
Chaotic Bouts of Insanity

oh look! a synopsis

Meowlyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Questions, questions.

Abeit in a normal white letters this time, Tedior would recognises its blasted font anywhere. He glares at the repulsive words and wills for it to self combust.

"What core? What collection? What is with that ridiculous amount of number?!" He laments angrily.

He knows he picked neither options earlier on. Then what is this vile system doing here? Does it has separation issues? What purpose does it serves to collect those cores? There is no incentives nor purpose neither explainations. Maybe if he asks it?

"Status?" He hesitantly states and waits. And then waits some more.

And waits even more.

"Not the right word? Then uh..." he rummages through his measly little brain, trying to squeezes out some system related words. "system?"


"Item? Menu? Show up? Interface? 1234abcd? P*kachu?" Still nothing. He crosses his tharacic legs and huffs in frustration.

"Maybe... this is an automated system? Is it in idle mode? What happens if I insult it? System @#$% sucks! System can @$*% and %$*! Poop! Turd! Banana! Computer head!"

Complete silence.

"... huh. Its awefully patient." He muses curiously.

Is this something that all living creatures have? He is just one of the many? So if he does not want to attracts attention to the owner of this system, he just needs to avoid collecting the item core. Then thats easy!

He immediately flings the so-called insect core as hard as he can but it disintegrated in midair. The blasted notification flashes mockingly at him. Their words loom threateningly over him.

1 of 100 000 000 insect core collected

He vindictively wriggles his many, many tharacic legs at the floating words that is somehow radiating smugness. His pathetic actions actually manages to remove the words as they fades into black wisps. The lingering smoke floating about as if to remind him that it will be back for more.

"Doesn't even have the decency to give me a rule book. Rude." He grumbles with a bitter sigh as he goes ahead to collect both of his tasty treats. Affectionately hugging his treats closely to his body, he figures it is time for him to find shelter and recuperate with how the sun seems to be setting soon.

Tedior moves about properly this time. Like a true caterpillar, they would say. Or as true as one can be with his mangled prolegs and his handful(thoracic legs-ful) of yummy treats.

He can free up his frontal legs by finishing the food but he feels that keeping them for later seems like the smarter thing to do. Also he wants to slowly savor them to commemorate his new homecoming celebration later.

As he travers forward centimetres by centimetres, he spends a minuscule amount of time marveling his contant surroundings before letting his mind once again wanders off to thoss blasted words.

Even if he follows its ridiculous demands, it is almost impossible for him to finish it within the lifespan of a normal caterpillar. But then again, he can:

One, stays true to his caterpillar heritage and continues on his epic adventures. Metamorphosis into a legendary undefeatable butterfly and live happily ever after.

Two, die and see what happens next. Maybe he'll turn into an mitochondria and works his way up from there.

Three, collect the cores, attracts the owner and see what they want from him.

Or he can do all three in different sequences?

'Ah~ Decisions, decisions. What a delicious dilemma~ But if I do comply, what shall I do next?'

"Insects typically lays thousands of eggs at a time but their insect core might not be developed. What about ants? There are generally millions of them in a nest. It might take a while but I am very sure I can meticulously finishes them off one by one. But then again they might retaliate as a whole, now that might be a problem. What about aphids? They are so common. They reproduce and grow up so fast and are basically defenseless. Well that settles it. If I ever finds any, I will farm them." He concludes, nodding to himself pretentiously.

Even so, everything is so foreign here. Insects might not have the same characteristics as they have back on Earth. He must find out more. Prevails against them all and savor them.

"Ah~ the exhilaration! So much fighting to be done. Delicious food to explore. Unknown future to unrevail." He excitedly muses to himself.

What are insect cores anyway? Their soul? Their ability? Essense? Mind? Will he find more than one insect core if his opponents are stronger? That's usually what happens in games. No matter. He will find out sooner or later.

But first he shall aims for the goals that true heros or villains have; to eat, play and sleep. Or to start a forest fire, cook all insects in one go. Or to gain more power. He is not sure which one but it is bound to be one of those.