
Chaos Prophet

It was supposed to be a quick, simple beta test of the new generation of the first VR. A day where both my random discovery and my unyielding efforts to develop it were supposed to bear fruit. Get in, find a way out, and get out. A mission that simple couldn't be hard, right? RIGHT?! So why did I end up as a powerless sacrifice in some stupid tournament, rigged for a certain noble to win? How come somehow surviving would lead me to be chased by a powerful noble, the heir of whom I fell in said tournament? And why is a damn imperial princess chasing after me like a rabid dog? Wait, isn't that a freaking saintess always standing by the princess' side?! *Takes a sip of the ale* If you think the above is too much, then let me tell you, o foolish traveler. I once thought so too. And then I learned, it was only a freaking prologue! For the powers that my presence stirred into action are far beyond anything I ever expected to encounter. Is this world even virtual? Am I even myself? And how come, this supposedly simple mission, led me to ask those questions? ***** Discord: https://discord.gg/pJTVGZZ More technical info: Author's Review

MotivatedSloth · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Turn of the fortune

'This is really bad,' Irene thought as she looked down the small gallery and to the main floor of the massive warehouse. 

Every free inch of space, save for some narrow corridors for people to walk through, was filled with cages. And with just a single look, Irene confirmed that most of those cages were currently housing people. 

Her people.

'Even if they are not from the royal tribe…' Irene thought, her hands clenching at the barrier that separated the small passage from the rest of the massive warehouse. 

Depression mixed with fury deep at the bottom of Irene's soul. Yet, both of those emotions ended up dwarfed by the sense of powerlessness that appeared next. 

She was in the middle of the free city of Chalk, a formerly small settlement created by the exiles and adventures who decided to make their living in this hostile land.