
Chaotic Existance

"In a world where magic intertwines with the delicate threads of reality, Lucian finds himself on the precipice of a destiny both extraordinary and perilous. Trained as a Sentinel, a guardian of the balance between the mundane and the supernatural, Lucian discovers a hidden truth—his existence is bound to a legacy of ancient beings. As Lucian navigates through the tumultuous currents of his chaotic powers, he unravels the layers of a conspiracy that stretches across realms. Arcane secrets, long-buried grudges, and a mysterious force known as 'Duality' emerge, challenging the very fabric of existence. This story propels Lucian into a cosmic struggle, revealing that his powers are key to maintaining or disrupting the delicate balance between worlds. As alliances shatter, and new threats emerge, Lucian grapples with his own identity and the destiny laid out for him. The lines between friend and foe blur, and in a world teetering on the edge of chaos, Lucian must confront the shadows that lurk within, and the ancient entities that seek to reshape reality itself. 'Chaotic Existence' invites readers to journey through a tapestry of magic, mystery, and malevolence—a tale where every revelation uncovers new questions, and the true extent of Lucian's power becomes the fulcrum upon which the fate of all existence balances."

KingOrochi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chaotic Existence Chapter 1

"In the heart of this sprawling city, where the bright lights dance upon the surface, I find myself entangled in a dance of shadows and brilliance. Life, it seems, is a masterful play of contradictions. A symphony of laughter intertwined with the haunting echoes of untold sorrows.

As I navigate the labyrinth of these streets, I've come to understand the essence of duality—a delicate balance between the blinding glamour that paints illusions and the raw, unfiltered truths lurking in the alleys. This world is a paradox, much like the journey I've embarked upon.

I stand at the crossroads of innocence and revelation, where the bright glow conceals as much as it reveals. The dichotomy of this existence mirrors the complexities within, forcing me to confront the shadows that linger beneath the surface.

Yet, in this city of illusions and revelations, I've chosen a different path. A path that embraces both the light and the dark, refusing to be confined by the expectations of others. I am the storyteller and the story, the protagonist of my own narrative.

Duality, it seems, is not just a concept to be understood but a force to be reckoned with. Will I succumb to the shadows or rise above them? The journey unfolds, and in the clash of contradictions, I find the rhythm of my existence—a rhythm that echoes the symphony of life itself."


"This isn't just about me or you; it's about everything in existence. The world is a beautiful place in certain aspects. While underneath lies the cold and dark truths that all humans have to face – themselves. I lived my life as a Sentinel… a 'Guardian for the weak,' some would say. To me, it was nothing but a means to an end. I needed power and I wanted freedom, so in a way, I sold my soul to the 'Gods' who claimed to be watching over us. Even though I had never seen them, I knew that there must have been something out there that made us… Humans couldn't have thought this way on their own without a little influence. Sadly, they were real. All the folk tales and stories you were told as a kid or read about were true – they were real. But not how you'd depict them. They were cruel, malicious, petty, deleterious, and just a bunch of two-faced cunts with nothing to do besides use all their 'believers' as pawns for more power. They were concepts in a way, only given life and power due to humans' thoughts and prayers. That too was a lie. They already had the power, but to wage war on one another would cause certain individuals to wake up, so they used us to wage their wars. WWI and II were just a ruse. They started it all."

"Who are you talking to, Lucian?" A boy standing behind me asked. Standing in the doorway, he was about five-eight, but he had a decent build. His voice sounded like a man who just hit a man, but he was a good person nonetheless. "No one, Vallen, just thinking out loud. What is it? Did you come to bother me again?" I asked.

"No, just came to tell you it's time for training. Roy sent me to come and get you since you skipped out on the last one. I had to make sure you came." Vallen replied with a smile as he walked in, grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of my room. "Ugh, why though? When it comes to magic theory and combat, I'm top of the class. I don't find it necessary to go if I already know I can pass the exam. You too, Vallen, you're also on par with me, so why are you so adamant about going when you don't need to either?" I asked still being dragged on my butt across the ground. "He was so generous to give me a free ride too. How nice."

"Well, like you said we're already at the top of the class, so why fight people who can't give me a challenge? It's only fair that you take this burden and run those hands. On top of that, there are some transfers. One is from the supporter department and the other, I don't know, I just heard a rumor that they're an Angel. I wonder if it's a girl. I hope she's pretty!" Vallen said with a weird smile on his face like he just smelled some freshly baked cookies.

"Great, more people. I just wanted to do something else, you know. So let me go, and I can just follow you to the training area." I said trying to make a smile. "Nope, you tried that before and then just vanished as soon as I blinked. Well, that time it was raining outside so I can't blame you for leaving, but you still never made it to training. This whole thing will be over soon; it's our last month, then we can go take the 'SCA' exams to become 'Sentinels.' That'll put me one step closer to my goal. I want to fight one of the "Trinity," the Sentinels who stand even higher than S ranks." Vallen replies with so much enthusiasm he starts to squeeze my arm too tight.

"You're hurting my arm now, please let go, and on that subject, you do know you'll probably have to fight the "Numbers" and the "12," right? The association being the cement that keeps all the guilds and other Sentinels on lock along with the "gifted" who aren't registered. The Numbers represent their power; one alone can take on some of the top Guildmasters by themselves. Let alone the 12; those aforementioned Guildmasters…they have powers still way too far outside the norm. So the "Trinity" will be stronger than them. Some can change the weather with their presence or reconstruct the environment around them. How are you going to fight that?" I asked.

