
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Blood King

New Symbol

A red light soared into the sky like a giant red pillar. That pillar slowly transformed into a gigantic red blade that cut through the sky.

"Don't hold a grudge against me... because you guys started all of this... so... die by your own prince's magic…"


Without the slightest hesitation, Novar swung his giant sword at Hektus and August who took cover behind the magic barrier. Just like August's sword of light, Novar's sword of light also emitted a dazzling light when swung.


Novar's red blade strike made a straight line in the Outcast Forest. Hektus's body, which received the attack, crumbled into dust. But August survived because he was protected by a small barrier around him.

"Shocking to the end... he was willing to throw all his magic energy into creating a few layered barriers around this person…"

Novar originally thought of ending the war with August and Hektus dead. But he changed his original plan because August managed to survive. He turned the remaining red spears around him into blood chains that bound August's body.


"Then… I need to transfer a little magical energy to him…"


Not only did he heal Prince August's wounds, but Novar also gave some of his magic energy so that the prince from the Revilion Kingdom could wake up.

"Who would have thought I'd have to do this again after so long… now wake up stupid prince…!"


Novar slapped August's face really hard when he finished tying his hands and feet to form the letter x. Thanks to the pain stimulation, August began to open his eyes and his consciousness began to recover.

"What was that…? Where am I…? ah that's right... the battlefield...!? what about pureblood vampires...!?"

"You're finally awake… for now let's forget about the battlefield because everything is done... most of your troops are dead… the only survivor is you... prince August Lista De Revilion… as a reward for the success of your men in protecting their leader... I will not kill you... but..."

Novar stopped talking and started to take out his sword, his face looked so terrible when he smiled in front of August. As if he was thinking of a terrible plan to deal with August who was still alive.

"This is the last gift from me… get ready prince..."


As the sun was about to set over the territory of the Revilion Kingdom, black clouds appeared that darkened the sky. All the soldiers guarding the border area move according to instructions from the General who leads the troop. They moved because they sensed a huge source of magical energy approaching their fortress.

"Everyone get ready...!! this is not a simulation...!! once again... this is not a simulation...!! everyone gets ready to face an unknown threat...!"

All the troops gathered in front of the fort with full weapons, inside the fort there were also archers who were ready to shoot. Not long after preparation, they saw the figure of a young vampire with golden blond hair in the sky.

"A vampire…? He looks like a kid… What is that brat doing in human territory..?"

"Listen humans...! I Novar Seviyor Agis De Valencia came here to return something to you as well as to give a warning…"

"What…!? How arrogant for a small vampire...!"

Before the General took action, Novar had already thrown something at the General using large hands made of blood. The General was very surprised when he saw something the vampire threw at him. He swiftly uses magic to slow down the speed of something thrown at him, then he catches it.

"I-impossible…! why can it be like this...? My prince…!"

Everyone was shocked when they saw the figure of prince August who looked so pitiful. Both hands and feet had been cut off, and all that was left of the prince was his head and body.

"Prince why did you have to end up like this...!?"

"He's not dead...! I've stopped her bleeding... but I've also crushed her arms and legs... so... consider this her punishment for daring to invade the demon king's territory… And this is also a warning to you... anyone who dares to invade the territory belonging to the devil race... will end with a tragic fate...!"


The General ordered the archers who were in the fortress. Responding to the General's orders the archers concentrated their magic and aimed at Novar. Novar was silent when he saw hundreds of magic arrows aiming at him.

"Humans are stubborn creatures huh... I actually don't like to carry out meaningless massacres... but... all who attack me must feel the retribution... that's my life principle right now…"

[Blood Fang of Death]


the screams from inside the fort sounded so loud that the general who was outside the fort could hear them.

"What happen…!? Why is there a scream from inside the fortress...!? don't tell me he can carry out attacks through the defenses of the large-scale magic barrier protecting our stronghold…"

Hundreds of large sharp fangs appeared on the bodies of the humans inside the fortress. Novar actually managed to control the blood that comes from living things.


"Urgh… impossible… he controls our own blood to kill us…!?"

hundreds of soldiers who were inside the fort died in a few seconds. Their bodies were covered in red thorns made from their own blood. one of the surviving archers tried to jump out of the fort. He fell right on the bridge which is the entrance to the fort.

"I really don't want to use this technique because it's so sadistic... but you guys forced me…"

"Th-that... the red thorn on the archer team captain's body... don't tell me it's made of blood…!"

"That's right... I can control the blood of humans who are weaker than me... so... don't make me angry more than this... because I still have problems to solve... shut up and don't ever enter the demon race's territory again…"

'So the prophecy about the birth of a pure-blood vampire who will become the most terrible blood king is true… he was even this strong at such a young age... when he grew up we would only look like ants to him...'

Novar turned his body and flew away from the human race's territory. the General could only watch Novar leave without being able to do anything. Since that day, Novar was known as the Blood Lord to the humans from the Revilion Kingdom. the reason being that his strength was too terrifying, he managed to kill 10,000 people and destroy hundreds of human race territory border guard troops.

"Tch… now this little brat become the fear symbol for our kingdom…!"

The white-haired man who was holding the report from the guardian of the border area of ​​the Revilion Kingdom looked furious. He burned all the reports he had read with magic until nothing remained. Novar who was the center of conversation in the entire human race empire was currently busy training the demon lord.

"Haaa… Haaa… no one would believe it if they saw a demon lord being trained by a 5-year-old vampire…"

The demon king who had just finished his initial stage of training was visibly out of breath. Novar worked very hard at training the demon king so he could use the Kanuragan against his eldest son.

"Don't need to talk much... my schedule is very busy... because apart from training you... I also have to train my four men... they also want to become strong by studying Kanuragan… next please meditate under a cliff on one leg... I want to see your level of concentration..."

"ok... but who would have thought... there are 3 young people who are very lucky to be able to learn Kanuragan at such a young age… they must be very happy to learn about this mysterious power…"

"Hahaha… they look more like tortured people than happy… because physical training is the main thing for them... their young bodies are not yet fully developed... it makes their physical training tougher than yours…"

"What a pity those kids... but it's all for their own good…"

The demon king commented while standing on the small platform in the middle of the great abyss without using any magical energy. Novar watched the activity closely using his black wings. He monitored the demon king's state in order to make his training more efficient.

"ah, I almost forgot... do you know...? if you are now called a blood king…"

"I already know... it's up to them what they want to call me... the important thing is they don't bother me…"

"your response was deadpan... I thought you'd like to get a nickname…"

Novar didn't respond to the demon king's words and returned to monitoring the training. while living in the days of the Ancient Mataram Kingdom, Novar was used to getting many nicknames. that's why he no longer feels happy when he gets a nickname from his enemy.

"hmm... so that's how it is…"

After monitoring for 1 hour, Novar finally started to draw some conclusions. he immediately wrote down the training menu that the demon king had to do for the next 1 month.

"Can I ask you something…?"

"Sure… what is it…?"

"When is your eldest son coming home...?"

"In two months... maybe around the same time as your brother's birth…"

"then enough time... originally I wanted to make the training 100 times heavier than now... but we still have 2 months time... so 50 times heavier than today's training should be enough…"

"Eh…? 50 times heavier…?"


the demon king was so shocked that his body went stiff. he did not expect that the training that Novar would give for the next two months would be 50 times more strenuous than the first day's training.

To be continue~