
Chaos in One Piece

The protagonist fell from the sky into the world of 'One Piece' with a system-like something... Follow the journey with the Mc as he sail around the sea with his crew creating their legacies.... Note: The crew of the protagonist are all non-canons. Chapter release will be random about 6/7 chapters per week. There will be bonus chapters so enjoy the new story.

Rockleestar · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1: New World! First Crewmate!

In a huge port...

On the backyard of a warehouse, the sky suddenly twisted and...


*Boom! a figure fell from the sky and crashed down on the piles of wooden crates.

A little later, the figure slowly came out of the broken rubbles, patted the dust on his body and looked around. The figure was a tall man with red hair, pale skin, yellow pupils and a muscular body.

He walked out of the warehouse and saw a vast sea with several ships sailing around.

"A port? Where is this place?" The man was slightly puzzled but still calm. He was a grown man and already prepared of this kind of situation.

While he was chatting in his phone, a message came which stated that he could travel to other world. He had read several novels about world travel, so he directly accepted and was really transported to another world!

"Well, I didn't expect to be really transported... Whatever! That world was really boring and it's good to leave that place." He breathed a sign of relief and was about to move when a screen appeared in the front.

[Welcome! Player XXX...]

"Ok! A legendary world travel and now another legendary system...!? I'm so damn lucky!" The man Instantly rejoiced.


Player XXX profile:

Name: Rain

Sex: Male

Age: 18



Health: 400(100)

Agility: 80(30)

Strength: 200(40)

Luck: 5(1)

Sensitivity: 10(5)

(Note: The numbers inside the bracket represents the stats of a normal human...)


Storage: Epic Chest x1


"So it was not a system but an ability or something. Well, it's still okay! And an epic chest!? It looks like some sort of newcomer's gift... let's check it." Rain was a little upset but recovered when he saw the mail.

[ Epic Chest: It contains random 5 epic rewards...

Open Chest: Yes/No ]

"Phew! Let's try my luck... Yes!" Rain took a deep breadth and immediately opened the chest...

[ Opening Epic Chest:

- Congratulations! You won "Mythical Zoan Pack"...

- Congratulations! You won "Silent Mary"...

- Congratulations! You won "Haki Pack"...

- Congratulations! You won "Navy Six-Styles"...

- Congratulations! You won "300 stats points"...

Reward Details:

- Mythical Zoan Pack: It contains 7 following Mythical Zoan Type Devil Fruits:

1. Human Human Fruit, Model: Hades

2. Human Human Fruit, Model: Angel

3. Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Thunderbird

4. Dog Dog Fruit, Model: Werewolf

5. Dragon Dragon Fruit, Model: Hydra

6. Lion Lion Fruit, Model: Sphinx

7. Child Child Fruit, Model: Eagle God

Note: Can only consume 1 devil fruit per person.

- Silent Mary: A legendary galleon

- Haki Pack: It contains Busoshoku Haki, Haoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki. It can be integrated once and can be levelled up through training or adding points

- Navy Six-Styles: It contains Geppo, Tekkai, Shigan, Rankyaku, Soru and Kami-e. It can be integrated once and can be levelled up through training or adding points

- 300 stats point can be used to increase the stats of the user ]

Seeing the rewards, Rain instantly widened his eyes in shock. He didn't expect to be so lucky.

"These are the most awesome rewards I've ever expected. Now, I've a guess to which world I am in currently... Huh! As expected, world travel is still the best...!!" Rain exclaimed happily and directly integrated the techniques. He could keep the ship inside the storage, so kept it there for future.

As soon as he integrated the techniques, Rain suddenly felt powers emerged into his body and immediately checked the profile,


Player XXX profile:

Name: Rain

Sex: Male

Age: 18



Health: 600(100)

Agility: 120(30)

Strength: 300(40)

Luck: 5(1)

Sensitivity: 20(5)

(Note: The numbers inside the bracket represents the stats of a normal human...)



Busoshoku Haki(Armament Haki): Lvl 1(0/50)

Kenbunshoku Haki(Observation Haki): Lvl 1(0/50)

Haoshoku Haki(Conqueror Haki): Lvl 1(0/100)

Geppo(Moonstep): Lvl 1(0/30)

Tekkai(Iron body): Lvl 1(0/30)

Shigan(Finger pistol): Lvl 1(0/30)

Rankyaku(Storm leg): Lvl 1(0/30)

Soru(Shave): Lvl 1(0/30)

Kami-e(Paper drawing): Lvl 1(0/30)


Stats point: 300

Training methods: <Enter>

Storage: <Enter>



Rain checked the status and immediately used up the stats points to upgrade some of necessary abilities. He decided to eat the devil fruit after checking the surrounding and collecting information about the current world he was in.

Soon, Rain left the port and entered the unknown town...

A week had passed since Rain stayed on the town.

During this time, Rain had become a full fledged thief robbing from the other thiefs. He also found that he could see the profile of a particular person he focused on. He could also know the hostility level of the person through the colour of a star above their heads:

"Green represents that the person is friendly, Orange represents that the person is hostile, and Red represents that the person is enemy..."