"Don't know for real, all I can do right now is train. The more I train, the stronger I get, so I'll reach their levels sooner or later." He said finally letting me go with a determined smile and a look on his face. I get up, and brush some dust and dirt off my clothes, "And what exactly are you training? All I have seen you do is run around punching things with your fire and yelling "Die!" at the test dummies and even some other trainees. You should get your anger issues checked out; by the way, your emotional ass having the fire element is scary." I said faking a shiver.

"What, that was one time…two… ok but it's not anger issues; I just get really excited, yep." He said with his head high and eyes closed like he was the "Lion sin" or something. "Anyways, we're here, are you ready? You better not hold back if the angel is a girl; I gotta put on a show." Vallen said shadow boxing.

"Yeah, whatever, I don't even want to be here so let's just get this over with…actually wanna make a bet? If you can take my trainee badge off my chest, I'll do whatever you want no questions asked. But if I take yours, you'll have to do the same, deal?" I asked holding my hand out.

"Pfft, piece of cake. I've been working on my speed too so watch out; it might be over in a blink of an eye," Vallen said shaking my hand, then proceeded to run through the doors of the Training hall. "You're late Lucian; I had to hold class and send Vallen just to get you." A tall man said with a powerful voice, subtle but domineering He was pretty muscular and had no hair but a beard. He stood with a sense of power around him but underneath he was a kind person.

"Roy, I didn't even want to be here as you could tell. So why don't we skip this part and move on with the session." I yawned. Walking over near Vallen standing behind him and the group. "I just feel like he's going to pick me for some shit. Just to prove a point in front of everyone. It's not like he hasn't gotten on me before about skipping. What a pain."

"Yeah yeah, Anyway welcome everyone bright and early. I have a few announcements today so listen up. We have two new trainees here today, one from the support department and the other from abroad. Lilith and Nikolai please step forward and introduce yourselves." Roy said. The two people started to make their way to the podium. One was a girl about 5'5, Carmel skin, with green hair, and neat clothes monochrome green looked as though she ironed them before coming; she had her nails painted, but I couldn't see the pinpoint color – maybe red. She seemed a bit nervous going up there; her eyes kept looking at the crowd and then looking down quickly.

Then the other student was a boy, also on the shorter side, about five-nine. He wore red and black; his eyes shimmered gold and white, and his skin was the same as the girls. But he was different than her. "I mean, obviously, but like have you ever had "New Kid Syndrome"? Well, it's to be expected if you've moved and changed schools before. So I accepted it, but the only person who had any signs was the girl. He walked up confident, head high, hair flowing like there was wind in here, but there were no fans and no one using air magic at the moment. So where that shit came from, I have no idea. Then came the introductions… let's start with the girl because he…ugh."

"Hello, everyone, I'm Lilith; it's a pleasure to meet all of you. I'm from the support department and specialize in botanic manipulation magic. I hope we can get along well." She said in a soft voice, so soft and sweet it could have put me to sleep. She bowed her head and moved to the side to let…this dumbass speak.

"Hello, everyone, the name's Nikolai; I would say it's nice to meet you, but it's not. I don't want to be here but was forced to, so now I have to take the top spot so whoever it is, be prepared." As soon as he said that, he dropped the mic and walked off the podium. I could hear everyone whispering, talking about him and the top markers in class.

"Well, that was an introduction; you may rejoin the others, Lilith, thank you." He said, helping her down off the podium. "Next, the exam has been pushed up; instead of it being in 2 months, it has been moved to the beginning of next month. So this will be your last month here before your exam. Please spend your time wisely. Lastly, today's training will consist of match battles. Each of you will be shuffled randomly and placed against each other; everyone must have a total of 3 wins to be considered done today. The rules are: If you step out of bounds, you are out, no lethal attacks, only duds or low-power attacks, and those who don't meet the requirements are disqualified from this week's tournament. Does everyone understand? Are there any questions?" Roy asked, scanning the group.

"Sir, why was the exam date moved up? We were supposed to be allowed 6 months for the exam. We were supposed to be done with training by May and take the exam in June, but now we have to take it in May, leaving April our last month. Even though the month just started, it doesn't make sense." As soon as I heard the voice, I sighed; Vallen was the only person who'd ask any questions.

"I understand what you mean, but the reasons are even withheld from us. We just have to relay the message. So please do understand and just try and make the most of your training this month. If that's everything, I will start the randomizer." Roy said as a holo-screen behind him appeared with all our names on it; then it started shuffling slowly revealing the matchups in the first round. Vallen was paired up against some guy I didn't care about, and then the new girl Lilith was paired up against Nico. "I know what you're thinking; don't ask."

The other dude Nikolai was paired against tragically me. "Ugh, I can just feel rigging; he just keeps hitting the jackpot with these randomizers. He must have that skill that I read about that "Idol Gamble" or whatever; all I know is he keeps setting me up.

"Now that everyone has their match-up, please exit to the stands and wait for your time, or you can head to the other training hall if you would like when it's your turn; it'll be announced on the speakers. Vallen and Damien, please head to the center." Roy said walking to the sides of the arena.

"I would give you a nice impactful commentary for the fight, but…it didn't even last that long. Vallen did a flurry of punches and kicks, then shot a firehameha, and that was it, and yes, that's what he said when he charged it…that's it."

