
Chaotic Dreams

Getting the attention of the ultimate being can be disastrous, still some can find it an opportunity. Elias, a somehow unique person, took this opportunity to advance. *Do not own the cover if the owner what to get it domn please tell me *Do not own existant characters other than OC

Ouroboros_Infeos · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Dimentional Gap & Ophis...

'Athiel, fast Take me to DxD 2 years before the Great War'

[Yes, yes]

As I heard I could feel my body getting destroyed (literally) Even if I did not feel pain. Probably because my body is made of Energy. After a Moment I found Myself in a Kaleidoscopic space. He~ the dimensional gap...f*ck!

Checking on Jibril, who was checking her surrendering like a country bumpkin visiting a modern city, I ejected a relieved breath. I always forget her strength when I see how abysmally cute she is.

[That is only from your perspective! For others she looks like a death god incarnate!]

Athiel who was silent interjected as she could understand me. I really could not understand. I mean look at her, she cutely wiggle here and there while checking her surroundings. A death god?...

[that is only in front of you and your own perspective! O great Ouroboros your apostle has lost a screw, please bless him!]

Chuckling at her exaggerated joke, I could not help but wonder what to do.

"Master! Is this the gap between the dimensions of this world that you told me about before?"

Awakening from my thought I answered her question while still thinking about what to do.

"Yes this is the Dimensional Gap I told you about. What about your body? No problems? Are the Chaos Circuits all good?"

Before coming here I briefed Jibril on the essentiels of this world, like factions, races, upcoming war and others. And I also changed her Spirit Circuits so that she can use her magic outside her world. Doing this surprisingly proved to be difficult as I had to change her core first then the circuits. From outside nothing changed apart from her Halo which became somehow multi-color with the ability to change it to any color she wants.

"Yes master! This chaos is more potent than elementals, it is surprising no matter when I think about it."

"Well yes, Chaos is one of the 3 pinnacle and Original Energies that existed, exist, and will exist. Anyway we have a lot to do now. Just remember that this world is more dangerous than yours as there is multiple beings that can win hands down against all the Deus at the same time"

"...I know Master, but do not worry I am stronger than I used to! The current me could even go against Artosh"

Yeah she became that powerful...Courtesy to yours truly and his consumable and regimen!

I could not help but want to look at my status again and as if on cue with me Athiel displayed it immediately. What a thoughtful partner…


Name : Xaos Wonderland

Race: Chaos being

Job : Chaos Apostle

Str : 380/Undetermined

Def :247/Undetermined

Vit : -/Undetermined/undefined

Agi: 405/Undetermined



Skills :

Alice's Dream

Reaper's Overkill

Mask's Stigma

Blood Destruction

Ominous Halo : The user Will have a halo above his head. This halo is a Passive and takes the shape of the 'truth' of the user. It can be made invisible. It gives the user the ability to insta-cast any spell the user is proficient in. it also gives a 20% boost to offensive spells casted. When invoked it spreads the 'truth' of the user in a 1 km radius passively (it can be boosted actively with no limits) Current user 'Truth': Hazard.


Hehehe With my current strength I could probably take on that Bible God head on. As for the 3 ultimates (Ophis, Great Red, TriHexa) I could fight them, maybe? I am not sure. I mean GoB ( God of Bible) was able to seal Trihexa But it was never stated if it was a direct flight or just trapped it and sealed it.

There is also the thing about the last skill 'Ominous Halo'. It came from the cherry of Jibril!

I know, I too was stunned! It seems that there is a possibility of something like that to happen although a little less than the norm (Injecting a drop of heart-blood).

Hehehe that 'truth' spread is like a domain and an overpowered domain of hazard. That nature is truly something to the point Athiel said 'You awakened something outrageous! An universe bending law!' and the thing is that it is not complete! As Hazard is a part of a whole other scheme! Hahaha I look forward to awaken my true 'truth'

"Nee master When are we going to meet my sister?"

