
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
169 Chs

Attack & Defense


"So what are your special skills?" Petra asks

It was the second day of training and since neither of their coaches had arrived yet, they decided to sit around and talk for a bit - as suggested by Alex who thought it would be amazing for the team's chemistry on and off the arena.

Hunter looks at her confused, "what do you mean?"

"Well, Thomas for example, has mastered transmission and can do it easily and on will. Yui can shoot energy"

Hunter's eyes widen, "like mages?" He says looking at Yui who only smiles

"Yeah, so what's yours?" Petra asks

"Apart from my cute smile and winning personality?"

"Ah, I see delusional is your special skill," says Yui causing everyone to laugh

"What is it though?" Alex asks, "you don't strike me as the typical sprite like the rest of us are"

"Well ..." He paused as he thought over the question, "I'm a master at hand-to-hand combat," he stated

"Isn't that a given?" Petra rolled her eyes

"True," Alex agreed, "every Sprite is a master in close combat!" He exclaimed

Hunter raised an eyebrow, "or are they?"

There was a short silence in the circle.

"Yes, yes, they are," said Petra

"I guess we can say you're fast," Thomas suggested

"Yes, your pace and quick body movement are almost impeccable," Yui stated agreeably

"Almost?" He asked

"Yes, nothing is without flaws," she replied

"I'm also a pretty fast learner and a wild talent so I'm pretty sure I can do both your special skills if I put my mind to it," he stated

"Yui was right, you are delusional," Petra says

Hunter rises, "alright, how about this--"

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" A voice interposed from distance, they all turn to see Zoe, approaching them with a serious scowl on her face

"Hi --"

"Zip it!" She cuts him off, "Are you sluggards slacking off? Cause it looks to me as though you sluggards are slacking off" she shouted

"We just thought to have a little team discussion before you arrive," Alex explained

Zoe shakes her head, "not good enough"


"You don't need me around to start training, also, your team discussion would mean fuck all if you don't make it past the first round so no, your excuse is not good enough," Zoe stated

She looked at each of them, raising an eyebrow expectantly, "Why are you still standing, get to training!"

As the sprites scramble to pick a sparring partner, Hunter moved to Zoe's side

"Hi," he said with a small smile

"That included you," Zoe said turning to him

"I know," he says, "I just wanted to ask you a question, but you don't have to answer it"

Zoe raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything. "How old are you?" He asks,


"It's just, you look younger than Thomas and yet you keep barking orders at him," Hunter explained

[What's your problem?]


[You're trying to make a remark based on your assumption of someone's age ... Again]

'Don't tell me you're not curious!'

[I'm not]

Zoe frowns,  "It doesn't matter if I'm 12 or 46, I bark orders at everyone because that is my job - a job which makes me higher in authority than you are. Thomas is higher than you in both year and grade, yet, he respects that authority ... Why can't you?"

[Damn! Zoe if you can hear me, I love you]

'Shut up!'

"You better get to training before I pair you up with Thomas and he beats you up again like he did yesterday," she added

"Wait, I thought we agreed my duel with him yesterday ended in a draw?"

"He told you that to spare your feelings, I'm not going to do that"

"You're a hater," Hunter said before turning away, "... And don't think I forgot about the talk you promised me," he added

'She's just hating, right? Yesterday did end in a draw?"

[Yui was right, that's all I'll say. Speaking of yesterday, your duel with Thomas made me realize something]


[You're not physically capable of keeping up with your peers]


[Fortunately for you, you have a dark mystic ability so it would be best if you go around absorbing energy for yourself]

'Isn't that cheating?'

[Are you serious? Zoe can turn you to sidewalk paint if she wishes if she tried that same move on Yui or Thomas, they would only feel a light pinch]

'Is the difference in our power level that huge?'

[Look ... If you punched a kid and a professional boxer with the same amount of force, who do you think would feel the pain more?]

'The kid, obviously'

[Why is that?]

'The professional boxer is used to punches?'

[... I'll take that, the same thing applies to mystic art. The amount of energy you have inside you makes you more resistant to certain attacks like a bullet for example]

'Are you saying I could become bulletproof if I absorbed more energy?'

[That is exactly what I'm saying]



"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the group challenge of our round of 16 stage between Battlemages and Sprites," the announcer stated. "The Sprites are already in the lead 2-1 after the individual challenge but there's still more than enough time for the Battlemages to turn things around!"

"Are you ready?" The referee asked Hunter who only nods. The referee turned to his opponent, "are you ready?" He asked him, "ring the bell already!"

The referee nodded before jumping out of the arena, and then the bell was rung.

"Intimidated yet?" His opponent says, taking out two .45 glocks.

"Err ..."

[Don't tell me you're afraid]

'He's holding a gun!'

[Did you already forget the whole bulletproof thing?]

'Not really but I didn't think I'd be testing whether or not I'm bulletproof so soon'

"There's still time to forfeit," the guy pointed out but Hunter doesn't respond, "don't say I didn't warn you!"

And with that, the guy began firing away, Hunter quickly moves, avoiding the bullets except for one that scratches his arm.

Hunter burst into the bush, looking for a safe place to hide. He turned to his arm, watching as the wound closes and heals.

'What the hell! You said I was bulletproof?'

[You are, what do you think Battlemages do?]

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" The battlemage shouted

'They are glorified mages?'

[I mean ... A bit but that's not the question, what do they do, how do they use their abilities?]

'Not sure ...'

Hunter could now hear the battlemage creep closer, "you can't hide forever!" He said

[Allow me then, you see, unlike mages, battlemages cannot project their powers through their fist. They need an ... object through which they channel their abilities. This object could be in any form; a sword, an axe, a gun]

'Oh, so you're saying this battlemage is using his bullets to project his abilities and that's why the bullets affect me'


'What do you suggest I do?'

[What can you do?]


Hunter heard some shuffling nearby, he turned quickly to see the battlemage jump out from behind pointing both his guns at him, "there you are!"