The next few fights weren't that great either. There were a few normal elementalists and some special ones. Elementalists are people whose magic is more rooted in the elements of nature. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air, and throughout the generations and time, there have been mutations. Some believe it is the process of two elements coming together that triggers a mutation. Then with each year, the power gap gets wider and wider. The vast amounts of elements and specials that appeared were crazy. Metal, Lightning, Space, Light, Darkness, etc. all are considered mutations. Others have different power sets but those are rare, like summoners, necromancers, and spirit masters are rare classes. The "Gods" also blessed people with their divinity allowing access to holy or divine magic. These are mainly accessible by the followers of their respective gods or the people whom the gods blessed at birth.

Those said special elementalists "I'm going to refer to them as mutations" were Lightning, Light, and a psychic. I've dealt with a few of those before; me and lightning users aren't the best match-up, light magic users' attacks are more on the weaker side unless they're buffed with holy or divine magic so they prioritize speed which is easy for me to deal with, and psychics don't affect me. I don't know when, but I developed a resistance to mental attacks. So unless you're like an A rank or a B rank or higher, it's not working on me.

Then Lilith and Nico's fight was about to start; this one was a good fight I didn't expect. "Nico, it's nice to meet you; I hope I can put up a good match for you." She said bowing again at Nico. "No need to bow; hold your head high and thanks likewise. I hope I can put on a good show as well." He said then turned his head in my direction and then back again. "I don't like him Lu something about him seems cold," Vallen said as he sat down next to me.

"I know; you tell me that all the time. Did you enjoy your fight? Looked like you almost broke a sweat. I said sarcastically laughing. "See what I was saying, there's not a lot of people here that can spar with me on equal footing. I don't plan on pulling my punches either." He replied.

The clash between Nico and Lilith unfolded with an air of intensity, the two magic users weaving their distinct abilities into a mesmerizing dance of elemental prowess.

As the match commenced, Lilith initiated the engagement with a flourish of her botanical manipulation. Vines emerged from the ground, a verdant cascade that dipped into the earth, creating a protective cradle around her. This organic barrier, akin to a fortress of nature, signaled her defensive strategy.

Nico, undeterred, bent down and made contact with the ground. With a seemingly effortless gesture, the earth beneath him transformed into an ominous black void. The vine trail connecting Lilith to her protective cradle began to wither away, succumbing to Nico's ominous influence. The very ground seemed to respond to his command, setting the stage for the unfolding confrontation.

Closing the distance with agile grace, Nico skillfully navigated the barrage of drill-shaped rock projectiles unleashed by Lilith. The air crackled with the energy of their conflicting elements as Nico danced through the onslaught, an elusive figure amid a botanical storm.

In a swift sequence, Nico closed in on Lilith, delivering a series of three powerful punches to her gut. The impact lifted her into the air, the collision of forces creating a momentary suspension before gravity reclaimed its hold. Twisting mid-air, Lilith exhibited a degree of agility that defied the laws of physics, raising a defensive guard against Nico's impending assault.

Unfazed, Nico executed a heel kick with precision, striking Lilith squarely and sending her hurtling toward the ground. The impact echoed through the arena, a testament to the potency of their respective abilities.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the dust settled, revealing Lilith on the ground, As the dust settled, Lilith stirred on the ground, displaying resilience in the face of Nico's formidable assault. The botanical tendrils that had served as her protective cradle slowly reemerged, weaving themselves into an intricate dance of renewal and regeneration. Nature responded to her innate command, mending the damage inflicted upon her defensive barrier with a grace that hinted at the depths of her botanical manipulation.

Nico, standing a few paces away, maintained a stoic demeanor. His dark aura lingered, a testament to the enigmatic influence he wielded over the elements. The unsettling ambiance that surrounded him resonated with an otherworldly power that left the spectators in the arena holding their breath, captivated by the mysterious aura emanating from the skilled combatant.

Sensing a shift in the atmosphere, Lilith gracefully rose from the ground. Her green eyes, filled with determination, met Nico's gaze with an unwavering focus. Despite the visible signs of exertion, a subtle smile played on her lips, betraying a resilient spirit unyielding in the face of adversity.

The arena remained hushed, anticipation hanging in the air like a tangible force. It was a moment frozen in time, the culmination of a fierce battle that had showcased the clash of two formidable elemental forces. The spectators, spellbound by the spectacle before them, awaited the next turn of events.

In an instant, Nico blurred into motion, a phantom in the arena. His speed was unparalleled as he closed the distance between them with almost supernatural agility. Lilith, caught off guard by the sudden burst of movement, attempted to summon her botanical defenses once more. However, before her verdant fortress could fully materialize, Nico's hand found its mark.

A series of precise strikes unfolded in a blur of motion. Nico's hand-to-hand combat skills proved to be a force to be reckoned with. His strikes were calculated, a testament to the mastery he possessed over his physical abilities. Lilith, despite her resilience, found herself at a disadvantage against the onslaught.

The final blow landed, and Lilith was knocked hard into the ground causing dust to stir making it hard to see.

A cloud of dust kicked up making it hard to see what was going on. There was something I could feel though and not just me but Vallen as well. It was like a sudden switch in the ground. It felt off and different like something evil woke up. But before the feeling intensified, the cloud of smoke started to get sucked in by something. All we saw was the smoke converging at one point…it was Nico. He made a black sphere that just sucked in all the smoke. At the same time, Lilith lay on the ground out cold.