That's what Rain had concluded after testing with several peoples.

He found that he was in 'Black Drum Kingdom' in South Blue but the timeline is unknown. He only new that Ace had already started sailing after finding a wanted posters of him. Maybe, he could know the timeline if he entered the Grand Line.

Rain had already eaten the devil fruit of model 'Hades' and also understood the uses of his ability.

He could absorb the negative emotions and increase his strength. Just after consuming, Rain's stats had already skyrocketed. He could also transformed into 'Hades' the 'God of Death' and even produce fire. He hadn't explored the full potential of the fruit ability yet.

Currently, he was standing at the front of a marine base with an excited expression. He had collected various information and found his first crewmate. And he was captured by the marines and kept inside the base.

"Huff... Huff...! Ok, ready! 1..2..3... Let's go!"


The huge gate suddenly blasted away and a tall figure slowly came inside with his right hand transformed into a monster claw made of magma and black matter.

"Who the fuck are you!? How dare you break inside the marine base!?"

"Stop there!! Or we'll attack...!!"

The marines inside the base all came out and surrounded Rain. Seeing that almost all the marines inside were here, Rain immediately released his aura and all the marines surrounding him fainted losing consciousness.

"Hehe! Quick and perfect... Now, let's go find the fish." Rain quickly entered the base and started searching the person while robbing all the money inside. He also met some marines which were easily subdued.

After a while, Rain saw several cells on the corner and went forward. He walked slowly checking at every person inside the cells and finally stopped at a huge figure sitting calmly closing his eyes.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

The man inside the cell slowly opened his eyes and asked in a cold voice looking at Rain.

"Aren't you the fishman Nemu? Who attacked the marines?" Rain asked normally looking sharp in his eyes.

The man that Rain was looking for was a huge fishman, maybe a giant hybrid. He fought with the marines when they tried to capture him for being a fishman. The marines were no match for him but was finally subdued while protecting a little boy.

Rain heard about him from the townspeople and decided to make him his crewmate. His Fishmen Karate was heard to be quite good.

"Yes that's me. And I only attack them just because they were all scums who do evils by shouting justice." Nemu said with anger in his eyes. He was also a big fan of Fisher Tiger so he hated the marines to the core.

"I don't mind you hating them but my reason of coming here is to ask you to join me." Rain immediately got to the point. He knew that Nemu won't easily refused as he couldn't see any hostility from him.

"You didn't answer my previous question. And, why do you ask me?" Nemu said calmly but he was thinking about the various reasons of Rain.

"I totally forgot! I'm called Rain. I've been thinking of establishing a pirate group and I wanted to you be my first crewmate. Together, we will turn over this world... What do you think? Nemu..."

"Hoh... An interesting reason you got there, I like it! Turning over the world, I'm in...!" Nemu slowly got up surpassing the already tall Rain.

Rain slightly smirked, transformed his hand into Hades' claw and directly scratched on the cell bars instantly melting it.


The handcuff on Nemu fell to the floor and was finally freed. He walked out of the cell and hit on his chest hard and immediately pledged loyalty to Rain without a single thought.

"I, Nemu, pledged loyalty towards the captain to follow with you until my life fell to hell... May the great Fisher Tiger be the witness of this day!"

"Haha! You really are a fan of that Fisher Tiger... Let's go then." Rain laughed seeing Nemu's reaction and walked outside followed by Nemu.

"Yes, he's my inspiration... So, Captain! Where are we heading to?"

"Well, let's leave this town and sail to a nearby island."

"Understood! By the way, I'm good at fighting, hard labour and navigation..."


"You're really a funny guy. I didn't expect you to have this kind of character too. But, your skills are still useful, I've really made the right choice taking you."

Rain and Nemu soon walked away from the marine base and headed towards the port. The marines were still lying on the ground, some was even snoring...




Player XXX profile:

Name: Rain

Sex: Male

Age: 18



Health: 800(100)

Agility: 180(30)

Strength: 500(40)

Luck: 5(1)

Sensitivity: 30(5)

(Note: The numbers inside the bracket represents the stats of a normal human...)



Busoshoku Haki(Armament Haki): Lvl 2(30/150)

Kenbunshoku Haki(Observation Haki): Lvl 2 (17/150)

Haoshoku Haki(Conqueror Haki): Lvl 2(1/500)

Geppo(Moonstep): Lvl 2(17/90)

Tekkai(Iron body): Lvl 1(5/30)

Shigan(Finger pistol): Lvl 2(11/90)

Rankyaku(Storm leg): Lvl 1(7/30)

Soru(Shave): Lvl 2(1/90)

Kami-e(Paper drawing): Lvl 1(0/30)


Devil Fruit: Human Human Fruit, Model: Hades

Fruit Awakening: Locked(29/10000)


Stats point: 0

Training methods: <Enter>

Storage: <Enter>



///////End of Chapter///////

Ok Guys See You Next Time...!!

Remind Me If There's Any Mistakes In The Story!!