
Chaos in Classroom of the Elite: Class 1-C

At the prestigious Advanced Nurturing High School, a promise lingers in the air: every graduate is guaranteed to achieve their career or higher education aspirations. Each student receives a monthly allowance of 100,000 points, a seemingly generous treatment fostering a sense of freedom and luxury. Surprisingly, the school's governance is anything but strict. Students are allowed to coast through classes with little regard for attendance or engagement, painting an image of an academic paradise. But beneath this veneer of laxity lies a stark reality—this institution is a battleground of meritocracy, where only the truly excellent receive preferential treatment. Into this highly competitive world steps Yukio Yoritaka, an unexpected entrant in the notorious first-year Class C, a group riddled with delinquents and underachievers. His arrival signals the beginning of an unprecedented upheaval, challenging the very foundations of this elite educational environment. Will Yukio thrive or crumble under the school's hidden pressures, where every student is in a relentless pursuit of excellence? ***This is a translation, I'm not the author*** original: https://b.faloo . com/1164138.html Patreon.com/METARLN

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185 Chs

Chapter 141 – Twists and turns

Oda inwardly sneered, completely expecting this. While others might be clueless about why second-year students suddenly blocked his path, how could he not understand?

At the root of it all was Nagumo from Class 2-A, resorting to despicable means to retaliate against Yukio. But... blocking him here, did they really think it would work?

With these thoughts, a smirk formed on Oda's lips.

It was rumored that Nagumo had garnered control over most of the second-year students, planning to sabotage during the Sports Festival. Yukio and Ryuen had anticipated this move early on.

So what if they tried to obstruct? If Yukio declared that Nagumo's class would end up last, then they certainly would.

As Oda faced the blockade, the short sprint was nearing its end with competitors close to the finish line. The audience prepared to cheer for the impending victory of their peers when...

Class C noticed the group of second-year students clustering together and more peculiarly, Oda being hindered behind them. (t/n: Ichinose's class)

"What's going on there? It's the Sports Festival! Why... why have they started walking? Don't they care about being last and losing points for their class?!"

"Just look at those three second-year students; they're clearly blocking Oda from Class 1-A on purpose, not letting him pass!"

"How... how despicable! Can senior students gang up on a junior like this?!"

Amidst the audience's disapproval, a student from Sakayanagi's class made a daring move, deliberately slowing down to push through the encircling second-years, creating a path for Oda.

Oda's eyes lit up, seizing the opportunity. A month's training had sharpened every step, as if to tear through the air itself, drawing the ire of the atmosphere, with the wind itself rebelling against his acceleration.

Yet it was futile. Following the path carved out by the Sakayanagi class student, Oda surged forward! The second-year students couldn't catch up, allowing both Oda and the Sakayanagi class student to cross the finish line, securing fifth and sixth places, thereby adding points to their classes.

This twist left the spectators dumbfounded, buzzing with questions about what just happened. No one expected the very first 100-meter dash of the Sports Festival to be so fraught with twists and turns, a truly bewildering and chaotic spectacle.

In Class 1-D, Horikita is seriously contemplating: "Why did the second-year students block Oda? And why did Sakayanagi's class help?"

Without a clue, Ayanokoji nonchalantly offers an explanation: "Aren't you aware? It's been the talk of the school lately. Apparently, Yukio publicly humiliated a Class 2-A senior, prompting the second years to seek revenge."

Horikita, who's usually out of the loop due to her limited social connections, was surprised to hear this for the first time. But then, reflecting on Yukio's character, it seemed within the range of possibility that he'd provoke a staff member, let alone a second-year student: "Typical of him, always stirring trouble. And that second-year senior must be quite malicious to seek revenge over such an incident."

"However, the second year targeting Yukio's class might be advantageous for us lower-ranked classes. It's a relief Sakayanagi's class didn't exploit the situation further, but why did they actively assist?"

Ayanokoji, with a hint of disinterest, shrugged: "Who knows? Maybe they disliked seeing the upperclassmen bully the juniors and decided to step in." After sharing this, he withdrew, offering no more insight.

Horikita, visibly annoyed and puzzled, couldn't make heads or tails of it: The idea of upperclassmen bullying juniors uniting them as a common enemy?

It made little sense; what shared problems could Sakayanagi's class possibly have with the second years?

Simply because they were also first-year students, and thus against the senior class's bullying? Could Sakayanagi's class students be that naive?

Seeing no further information forthcoming from Ayanokoji, Horikita turned to Kushida: "Hey, do you know anything about Yukio's class..."

"Why would I tell you?" Kushida's retort was sharper than Horikita's query, leaving her no choice but to turn to the ever-reliable Hirata for information.

In Ichinose's class, Kanzaki asked uncertainly: "Ichinose, could there be a secret pact between Yukio and Sakayanagi?"

"You think so?" Ichinose, already burdened with concerns about the Sports Festival and knowing Nagumo was bound to act against Yukio's class.

She has always been thinking about how to help Yukio's class, never expecting Nagumo-senpai to stoop so low as to have other second-year students from different classes publicly obstruct the race, causing her heart to leap to her throat.

Seeing a student from Sakayanagi's class come to Oda's aid allowed her to breathe a sigh of relief… Hearing Kanzaki's question, she responded somewhat absentmindedly.

While Kanzaki was intently watching the track, he failed to notice Ichinose's distraction: "Could it be possible? You might think that since Yukio's class stepped over Sakayanagi's class to become Class A, they should be irreconcilable enemies, making a secret pact unbelievable."

"But what if there was some kind of private agreement? Like, if Sakayanagi's class helps fend off second-year Nagumo this time, they'll cancel the monthly one-million-point payment or something? Forcing Sakayanagi's class into cooperation?"

"I… I don't know…" Ichinose shook her head in confusion: "Let's, let's discuss this later, Kanzaki-kun. I need to tell everyone that if we see someone from Yukio's class in trouble on the field, we should help."

Kanzaki, bewildered by Ichinose's proactive approach to aiding a rival, was completely baffled and perplexed.

In Sakayanagi's class, Hashimoto was tying up his styled golden ponytail: "Your Highness, is this really okay? Favors forced upon someone often aren't considered favors."

Hashimoto's point was clear. Sakayanagi's intervention hadn't been discussed with Yukio beforehand. Trying to make someone owe you a favor this way seldom works, and it's hard for the other party to feel indebted.

Sakayanagi's face remained cheerful, her fingers, pale yet knowing, occasionally tapping on her cane: "This isn't about forcing a favor."

"This is probably a… debt of gratitude from that day at the beach?"

"As long as we're on good terms with Yukio-kun, whatever I want to do later, he'll likely be more than happy to agree."

Hashimoto became even more confused by Sakayanagi's words. What did she mean by "a debt of gratitude from the beach"? And what does Sakayanagi plan to do that Yukio would agree to?

Tying up his ponytail, Hashimoto inwardly grimaced, thinking to himself how much he disliked those who speak in riddles.

Kamuro, guarding the other side of Sakayanagi, wondered: "But you said Yukio didn't need help. Seeing the situation now, he should be thankful to you, right?"

"Not really~" Sakayanagi's voice was especially sweet, filled with mischief: "Kamuro-san, if you're unsure whether Yukio-kun needs help, just look at the field."

"Is something missing~?"


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