"I know it was a fast fight but what the hell was that? That didn't feel good…more malevolent…dark. Was it Nico?" I asked Vallen. He didn't look at me but stared at Nico with rage across his face. "Of course it was I tried to tell you, didn't I? Plus he has rumors going around about Nico that he's the child of the "damned" some of the beings of the dead and lost. He's evil incarnate…" Vallen said getting up and running out the door making his way to the arena. 

"I don't know though that didn't feel like his aether being used. Aether is the core energy of life everyone and things have aether in their bodies including all the plants. Over the years I started to be able to tell the difference between everyone's aether. Depending on the person you can feel their emotions in their powers. Nico's aether did feel cold and dark but also was void of emotion or anything at the same time. The power I just felt was new it was a mixture of hatred and pain. I don't think that girl Lilith is normal…" I said under my breath getting up and walking after Vallen. 

"What the hell Nico! What was that you just did to her? I know you did something." Vallen screamed running to Lilith. "I didn't do anything to her but whatever I'm out," Nico said walking away.

"Like hell you are!" Vallen yelled shooting a blast of fire at him. Before it hit Nico water covered the ground around him and Nico, making a wall behind Nico blocking the blast, then surrounded Vallen separating him from Lilith. 

"Relax my guy you're making the room too hot. Cool off," I said letting the water collapse on top of Vallen. "What you on his side he did something to her you felt it too!" Vallen stood up steaming, the water on him started to dry off. "No, not entirely you just ran in without thinking as per usual. Look at the girl over there and tell me what you feel." I said.

Vallen turns to her and then steps back. "See I didn't do anything, you idiot. I don't know what you felt but that wasn't me. I used my magic twice so whatever you were feeling-." Nico stopped mid-sentence, Vines cascaded across the ground covering everything in a canopy of vines with I think little rose buds sprouting. I immediately felt a chill down my spine.

"Vallen get ready I don't think she's done. Nico could you help please she and I aren't the best match-up." I asked getting into a fighting stance. "Sure but you'll owe me later." He said also getting prepared. "Vallen you're taking the lead on this one, thanks," I said. "What for, let him take the lead I don't want to." He said crossing his arms and pouting. 

I shot tiny ice pellets at the back of his head. "Your fire she's plants think and get ready she's coming." I looked over at where her body was as a cocoon of vines parted and she stepped out. That feeling I had was definitely from her but I didn't feel it earlier. 

"Ahh, it feels nice to walk free again." She said stretching, her clothes had changed colors from greens to reds, and her nails did the same from red to green, I didn't even notice her eyes were also two different colors. "What do you mean you were just fighting earlier?" I asked her. 

"Shhh I'm trying to enjoy it while I can… Lilith has always been uptight and shy so I have to help her out sometimes." She replied. Now that I'm thinking about it why hasn't Roy intervened? "This is technically going against the rules." I looked over to find Roy to see him just standing there smiling at me. 

"So you knew this was going to happen, great so now what." As Lilith walked closer the cocoon started to go back into the ground. "Hey, you water boy and fire kid listen, I feel like I should tell you this. We are the same so be prepared Lilith experienced her's early hence why I'm here but you guys still seem so oblivious. Well, she is too in a way but I could tell that you guys and us are the same. I'm sure it's almost time for you to wake up so I'll wait till then to fight you, kk?" She said with a smile then said Lilith's name and something else I couldn't catch and the vines retracted back around Lilith and she went back to what she was like before. 

 "Alright everyone are you guys ready? On the count of three you may begin, 1…2…3!" Roy shouted. 

As Nikolai blitzed towards me, the wind at his command created a vortex, swirling dust and debris into the air. His movements were quick and agile, a testament to his proficiency in wind magic. I could sense an additional layer to his abilities, something elusive beneath the surface.

With a nonchalant demeanor, I slid my hands into my pockets, a wave of apathy washing over me. Stomping the ground, I summoned a cascade of water, creating a barrier in front of me. Anticipating his next move, I propelled myself into the air. In response, Nikolai conjured a cyclone, cutting through the watery wave, and charged at me with a wind blade swirling around his flattened hand.

His invisible form added an intriguing twist to the battle. "How does that invisibility work?" I inquired, manifesting a protective layer of water around my body, prepared to weather his assault. Nikolai chuckled, cryptically responding, "If you can beat me, I might just tell you."

Activating my blood aether, I heightened my reflexes and cognitive functions, aiming to outpace his unseen maneuvers. Even though my senses couldn't detect his invisible form, I relied on the sound of his heartbeat as a guide. "Cascade endless waves," I declared, creating eight towering pillars of water surrounding me. The torrents were unleashed, covering the arena in a watery deluge. Landing gracefully on the water's surface, I focused on the subtle disturbances in the aether particles, sensing Nikolai's imminent move.

Mockingly, Nikolai proclaimed, "You may hear me, but can you react faster than me?" Dive-bombing from above, he caught me off guard, freezing my movements. It felt as though an immense force had seized me, leaving me momentarily paralyzed. "Sit tight; this will be over in a second," he declared confidently, preparing to deliver a devastating blow.

However, my apparent vulnerability was a ruse. With a swift movement, I reappeared behind him, aether concentrated in my limbs to enhance my strength. "You had one thing wrong," I quipped, initiating a relentless barrage. Freezing the water around his feet, I trapped him in icy chains. Recognizing the shifting tide, he responded, "Fine, I see you're finally taking this seriously."

