
Chaos Hunter

The Earth suddenly got involved in the grand scale of the Multiversal system. Every person on earth gets transported into the tutorial zone with only one objective. [ SURVIVAL] • Alex was an orphaned boy. He was born with a weak body and was constantly getting bullied by his peers. Despite all of this, he never gave up. Always running, always working, always pushing his limits for a better life. And all of a sudden, he found himself in a completely different world, where the only law is "The law of the jungle". ============================ • 2-3 chapters/week. I am a college student so I usually don't get enough time to write, but I will try my best to update as frequently as possible. • After a few months the updates will be frequent.

Fleeting_dreams · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

4. A new World

• Transporting to tutorial •


-(1st POV)-

As soon as i heard the system message

and *blink*

I found myself in a completely different world.

I found myself in a forest, surrounded by large trees that seems to cover the very skys of this place; I could see no sky at all but for these tall green giants towering above me like some kind of ancient monument. The ground beneath my feet was covered with thick grass and small bushes which gave off an aroma of freshness mixed into something earthy and floral.

The air around me was cool and crisp, so much more refreshing than anything else I've ever experienced before – it's almost hard not to take deep breaths just because you can smell how clean everything is here!

As far as the eyes can see there are trees stretching away from each other on either side until they meet high up in the distance where they merge together forming one long tunnel-like structure that leads deeper down into darkness.

In between them grows smaller shrubs, flowers and vines that seem to grow everywhere except inside the tree tunnels themselves. It looks like every inch of space has been claimed by nature itself.

This whole area must be huge if even a single patch of land isn't covered in greenery or foliage. There doesn't appear to be any buildings nearby though – only the occasional clearing through the canopy that reveals blue skies beyond.

But what caught my attention most were the birds fluttering about overhead, their feathers bright reds and yellows against the greens below. They're singing too, chirping happily as they go about whatever business they have. Birds don't sing like this back home… do they?

<Is this really happening> I asked myself aloud <isn't there supposed to be someone standing over my shoulder telling me that this is real life and none of this is actually possible right now?

It felt surreal to think that I'd woken up somewhere strange without anyone. My first instinct would normally be to panic given how alone and vulnerable I suddenly feel but somehow I'm able to keep calm and rationalise things.

Here, I am, alone in a unknown place, surrounded by trees and the sounds of animals calling out to one another. What should I expect next then? Perhaps some giant beast will come charging towards me and tear me apart.


• Welcome to the tutorial •

Yet again, I heard a another sound of notification from the system.

I quickly checked what it was.


Planet earth is the 95 initiated planet under the rules of the "System of Multiverse", From here on your growth is assisted by the system and how hard you work for your survival and evolution.

Your initial starting stats and abilities are determined based on the information gathered during the initiation process. You may alter these attributes using skill points earned throughout your adventure. These attribute changes require a certain amount of experience to apply.

You have witnessed the power of the system that defies the law of reality that you used to believe in. Your perception of the universe has changed forever.

Now, you are also a part of the Multiverse. Now you can grow and evolve to a degree that you never thought possible. You can weild powers that destroys the very laws that you understand. A power that makes the impossible possible. A power that makes living forever, a reality.

Able to manipulate time and space, you can travel across the vast expanse of the multiverse to explore new worlds and conquer foes unlike those you faced previously.

However, your journey does not end here; the path ahead is filled with danger and challenges. Only the strongest shall survive. Are you ready for the challenge?

The civilization you have so painstakingly evolved over the years shall no longer offer you protection. No matter where you run, danger awaits. Show us the resilience of your race— stand your ground and fight, struggle for your survival long enough to unlock your talent, or die trying.

This is the first step towards your new reality.


• Tutorial •

• Duration: 59 days 23 hours 59 min

• Tutorial type: Survival

• Completion requirements: Survive the duration of the tutorial.

• Rules: Collect tutorial points (TP)

• Information: The great forest is your tutorial zone, a place of many dangers and mysteries. In this zone you will be tasked with collecting TP, which can be used to purchase items in the system shop, or traded for favors from other players. There are no safe places in the Zone, so always keep moving and watch out for dangers.

• Tutorial points (TP): Beasts roams freely in this forest and they are hungry! If you do not kill them quick enough they will eat you instead. Killing beasts also earns experience points and TP. You can also kill other initiates and gain their Tutorial points [If you are in a party than the tutorial poins will be distributed according to contribution]. You can also team up with other initiates.

• Total survivors: 1500/1500

• TP collected: 0

• Death in the tutorial means True death •

As I read through the information, I understood something. This is no paradise, or fantasy game where if I die in the tutorial I can try again, if I die in the tutorial than it will be real death, there are no second chances.

Moreover the tutorial is encouraging us to kill other initiates.

The whole thing was simply insane.

Despite all of this, I didn't panick, Opposite to this, I was calm. I was so calm that it even chilled me. In this situation, any sane person would feel fear, anger, frustration, and many other emotions. But I was calm.

I felt nothing.

Maybe I am stretching this, but I also felt a bit fear, but more than this fear, I felt a kind of excitement that I have never felt before. I moved my hand to my heart, I felt it was beating very loudly. All of a sudden I felt, I am alive. It was the first time in my life that I felt like that.

On earth, I was an orphan living in poverty and misery. My only friends were the servants that gave me food and clothing. I had never had a single companion from my childhood.

I never had any one that i could call a family nor a friend. Because of my weak body i was constantly being bullied by my peers and elders alike. But no matter how hard they pushed me down, I never gave up on them even for a second.

I always did what I could do to improve myself. I studied hard to get into the best university so i can get a good job and live a better life.

On earth I was constantly trying my best to have a better life to live, always running, always rushing, never took a moment to breathe, always pushing myself beyond my limits to make sure that i will be able to live a better life when i'm older.

In my entire life, i never had any time to just sit still and take it all in.

I was always running or rushing or studying or doing something that made me better at what i do. But no matter how hard you push yourself, you can only run for so long before you will fall down and be unable to run anymore.

But now....., all of a sudden, breathing in this fresh air, I realised all those things doesn't matter anymore!

It doesn't matter if im poor or rich, it doesn't matter if im healthy or unhealthy, it doesn't even matter if i die today or tomorrow!

I don't need money to live nor friends nor companions!

I don't need to run and rush and study anymore!

And most importantly, I realised that in this world there are no limits!

There is no such thing as laws!

There is no such thing as good and bad!

There is no such thing as right or wrong! There is only winning and losing!

And in this world there is only one thing that matters: Winning!

I feel free.

"In this world, I will not only survive but thrive" I smiled.