While she would take a while to recover, it would still be enough to save her life.

Leaving a river of blood behind in that alley, Oemitsu turned his attention elsewhere.

As soon as he walked out of that alley his Nen ability ran out and he fell on one knee, dropping both Ludmila and Sasha on the ground.

"Not yet, I can't fall yet. I need to retake the city first..."