In retaliation, Nikolai unleashed the full force of his wind magic, propelling me backward. Utilizing the water around him, he formed hurricanes that converged, launching me skyward, In response to his aggressive onslaught, I manipulated the water beneath me, propelling myself upward and landing atop a swirling hurricane. Ice shards materialized within the vortex, shooting out at Nikolai like crystalline projectiles. Simultaneously, tendrils of water snaked towards him, aiming to ensnare and restrict his movements.

"Cyclone Shield!" Nikolai's voice cut through the chaos as a rapid sphere of wind enveloped him. The shield effortlessly deflected the incoming ice shards, rendering my aquatic tendrils useless. With a swift decision, I dispersed the tendrils, allowing the hurricane to redistribute the water across the battlefield.

Seizing the opportunity, Nikolai launched his counteroffensive. "Zephyr Lance!" he bellowed, conjuring six compressed air lances that streaked toward me. Evading the first two with agile maneuvers, I managed to sidestep the third and fourth, but the fifth grazed my arm. The sixth, however, found its mark, slamming into my back and propelling me to the ground.

Undeterred, I swiftly rose to my feet, the surge of water coursing through my veins. Initiating a flurry of enhanced physical abilities, I engaged my opponent once more. "Surge Rush, Rapid Flood, and Calm Current!" The combined augmentation heightened my speed, endurance, and mental focus.

"Ripple Step," I blitzed across the battlefield, leaving disruptive ripples in my wake. The onslaught continued as I closed in on Nikolai, the precision of each punch creating ripples on his body. The disorienting assault culminated with a series of three rapid strikes—stomach, chest, and a final devastating blow to the chin.

Nikolai staggered backward, his defenses shattered. With a grace born of determination, I turned away from the fallen opponent, walking towards the exit. The water, once scattered across the arena, obediently retracted to my feet. Bursting into a fine mist, it sprinkled the air, marking the conclusion of the battle.

"Congratulations Lucian like always, since you put on a good show I'll excuse you for the session today but continue your private training I see it's paying off. Oh and don't forget to stop by my office with Vallen later it's important." Roy said while again ushering the paramedics in. 

"Yeah yeah I heard you the first time I doubt I had an option anyways you'll just have Vallen drag me anyways," I replied walking out of the training arena. "Geesh now I'm hungry…I guess me and Val are gonna have to do a rain check on that bet." 

I began to make my way to the entrance of the SCA the place wasn't anything glamorous. It was like one of the most high-tech state-of-the-art facilities where most of the main government officials worked. Chairman Orion Everheart was one of the top S rankers he's also one of the "Numbers" but he mainly stays behind the desk. It has the same old grey or black on the outside with a white and grey interior depending on the department changes. There are three departments in the SCA "Support Dp, Defence Dp, and Striker Dp." "Oh and just in case I didn't tell you the SCA stands for "Sentenial Corps Association" just for clarification"

The trainees here are signing up to be a part of one of those teams and obviously, I'm applying for the Striker Dp. The SCA was founded to register people to become "Sentinels" people who combat monsters called "Chaos Beasts." Where they came from no one knows but the "Gods" came and blessed everyone and everything with aether. Aether stones are stones that have been exposed to high amounts of aether for long periods and begin to absorb and take on the properties of the aether absorbed. Raw aether has no distinct element but has unmatched clean energy that humans have been able to find and utilize. Thanks to science so much of the economy has been advancing for better or worse. Then some stones have elemental properties, those can be used as energy sources but are a little more volatile so given to smiths who know how to use the stones and you can have some nice gear and weapons. Beasts cores and by-products are also accepted since they hold valuable materials that can be used in various ways. Beast cores, in particular, are crucial components for crafting advanced weaponry, enhancing a Sentinel's combat capabilities. These materials, combined with aether-infused technology, have led to the creation of powerful and specialized equipment that aids Sentinels in their mission to combat Chaos Beasts.

Furthermore, the study of Chaos Beasts and their origins has become a focal point for the scientific community, seeking to unravel the mysteries surrounding their existence. I find the beasts to be pretty cool in my opinion in their ways they all have their little gimmicks. Grant it killing them is a must since some aren't friendly they are quite fascinating. "I have seen some up close before but back then those weren't the best times for me luckily whenever I came into contact with some monsters they didn't attack me or anything some even aided me so I have a good impression of some of them."

Walking out of the SCA into the bright city New Nexus City was very active like always. "The city that never sleeps I guess they really do take that literally the more I see it. What to eat hmmm, maybe some ramen, pizza, no burritos, or maybe a sub…yea a sub that sounds about right." I said making my way down the street the SCA was in the center of the city and everything around it was a hotspot or attraction. 

New Nexus City, a bustling metropolis of towering skyscrapers and endless energy, stands as a beacon of innovation. The skyline is adorned with a symphony of architectural marvels, where glass and steel structures reach toward the heavens, reflecting the pulse of the city below. A network of streets, avenues, and boulevards weaves through the city, a testament to meticulous urban planning that keeps the city perpetually in motion.

At the heart of New Nexus City lies Nexus Square, a bustling intersection where the convergence of cultures is palpable. The square is surrounded by theaters, restaurants, and neon-lit billboards that illuminate the night with a kaleidoscope of colors. 

Province Park, a sprawling oasis amidst the concrete jungle, offers a respite from the urban hustle. Its green expanses, tranquil lakes, and winding paths provide a haven for both locals and visitors seeking a moment of serenity amid the urban chaos.

