
Chaos Rise: Leveling Up As The Strongest Chaos Lord

In the year 2200, humanity faced the greatest threat to ever make it’s way to planet earth. One day all around the world, the sky was suddenly alive with luminous color and energy. It surged forth, covering everything and everyone. Most of the population were completely oblivious to the severity of what this phenomenon was, and were simply mesmerized by it. However, there were a few who knew the truth and were well aware that this event symbolized the beginning of a whole new era, the awakening. The truth was that humans were not the only sentient beings out there in the universe. Contrary to what was commonly believed to be simple fantasy, was all real. The myths of Dragons, Vampires, Giants, Elves, fairies…they were very much real, all living together in their respective regions of the Universe. And now it was Earth’s time to finally integrate and become part of the grander scheme of things. For this purpose the universal system, the Rector Princeps, picked a selection of individuals who would go through preparation beforehand in order to rise up and lead the rest of humanity when the time came. Lucas Wilson, along with his elder brother Tyler, is part of the selected individuals in charge of deciding humanity’s fate. However, Lucas has a secret. Three days before the beginning of the awakening, Lucas suddenly wakes up with the memories of his future self! A future where he lost everything, faced hardship like no other, got betrayed by those he trusted and ultimately died a miserable death. Shaken but resolved, Lucas vows to use his future knowledge to change his fate and climb to the top as the strongest! • A/N: I post every day, usually early in the morning...yeah.

Just_a_guy17 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Unknown Entity

"Cap…tain…?" Lucas mumbled in disbelief. Looking at the cold dead corpse he, and many others, had already tried to use the skill <scan > in hopes that the Captain was not truly gone. Unfortunately, the system kept bringing back the same result:


He didn't want to believe that the Captain was dead but in his heart, Lucas knew he was gone. The weight of his death hung heavy in the minds of everyone gathered there. The blow was worse for those he had personally mentored, with some already breaking into tears and cries of dismay.

Caitlin fell to her knees, staring at her lifeless teacher's body with eyes full of tears. Benny clenched his jaw in what appeared to be miserable frustration.

"The Captain's dead?"

"But that's impossible!"

"Isn't he supposed to be an SS-rank? He had enough power to demolition several nations on his own without a sweat!"

"Does that mean there's something inside that's strong enough to kill someone like him…?"

Nervous whispers of speculation and fear began to break out amongst them. The exit of the dungeon was only going to appear once every monster inside had been slain. However with the current situation, things were looking pretty grim for them. Although there were a couple of good S-ranks amongst them most of them were still just Special A-rank, Lucas being one himself.

As the chatter kept getting louder and louder, a figure strutted confidently to the front and stood before everyone. Lucian, with the most solemn and brave expression that he could muster, cleared his throat in order to draw in everyone's attention.

"Everyone!" Lucian began, "I know that the death of Captain Jarl is quite shocking for most, if not all of us. However, would he not be ashamed to see us in such a sorry state of disarray?"

He then placed a hand on his chest, "Sure, we have lost a man. A great one at that! So shouldn't we at least try our best to make it out of here alive and give him a proper burial?"

Lucian's words resonated strongly with the crowd, stoking the fire of vengeance in their eyes. Sure, most of them weren't too hopeful that they could take on whatever creature had killed the Captain but they still had a number's advantage.

"I may not have what it takes to get us out of here", Lucian admitted, "But I'll be damned if I don't at least try. I will lead the way, will you all follow?!"


Everyone roared, lifting up their weapons in salute. However, Lucas merely looked on with his usual calculative gaze. Although he hated Lucian with every fiber of his being, Lucas had to admit that he knew how to put his charm to good use. To everyone else, he appeared to be the typical saint who stepped up to save them all.

However, as subtle as it was, Lucas didn't fail to pick up on Lucian's underlying intentions.

"'Rookie S-rank salvages dungeon disaster'-", Lucas muttered under his breath, "I'd imagine that's what you want all the headlines to read, don't you?"

Lucas knew Lucian's character all too well. He was nothing but a spoiled, egotistic, attention-craving bastard who would manipulate anyone and anything to suit his own needs. Lucian probably didn't even care one bit for the poor Captain. All he saw was another opportunity to pull the strings. Another opportunity to stand in the spotlight.

Of course, Lucas was absolutely fuming on the inside at Lucian's despicable tactics. However, the people there needed someone to lead them and he did not have what it took for them to listen to him. Therefore begrudgingly, Lucas chose to bite his tongue and watch from the sidelines for now.

Back at the front, Lucian unsheathed his paladin sword and unstrapped his shield from his back. The energy from his sword seemed to charge the air, forming small sparks and arcs of lightning.

"Like I said, I may not be Captain Jarl but I'm still a powerful S-rank", said Lucian with another confident grin, "So you can trust that your lives are safe with me"

"Follow me! I'll lead the way inside", he said before turning around and approaching the temple entrance.


However, Lucas' breath hitched for a second and he could hear the loud throb of his own heartbeat in his eardrums. The same chilling sense of unease from earlier now gripped him again, this time even more apparent than the last.

'Something's coming!' he realized, cursing under his breath as he rushed towards the front of the group in order to stop Lucian before it was too late.

"Lucian!" shouted Lucas as he pushed through the armored crowd, "Don't-!"


Unfortunately, Lucas watched in dismay as Lucian stepped past the threshold of the temple and into the temple. Hearing his cry, Lucian looked back at him with a look of distaste and clicked his tongue in irritation.

"Huh? What was that you were barking about mongrel?" Lucas asked mockingly, "Maybe you cou-"

Lucas' eyes widened in horror as he caught a flicker of movement behind Lucian.


One moment Lucian was perfectly fine, the next his head was severed from his body with blood spurting from his neck. Instantly, the air was filled with screams of terror as everyone else scrambled to get away from the temple entrance.


Before anyone could get too far, a crushing and suffocating pressure forced them to halt in their tracks.

[System: Warning! You have been placed under the effects of the skill <Soul Aura>. You movements have been restricted.]

'Soul Aura?!' thought Lucas in shock.

Compared to Captain Jarl's soul aura, this one was way more intense. It felt like the entire weight of two mountains was pressing down on each one of his shoulders, threatening to squash him like a bug.



A voice so gravelly and ancient rang out across the entire dungeon, reverberating clear in everyone's ears.





Lucas could hear the heavy throb of his heart racing in his chest. Never before in his life had he feared more for his own existence than in that very moment. The feeling of absolute terror, of utter powerlessness, was simply too overwhelming.

"Do as I command and all your lives shall be spared. You have my word", the voice boomed once more. However before the voice fully retreated back into the temple, it added-

"Anything less…will result in your immediate deaths"