
Chaos in Camelot

In the third adventure of the Voyages of the 997 series. Treasure hunters Kyle and Tina go on a quest to find the powerful gauntlet known as the Dragon Star in the Arthurian city of Camelot. A relic that it said to have the power to have power the lighting and grants incredible armor. Along the way cross paths with sea monster, some new friends and a sinister new enemy.

Master_MoJo · Action
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18 Chs

The King of Camelot

Kyle wore a navy blue knight's tunic with silver armored plating, and Tina wore a black and brown girl knight's attire with metal guards. There now you are officially part of Camelot. Wow, this is cool! I always wondered how it would feel to be a knight. Said Kyle. So where is the passageway, Zhane? Asked Tina. It is in the castle chamber, and only the king and the royal guard can access it, and we must gain permission from King Edmund first. Well let's ask him. We can ask, but do not get hopes up that he will say yes.

The three walked to the throne room until they heard a loud crash coming from one of the rooms. What's happened?! Sorry I'm still trying to perfect my floating spell. I can make myself fly in the air, but everything else comes crashing down. Kyle and Tina say hello to Margaret the Magician. Yep, I am the Great-Great Granddaughter of Merlin the Magician. I'm not quite at his level of magic yet, but I will be. Good to me, you. we were just on our way to see King Edmund King Edmund? Why? Should we tell her Kyle? Well…Alright but that's it no one else other than the King needs to know. We are looking for this treasure called the Dragon Star, and we want to use the castle chamber to find it because it's underground. So, you're gonna try to find it in Camelot Caverns. Well you I can help you find the Dragon Star because it's like a maze down there. But Zhane said he could lead us through it. Oh, please, I'm the royal magician. I had to learn about the castle from top to bottom. The knights can only give the details. Margaret! Fine, you can come with us, just don't get in the way. Now let's see the king, please.

The heroes made their way to the throne room with King Edmund sitting on his throne. Margaret, Squire Zhane. What brings you here? And who are these two peasants? Who is he calling a peasant! Quiet Kyle. Your majesty, this is Kyle and Tina. They are explorers who have come to find an ancient relic hidden in Camelot Caverns, and they wish to use the castle chamber to get it. Zhane. As much as I love a sense of adventure. Do you really expect me to allow outsiders access to something like the castle chamber?

Tina stepped forward. King Edmund, you may not know us, but Kyle and I would never disrespect your castle or your kingdom. And we've been to glorious places like Atlantis and Shangri-La finding treasure and adventure, so speaking for all four of us, we humbly ask permission to use the castle chamber to enter Camelot Caverns. Besides, what would King Arthur decide? King Edmund paused and closed his eyes carefully to think about the request. Very well, you may use the chamber as long as Zhane and Margaret go with you. You can count us, your Highness. Said Margaret. Thanks, King Edmund. Well, guys, what are we waiting for let's go!