Plus my favorite bodega was close so that's where I'm gonna eat. I'm picky so I only have a few spots where I get my subs because not everyone knows how to make it with care. I walked through the busy streets but because there were so many people I decided to dip into an alley and scaled the small building landing on the roof. "It would have died starving if I walked through them. Surge Rush, I darted off in the direction of the store jumping from building to building I made it there way faster. 

The aroma of freshly baked bread and a medley of spices wafted through the air as I approached the small eatery.

Pushing open the door, I was greeted by the familiar chime of a bell and the inviting warmth of the bodega. The owner, Shaka, stood behind the counter, his friendly smile welcoming me. Shaka was more than just a shopkeeper; he was a friend, a reliable confidant in this bustling city.

"Hey, Lucian! The usual?" Shaka called out, already reaching for the ingredients to prepare my preferred sub. We had developed a ritual over time – a dance of sandwich creation that spoke volumes about our camaraderie.

"Of course, Shaka. You know how I like it – extra mayo and don't forget the pickles," I replied with a grin, taking a seat at the small counter.

As Shaka skillfully assembled my sandwich, we chatted about the day's events, the latest happenings in the city, and the occasional funny anecdote.

With the sub neatly wrapped and handed over, Shaka waved me off with a hearty, "Take care, Lucian!" 

Satisfied with the delectable creation from Shaka's bodega, I exited onto the bustling streets of New Nexus City, sub in hand. The savory aroma of the sandwich teased my senses as I weaved through the crowds, each step bringing me closer to my chosen retreat.

Finding a quiet alley nearby, I took a shortcut through the narrow passages and scaled a fire escape, reaching the roof of a nondescript building. The panoramic view of the city sprawled out before me, the towering skyscrapers creating a breathtaking skyline against the canvas of the setting sun.

Perching on the edge of the building, I unwrapped the sub and took a satisfying bite. The flavors exploded in my mouth – a perfect combination of ingredients that Shaka never failed to deliver. The city noises faded into the background as I enjoyed my meal, the solitude of the rooftop providing a momentary escape.

The sub was now eaten and the sun dipping below the horizon, I made my way to my hideout atop a random tall building, an urban sanctuary that offered both seclusion and a breathtaking view of New Nexus City. The distant hum of the city below served as a soothing soundtrack as I settled into a comfortable spot.

With my headphones on, I immersed myself in music, the rhythmic beats drowning out the urban symphony. The city lights flickered, transforming the landscape into a mesmerizing sea of colors. Lost in the music and the ambient glow of the city, I let the chaos of the day dissipate.

Just as I was getting lost in the melodies, my phone buzzed with an incoming call. Glancing at the screen, I saw Vallen's name flashing. Answering the call, I was met with urgency in his voice.

"Lucian, Roy wants to see us in his office. Something important," Vallen conveyed, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Finishing the call, I gathered my thoughts, and the tranquil rooftop was suddenly disturbed. Tucking the phone into my pocket, I leaped off the building, using my water manipulation to create a cushioning water layer as I descended gracefully to the city below heading back to the SCA.

Once I got back to the building I made my way to Roy's office. When I got there I saw Vallen standing outside the door he seemed a little bit nervous probably due to what happened earlier. "Hey Val you need to relax I can feel your nerves from over here. Let's head inside okay?" I said yawning and scratching the back of my head. 

"What do you think we did? Or did you do something again and roped me in somehow? Well, I don't think you'd do that though you're too honest for that. So do you think something bad happened?" Vallen went down a spiral and I could do nothing…but laugh. Punching him lightly in the head I walked into the office with him following after. "Roy we're here what do you want I have better things to do," I yawned.

"I know how you are so sit I'll make this fast would you like to earn your licenses early?" He spoke with a serious and stern expression. "W-what do you mean? How can we do that I thought we needed to take the exam?" I replied. 

"There has been a sudden spike in beasts recently and along with the tower and dungeons, there has been a new sudden appearance of portals or "Gates" that have new types of monsters and they are even more powerful than what we've been facing in the dungeons we can't speak on the tower since we haven't even made it past floor 55. I'm sure you know what these places are right? The dungeons are where we get the aether stones and other mineral resources along with the monsters there some of these are tied to labyrinths which makes them dangerous to explore alone. The Tower is where all the Sentinels go to test their power and challenge themselves but also holds the most secrets believed that floor 100 will lead to the gods. But these gates are leading to what seems like other planes or worlds maybe. The exam was pushed up to hurry new Strikers to the fields and gain experience so we can combat these new threats," Roy started to show us a holo screen with the current documents on of the gates that they have so far which wasn't much."

"They have one on watch at the moment but the aether energy keeps rising. We've been sending people in but they haven't returned. We're worried also due to the prophecy from the Saintess it foretold an upcoming event that will awaken the "Eternal Beasts" as she referred to them. This being isn't the only one either there are three more that will awaken "The Sunforged", "Twilight Mother", and "The Arch Zepher", but there's one more but this one is apparently on par with the "Eternal Beasts" being "The Void Seraph". "

"The prophecy states that when the celestial bodies align in a rare cosmic convergence, a gateway to realms beyond will open. This astral alignment will serve as the catalyst for the awakening of the "Eternal Beasts," ancient entities whose power transcends mortal comprehension. Each beast, embodying a fundamental force of creation, will rise from its aeon-long slumber."