Hehe I told her I plan to poach a wife or two from here and look and behold she did not object! She said 'I finally will have help! Ouf~'. What can I say? An illogical energy regeneration is a characteristic of a 'Chaos Being' (in case you didn't notice). I can fully regenerate all types of energy (be it magic, stamina, lifeforce, willpower and anything) as chaos is a mix of all types of energies that exist. In other words a nearly endless sexual stamina .

Just when I was going to tell her, I felt someone coming.

'Speak of the devil and he comes well a 'she' in this situation'

The newcomer appeared in the form of a little girl. Long black hair, pointed ears, grey eyes and black Gothic Lolita cloth that shows her whole Chest. Who else can it be apart from my target, Ophis

As she came I began eying her while she did the same for me.

'I will have to do something about that dress of hers. I can not have my women barely dressed, after all' I thought

After some minutes of checking each other while Jibril looked at us expectedly. Ophis was first to speak


PFFT~ the hell!?

"No I am not! What made you think that?"

She looked at me then said not really sure of her answer

"Purer aura?"

Ah~that, huh? Well Ophis was said to represent Infinity, Chaos, and Nothingness...And I have a purer energy of them. Mmm~ let's try that

"No I am not you father. I am your Husband."

"...Husband?" she said in an uncertain tone

"Well to put it in other words: I am your mate."

I said While letting my feelings materialise. I put all my bets on this.

At first she looked surprised then lost. After a while she looked stuck and fluffy while closing her eyes. Then she did something even I was shocked by it. She came near me and hugged me strongly while crying.

I felt panicked! What the hell made her cry from my emotions??? I did not know what to do and the scorn in Jibril's eyes did not make it easier. Just when I was about to do some drastic measures Ophis spoke.



"...Why are you crying?"

My question puzzled her until I begin swiping her tears with my hands

"Why is there water in my eyes?"

I could not help but hug her strongly which she reciprocated. I bet she did it unconsciously.

I even could see a touched 'death god' smiling next to me.

After a very long time did Ophis calm down. I reworded my words in a way she could understand.

"Tell me, Ophis what did you feel when I let my emotions materialise?"

"I, Felt possessiveness and care, yours .First time felt that, it was...good.I, Like it a lot."

"...is that so"

Seeing her nod I just materialised my seat (the luxurious chair I used to impress Riku and Schwi) and another one for Jibril. As we sat, I patted my tights to Ophis. She understood me as she did take a seat on my lap.

Then I proceeded to hug her from behind. It was a wordless show of love that ophis liked a lot from her expression ( from her Aura as she is a forever poker face).

I even could feel warmth from Jibril's soul link

As I felt her closeness to me I just bought my mouth near her nape and...Bit her.

After a somewhat long bite, I took my mouth off leaving a tattoo of an ouroboros having a crown above it's head in its (the bite) place.

The crown, in fact, looks like the materialisation of my 'Alice's Dream' and the skill 'Ominous Halo'. It is a crown that looks formed from pikes and horns that form an ominous yet holy looking crown.

The act of biting her was a contract, the same one with jibril, that will make her my wife while liking our souls. It is Just that dragons brand or mark their mates and if the other party is willing a tattoo will appear. So instead of a voiced oath, I made it conform to dragons culture.

And like this I conquered (owned) Ophis.


{AN : The Mc will Create A Faction to disturb the plot. Give me a name for it or else I will just name it 'Crown of Legends' or even plagiarise Khaos Brigade since they were still not created your choice not mine...}

Well the new world begin! DxD for The Win!

In fact this volume will be a big one! probably ~30 chaps.

The Mc will Create A Faction to disturb the plot. Give me a name for it or else I will just name it 'Crown of Legends' or even plagiarise Khaos Brigade since they were still not created your choice not mine...

Next Chap: Tomorrow

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.


Ouroboros_Infeoscreators' thoughts