
Chaos Omniverse 2

Mike Michaelson is a reincarnated into a cultivation world with a special physique and with SOSS a special system that allows him to unlock new systems and functions by meeting certain conditions I'm new to writing. I'm not very good but I will slowly improve. chapters are a little short at the beginning but I'm making them longer. I hope you enjoy it. You have any opinions or suggestions please leave a comment good or bad I do get a lot of inspiration from different light novels and manga's I've read before, but if I do copy anything I'll give credit to that author.

Mikeymike219 · Action
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My new world, nexus sky world

As my soul was getting closer to my new world, my speed slowed down to a little bit under the speed of light. I got a closer look, I could see 3 big continents with smaller islands scattered everywhere on the vested blue surfers on this side of the world. My Soul gradually slowed travelling at the speed of sound as I got closer to one of the three big continents, slowly approaching the world passing through the clouds, I saw a massive forest without an end, with trees over 300 Ft. tall. just as I passed through the trees I abruptly stopped, hovering 10 Ft. above the ground. as I was admiring the lush forest I could see the air around me condensing, rapidly turning into colorful mist, as it solidified it started to resemble a human. When the mist was almost solidified my soul was sucked inside without warning. After my soul entered the body I could feel energy constantly being sucked into my body. I felt amazing, I could see and hear everything around me and than Suddenly a flood of information poured into my mind of a technique and physique most of which I could not comprehend within a short time.

(Ding, SSOS has been active. SSOS is a system which can get different systems ability and function after completing specific conditions) (Limitless systems)

This system left me speechless. This system had unlimited potential. 

(Ding, host has fulfilled the condition of the 'Sign in System' {entered a special location} adding sign in function)







(Sign in System unlocked, do you wish to sign in)

It seems that some systems will be easy to unlock.

 "Sign in"

(Ding host has used daily sign in. Host signed in on the special location | the Great Forest of Chaos |)

(Ding host has gotten the 'Phantom Step Technique' for daily sign in)

(Ding host has gotten the 'Chaos Clone Technique' for sign in at | The Great Forest of Chaos |)

(Ding do you what to claim the rewards)


(Ding host has claimed the rewards 'Phantom Step and Chaos Clone Technique')

I felt a flow of information started to appear in my mind, but unlike last time I felt no pain. 

The Phantom Step was a Speed Technique with 5 levels. The 1st level increases the user's speed by 1.5 and can create 5 phantoms that last for 3 seconds . 

The 2nd level increased the users speed by 2 creating 10 phantoms that lasted for 5 seconds as well as hiding the users breath.

The 3rd level increased the users speed by 3, creating 25 phantom that lasted for 7 seconds. In addition to hiding the user's breath it makes the user partially invisible making it harder for the enemy to detect them.

The 4th level increased the users speed by 4, creating 35 phantoms that could move in the direction the user was moves when creating them, well hiding the users breath and turning them partially invisible.

The 5th level increased the users speed by 5 times, creating 50 phantoms that could move toward a targeted aura for a limited time, well also turning the user invisible for 10 seconds and hiding their breath.

The Chaos Clone Technique that was split into 3 levels.

 The first level allows the user to make up to 5 physical clones made of chaos qi that has 50% of the user's physical strength.

 The second level allows the user to make 10 physical clones with 50% of the user's physical strength and can use 1 technique before disappearing. 

The third level allows the user to make 10 with physical clones that had 100% of the user's physical strength and could use 3 techniques, the clones could cultivate chaos qi at ¼ of the user speed that could later be absorbed by the user increasing the user cultivating. The requirements were that the user had to be in the foundation establishing realm to use the technique.

Both techniques were quite good, especially the Chaos Clone Technique, and if they were used together they would be even better. The only bad thing is he did not have a high enough realm to use them for the time being.

But he knew he didn't have time to think about it. He just appeared in an unknown place with unknown creatures that could be lurking anyways in the shadows. He looked all round. There was nothing but dense jungle with trees much bigger than any of the tallest trees in his old world. He looked for a tree that he would be able to climb to see if he could get more information about what was around him. Most trees were too tall to climb but there were some younger trees that he could climb. He started to run to the nearest one and he noticed that was small enough that he could climb, I stared to run much faster than I could with my old body. I was running faster than any of the top athletes on Earth. It was the fastest the human body could go, without any external help like drugs or qi. I got to the tree and started my climb. I jumped to a branch 13 feet off the ground like it was nothing, I grabbed it and pulled myself up. The more I moved the more I realized that my body was at the peak of a normal human, it felt perfect.

He climbed up faster and faster, swinging and jumping from branch to branch, stopping at about 100 Ft. and looking at the beautiful surrounding forest, the green lush trees all around swaying in the gentle breeze, there were endless towering trees with the sun sparkling through the leaves, making it look like a paradise. The only other thing besides trees were two towering mountains that were impossible not to spot. 


As bushes moved his heightened senses caught the location of the sound and easily found the disturbance locking onto a bush that a wolf three times the size of any wolf on Earth, jumped out running, right after it a huge Beast that trampled and tore the bushes apart as well as anything that got into its way. It looked like a bear but it was Green and the claws were as long as a finger and the size made the wolf look like a baby staring up at an adult.

Spending 10 minutes in this new world I knew it would be hard to survive here the way I was, I needed to be much stronger.

Luckily, he had a ways to get stronger. His best two ways he could become stronger were his special physique that was materialized from chaos energy, it has the ability to devour different weapons and materials integrating them into his body, strengthening his body's muscles, bones and internal organs. It was like body refining but much more efficient, faster and there was no technique to comprehend. As long as there were enough strong materials or weapons he could endlessly make his body stronger. It could also devour Bodies of different races and beasts using them to strengthen his body and gain new abilities from their Bloodlines and physiques. 

The second way he could become stronger is the technique that came with the chaos physique that allowed him to absorb any energy to increase his cultivation. This technique would naturally absorb the QI in the air slowly increasing his cultivation. He never started this technique, so his cultivation has not improved but as soon as he did he would never stop devouring energy from the air and Thus always increase his cultivation. This technique was called Chaos Devouring. Using just these two methods to become stronger he knew he could reach unfathomable Heights in this new world.