"The Sunforged," radiant and fierce, shall herald the dawn of a new era, wielding the scorching might of solar flames. "Twilight Mother," mysterious and enigmatic, will weave into a delicate dance, casting an ethereal veil across the world. "The Arch Zephyr," master of tempests, will command the winds and storms, a force of untamed nature.

Amidst these awakened forces, however, looms the ominous presence of "The Void Seraph." Cloaked in the abyssal embrace of nothingness, this enigmatic being stands as an equal to the "Eternal Beasts," embodying the primal essence of the void. The prophecy forewarns that its awakening will unleash a cosmic reckoning, where the balance between creation and oblivion will be tested.

As Sentinels, you are tasked with navigating these tumultuous times, delving into the mysterious Gates to confront the emerging threats and unlock the latent potential within yourselves. The fate of our world hinges on your ability to face the impending cosmic convergence and emerge victorious against the awakening forces that seek to reshape reality itself."

"Now I'm not saying you'll have to fight these powerful monsters immediately but other Sentinels and I will be leading an expedition through the gate in a week on April 13. There will be two S ranks, seven A ranks, and ten B ranks. I will personally give you the Aether evaluation test and issue you your licenses along with a few other trainees due to the potential and power you guys displayed. So I said all this to give you the info and also ask if you would like to join the raid?" Roy asked still holding the stern expression. 

That was a shit tone of information but I also can tell the urgency. I looked over at Vallen who met my eyes but he looked like he already made up his mind. Then that left me with no choice either. "We'll do it, and I take it the others are the top people in the trainees?" I replied.

"Yes along with the two new transfers. Only because they were sent here for that purpose, to begin with. That was the stipulation set by their separate parties. But I haven't yet spoken to the last one but everyone said they'd join," Rpy replied. 

"So is that all because I now need time to analyze this information along with sleep," I asked stretching. "One more thing this is for you Lucian because I know you probably don't care which is why you didn't say anything about the date but-," "Drop it," I cut him off silencing the room. 

"I see then that is all you may leave," Roy said looking away. I get u and leave with Vallen following the walk was silent nothing but the echo of our footsteps down the hall. I was walking ahead of Vallen but I could feel him looking at me. 

After leaving the office, I was stuck mentally. That was a lot to process in a little bit of time. The gates appearing weren't new news to me since I heard about it through eavesdropping in on conversations. There has also been an increase in high-ranked Chaos Beasts. So that along with the gates can't be good.

"Shit, I know I said I would go, but that's only to look after Vallen. He's way too stubborn and hard-headed to listen to anyone. I don't even know how I was able to get through to him," I chuckled.

As Vallen walked beside me, I couldn't shake the feeling that something didn't add up. "Then the people that were going... something doesn't feel right. This all seems too convenient, plus who were the people who sent them? For them to specifically want to send them into this gate. Out of all the ones popping up all over, why this one? We have enough manpower here, so I don't understand."

A sense of unease settled in my gut. The urgency in Roy's voice, the mysterious new transfers, and the peculiar alignment of events created a tapestry of uncertainty. I had learned to trust my instincts, and they were tingling with a warning that went beyond the imminent threats the Gates presented.

The more I pondered, the more a subtle feeling of being played emerged. Roy, for all his seriousness, seemed to be holding back details. His cryptic words about the awakening "Eternal Beasts" and the cosmic convergence felt like puzzle pieces deliberately left incomplete.

"Whatever game is being played here, I need to be a step ahead. Vallen is involved now, and I can't let anything happen to him. These Gates might be the least of our concerns," I thought, my mind already strategizing, preparing for the uncertainties that lay ahead. 

As we continued through the dimly lit corridors of the SCA building, I felt a looming shadow of uncertainty cast over our impending mission. The weight of responsibility settled on my shoulders, and with each step, I delved deeper into thought, what awaited us went far beyond the presence of gates and new and stronger monsters there was something else. 

"It's not like we were struggling badly but the monsters before were nothing to scoff at. This doesn't seem right.... what do you think Val?"

Vallen ran a hand through his hair, his brows furrowed in deep contemplation. "Lucian, I get that you're worried, but look at the bright side. We've got some heavy hitters with us. Lilith and Nikolai, for instance. Those guys are like power incarnate. And did you see how Nikolai handled himself in that fight back in the arena? Unbelievable."

I listened to his attempt at reassurance, but the unease lingered. "I know, Val, but there's more to this than just facing strong opponents. Roy's not telling us everything. There's a game in play, and we're pieces on the board. I can feel it."

Vallen sighed, still struggling to connect the dots. "Maybe Roy is just trying to keep us focused on the task at hand. I mean, those new transfers are probably here because they're top-tier, right? Maybe they're sending the best of the best to deal with these Gates."

His words made sense, but my gut feeling persisted. "I can't shake the feeling that we're being guided, manipulated even. And those transfers... it's too convenient. We're missing pieces of the puzzle, Val. I just wish I knew what Roy's not telling us."

Vallen nodded, his expression mirroring my uncertainty. "We'll figure it out, Lucian. We always do."

As we continued our conversation, Vallen's mind worked through the tangled threads of information. "You know," he began, "I was thinking about Lilith and Nikolai. They're not just here because they're strong. There's something more. You remember that prophecy the Saintes spoke of, right?"

I nodded, recalling the cryptic words that hinted at the awakening of the "Eternal Beasts" and other formidable entities. "Yeah, what about it?"

