
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
169 Chs



The trio was hiding behind a large container while guards unload ammo after ammo on them.

"Do these guys ever reload?!" Jade complained.

Camille turns to Diana, "you're up," she stated.

Diana nods before taking out a small flower from her pocket. The elemental rises to her feet and throw the flower at the guards, it flies over their head and into the water behind them.

"What are you waiting for?! Shoot her!" One of the guards demanded.

Diana raised her hands to the sky and large vines fly out of the water. The vines wrap around the men, snatching them off the ship and into the water.

"More of them are coming," Jade warned.

"Let's check a container," Camille stated.

"On it," Diana says as she controls a leaf to break the lock on one of the containers. A giant, hairy, beast with red eyes steps out of the container, growling as it covers the distance between them.

"Uh oh."


A bullet goes through the beast's head and it falls to the ground, motionless. "Who did that?"

"It's Leah. More of those guards are closing in on from each side of the harbor," Jade stated.

"Jade, you take the ones coming from up north, Diana you're east. I'll handle the rest."


"Any last words?"

'This isn't happening,' Hunter thought.


"Allow me ..."

"We need to figure out what this magic actually does ..."

"I think it's only fair to assume Soul magic has something unique about it."

[Merlin first looked into the poor man's memories and used that for his visual manipulation]

[... This magic must have something unique about it]


"Have it your way then," the buff dude said his hand inching closer to the trigger.

Hunter looks at the man, his teal green eyes suddenly turning white.

"Huh?!" The man said confused as his gun turns into a banana. The sprite quickly slaps the man's hand and the banana flies out of his hand and turns back to a gun once it reaches the ground.

"Son of a --" the man yells as Hunter pushes him into his associates. Hunter bolts past them, racing through the aisle. The female one hurls her dagger at Hunter who moves his head sideways just in time for it to narrowly miss him.

The buff dude tackles Hunter to the ground and uses his strength to pin the dark-haired boy to the ground. He kept bashing the sprite's face. "You should have just stood and died!" The man said.

Hunter's eyes turn white and a wave sends the man crashing into the ground. The other two mercenaries step up. The lady stepped forward and drove her dagger into the sprite's abdomen.


"You guys doing okay?" Camille asked the others through the comm.

"For now, this guys are never ending," Jade stated.

Camille sighs, "alright, you might wanna close your eyes," Camille advised. She took off her coat before breathing in.

A bright flash appears, making it impossible to see anything coupled with a thunderclap that deafens Jade and Diana momentarily.

When everything becomes normal again, it begins to rain heavily and all of the men who were supposed to guard the harbor where gone.

Camille was now on her knees, breathing heavily, she looks up to see Jade in front of her with her hands outstretched. The woman takes it and the vampire helps her up. "You know, we are getting too old for this ..." Camille stated.

"You don't look a day over 25," Jade assured.

"Thanks but my body doesn't feel that way," Camille stated. "I bought a lake house in Glineria ..." Camille said.

"There you go with the retirement talks," Jade rolled her eyes. "Oh come on, we can't do this forever," Camille stated.

"I don't plan to."

Jade picks up the coat and hands it to Camille. "So are you going to tell me about the boy?"

"He's my road to retirement," Jade stated.

"What do you m --"

"Anyone noticed that it's raining?" Diana said using her hands to block the raindrops but to no luck.

"Winter rain," Jade shrugged, "let's get you out of here before you catch a cold or something," Jade said guiding the red eyed girl out of the rain.

"I'm not that weak," Camille says.

"You are whenever you do this," Jade said.

"Wait, what about the containers?" Diana asked.

"Oh, there are definitely people in there," Camille replied.

"How can you tell?"

"The rain. I feel what's in the containers because the rain is touching said containers," said Camille.

"Aha, so you are the cause of the rain?!" Diana said.

"Okay, enough questions, how about you call the others to come clear this mess."


Yellow energy forms around Hunter's fist before he throws a punch that the lady easily dodges. The third dude rises to his feet and walks to the side of his associates. Hunter's face was now covered with bruises and cuts that bled freely but he refused to just stand and die. The sprite reached behind him and pulled out an M249 light machine gun.

Immediately, he opens fire on the trio, blood, and papers flying everywhere as he unloads the gun on them.

Once the sprite stopped raining fire on them, the mercenaries check themselves to see that not a single bullet had hit them and the sprite himself wasn't even holding any weapon.

Before they could react, Hunter leaped forward towards the buff dude, blue energy around his fist as he hits him in the midriff and accompanied the strike with a thunderous left that lays him flat on the ground.

The female was next, she swings her blade at Hunter who pushes her hand away before hitting her with an uppercut that knocks her lights out.

The third guy jumps away from Hunter and stretches his hand to grab the gun the sprite had slapped out of the buff dude's hand earlier. Just as he was about to reach it, a dagger lands just inches away from his fingers, separating him from the gun. The mercenary turned to see Hunter standing tall, his iris lucid like a crystal and his hand outstretched, and just behind him is a blue figure that looked so much like the female mercenary, Sasha - her hands also outstretched.

The mercenary stands on his feet and Hunter quickly covers the distance, raising his knee to point at the target before pivoting the off-foot to the side, so that the hip of his kicking leg turns over. He extends his leg to the side of his target, using his heel to strike the man down.

The sprite felt someone jump on him from behind and attempt to lock a chokehold. The buff dude had gotten up again. Hunter turns to a clear liquid substance and melts out of the man's grasp.

The man steps back in shock only to find Hunter still in front of him. The sprite throws a right cross and quickly follows it with a left cross before headbutting the man and hitting him with an uppercut. Defeated, the man slumped down to the ground.


"What's taking him so long?" Jade said pacing up and down the bar.

"Maybe he took a detour or couldn't find the bar or forgot we were meeting here," Camille guessed.

"That's not like Hunter, he would be here if he was fine," Jade said. "I'm going to --" before the vampire could finish her sentence, the door swings open and a bloody Hunter walks through it. He breathes in and out visibly before his eyes shut close and he collapses to the ground.