Vallen paused, choosing his words carefully. "What if Lilith and Nikolai are tied to those beings? I mean, Lilith made it seem like there were some important people to her "You're like me." Remember what she said?" Vallen replied

"Maybe they're not just strong fighters, but something more," Vallen questioned. His theory intrigued me, adding another layer to the mystery. "You think they're the ones mentioned in the prophecy? 'The Sunforged,' 'Twilight Mother,' and 'The Arch Zephyr'? But what about 'The Void Seraph'? The one on par with the 'Eternal Beasts.'"

Vallen's gaze became distant, lost in his musings. "That's the part I can't figure out. Maybe they're connected to that as well, or maybe there's someone else among us. It's a lot to take in, Lucian, but we'll get answers, one way or another."

As we walked through the SCA building's corridors, our minds continued to churn with questions, theories, and a shared determination to unravel the mysteries that surrounded us. The looming mission through the gates became more than a quest to face powerful foes.


As we walked through the dimly lit corridors, Vallen's attempt to lighten the mood echoed in my thoughts. The unease from the conversation with Roy still lingered, but Vallen's persistent optimism provided a momentary distraction. However, a shadow cast by a date on the horizon brought my mood crashing down.

"So about the date of the raid...what did-" Before he could finish I cut him off.

"It's nothing, so don't ask, just drop the thought, please," I spoke, my attempt to shield Vallen from the weight of my past experiences. His reaction was unexpected, a subtle jump as if caught off guard.

"What was he talking about, though? It didn't seem like "nothing". Wait… is it your birthday? Do you not like your birthday?" Vallen's inquiry hung in the air, a gentle probing that breached a topic I preferred to keep buried.

I halted in my steps, and Vallen followed suit, maintaining a cautious distance. The weight of my response lingered in the air. "Sigh, yes, and yeah, my parents disappeared on my birthday when I was younger, leaving me to fend for myself. Fuck them, and I can't stand that day. So I act as if nothing happened and everything is normal. Is that enough for you?" My aggravated demeanor emphasized the raw emotions tied to that particular date.

Vallen, now privy to a piece of my troubled past, hesitated before responding. The unspoken tension hung between us, and then his expression shifted, a mix of empathy and concern. "Lucian, I had no idea. I'm sorry you had to go through that."

I waved off his sympathy, not wanting to delve deeper into that painful chapter. "It's in the past, Val. Let's focus on what's ahead."

But as we resumed our walk, a nagging thought resurfaced. Roy's mention of "April 13th" echoed in my mind. "Hey, Val," I began tentatively, "do you remember when Roy asked me about April 13th?"

Vallen furrowed his brows, recalling the earlier exchange. "Yeah, he did. Why?"

I sighed, the connection between Roy's question and Vallen's inquiry about my birthday creating an unsettling coincidence. "It's just that... the date he mentioned, April 13th, it's tied to my birthday. And now, with everything Roy said about the upcoming expedition through the Gates happening on that day, it feels like more than just a coincidence."

Vallen's eyes widened with realization. "Wait, are you saying there's something more to that date? Something beyond your birthday?"

"I don't know, Val. But the way Roy said it, the urgency, and now this mission aligning with that date—it's too much to be mere chance. I can't shake the feeling that there's something significant about April 13th, something we're not being told."


Our conversation lingered in the air as we reached a junction in the SCA building. It was here that we exchanged parting words, each of us heading in different directions. Vallen, with a reassuring nod, went off to his quarters, leaving me to navigate the familiar corridors leading to the SCA's exit.

The city outside awaited, and my footsteps carried me towards the train station. The rhythmic clatter of the train on the tracks served as a lullaby, coaxing me into a restless slumber. As I succumbed to the embrace of sleep, a surreal landscape unfolded before me—a series of disjointed flashes and choppy images that mirrored the turbulent uncertainty of my thoughts.

The dream, an ethereal kaleidoscope of mystic visions, held fragments of elemental beings, colossal gods cradling the earth, and an ominous legion with malevolent intent. A corpse adorned with the symbol of fire, a World Tree bridging realms, a coalition of divine entities, and a seven-headed dragon—all woven into the fabric of an enigmatic tapestry.

Amidst the chaos, a voice echoed, prophesying a cosmic convergence and the awakening of ancient entities—the "Eternal Beasts." The dream concluded with a cryptic message about the return of all that was born from the sea.

As I emerged from the dream's grasp, the train's announcement signaled my arrival at the desolate outpost—the remnants of a once-vibrant city. Pothole-ridden streets, flickering streetlights, and a pervasive air of desolation greeted me. The journey from the train station to the dimly lit streets of "The Outpost" mirrored the fading echoes of a city in decline.

The atmosphere hung heavy with a sense of melancholy as I approached the weathered duplex that I reluctantly called home. The distant sounds of a neighbor's party and the aroma of street-side cooking were reminders of a community resilient in the face of adversity.

Entering the worn-out duplex, Sol's booming voice echoed from within. The harsh reality of life in "The Outpost" awaited, and as I stepped through the threshold, the events of the day lingered in my thoughts—the ominous date, the cryptic dream, and the impending expedition through the Gates.

Little did I know that the secrets hidden within the looming shadows of April 13th would propel me into a journey beyond the Gates, where the true test of Sentinels awaited, and the destiny of our world hung in the balance.

This is my first time doing this and would love feedback going forward. I want this story to develop into an anime hopefully I'll draw in the future. All critics and comments are welcome even those who don't like it. I hope you enjoy Lucian's journey and stay along for the ride!

KingOrochicreators' thoughts