
Chaos Hunter

The Earth suddenly got involved in the grand scale of the Multiversal system. Every person on earth gets transported into the tutorial zone with only one objective. [ SURVIVAL] • Alex was an orphaned boy. He was born with a weak body and was constantly getting bullied by his peers. Despite all of this, he never gave up. Always running, always working, always pushing his limits for a better life. And all of a sudden, he found himself in a completely different world, where the only law is "The law of the jungle". ============================ • 2-3 chapters/week. I am a college student so I usually don't get enough time to write, but I will try my best to update as frequently as possible. • After a few months the updates will be frequent.

Fleeting_dreams · Fantasy
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12 Chs

2. Introduction to the Multiverse

*Initiation of the 95th universe has begun*

As Alex slowly starts to open his eyes, the first thing that registered in his mind some kind of robotic voice informing him about some kind of introduction?...

As he slowly started regain his bearings, he noticed that he was in a dark place, so dark that he couldn't even see his own limbs. He tried to move and realized that he couldn't move , it wasn't just darkness but absolute blackness. It felt like there were no walls around him or ceiling above his head.

Alex started to panic as he began to realize how vulnerable he was. He tried calling for help again, but the only response he received was another robotic voice repeating its message; "preparation for introduction is progressing "

"Oh shit." Alex thought to himself, "this is some kind of VR simulation or something!"

He tried desperately to think back on what had happened after he heard the ding sound. The last thing he remembered before losing consciousness was a voice in his mind announcing that" initiation of 95 universe has began" . What did they mean by that? Had he been transported into another universe ? Was this a VR experience created by someone who wanted to mess with him?

Alex panicked as he thought about all these questions, it seemed like it would be impossible to get out, especially if he couldn't even move! He wanted to cry at the hopelessness of his situation. He could feel himself starting to shake from fear but kept trying to hold it together, now was not the time to fall apart.

He started to take slow deep breaths and tried to calm himself as much as possible, cause panicking won't do any help in this situation. He didn't know how long this would go on and it might get worse before he woke up. He needed to stay focused on his goal, which was getting out of here.

He took a few more deep breaths as he tried to gather his thoughts and focus on his goals. He needed to figure out how to escape from this place before it got too bad. One thing he knew for sure was that he was still in his body, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to feel anything. Maybe he was trapped inside of some sort of robot, maybe an AI program?

He decided to try moving his right arm again. He couldn't really tell whether he moved it or not because everything was so dark, but he gave it a shot anyway...

Just as he about to try his luck, the voice sounded again.

"Preparations are complete, Welcome to the system of multiverse"

Light filled his eyes as he was temporarily blinded by what seemed like a huge spotlight shining in his face. When his vision cleared a moment later, he saw that he was surrounded by a bright white room.

It was a single room with a big window looking out onto a completely black space. This was one hell of a VR program.

The light was very intense and hurt his eyes for a second, but once he adjusted to it he found the brightness wasn't hurting his eyes anymore. It looked like it was coming from somewhere far away, but the room was too small for it to be outside. Then he noticed the window, it was a glass wall looking out into nothing.

As he stared at the window, he wondered why it was so bright. For a moment he thought maybe something was wrong with his eyesight, but then he realized that the window itself was glowing. He could see the reflection of whatever was outside.

His gaze fixed on the image beyond the window. His heart almost stopped when he saw what was there.

There was a giant spherical object floating in the distance, it looked like a massive sphere with many smaller spheres attached to it, each one containing multiple spheres. They were all connected to the larger sphere via a series of umbilicals. As he stared, he saw what appeared to be hundreds of spheres rotating in unison. And as he watched, another two dozen spheres joined them.

Alex's mouth dropped open as he stood up from where he was sitting.

This is a star, he thought to himself.

The suns, moons, planets, and asteroids of a solar system came alive in front of him. Each one was as detailed as the real thing, down to their individual textures and colors. Some were brighter than others due to the amount of sunlight falling on them, while some were darker due to the lack of sunlight.

And those were just the ones he could see! There must be thousands of stars in this galaxy alone, and it was hard to even imagine how many other galaxies there were out there.

What amazed Alex the most wasn't just how realistic it all was, but also that this simulation must have taken a lot of work and effort to create. He was stunned to find that someone had put so much work into creating such a beautiful world.

He stared at the view for what seemed like hours, until finally he started to hear a loud humming sound filling the room.

Alex turned towards the sound. He saw a 3D hologram of a humanoid figure, it was also dressed in all white.

And the most noticeable thing about this figure is that it didn't have a face, there are just all static numbers and geometric lines where it's face should be.

."Whoa!" Alex said aloud as he took an involuntary step back.

"Wh-what the hell?" Alex asked stunned. "I never seen anything like this before."

"Greetings, human. Welcome to the system of multiverse ," the figure spoke. It had a voice of computerized synthesizer. The voice made you feel distant and cold.

Before Alex even could ask any questions, the figure started to speak again.

"Human,your universe has finally passed the minimum threshold required to enter the multiverse and has thus been initiated. Now, do you have any questions before we move on to the subjects pertaining to the tutorial?" the thing finally finished up.

Alex's mind become messed up. He was confused, afraid, and at the same time he had a huge urge to laugh hysterically. The whole situation felt so absurdly comical that it made his head hurt.

After cooling his head, he asked the most sensible question that he could ask in this situation.

"Wh-what are you and what is this 'system of multiverse' you are speaking about?" Alex asked with a shaky voice.

"I am the entity in charge of greeting you and introduce you to the system of multiverse"

"The system is a multiversal entity that oversees the growth and development of all life in the initiated universe," said the figure"It has neither form nor shape, but rather exists in every plane as something like an eternal mind."

"For your better understanding, you can think of it as a RPG game, where you are a player and the system will assist you in your growth. The system will provide you with everything you need to become more powerful and advance through the levels, which represent increasing complexity and specialization. As you gain knowledge and experience, you will be able to acquire new abilities, such as magic spells or special weapons. These abilities will help you defeat enemies and overcome obstacles on the way to greater power. If you play your cards right, you may even get access to some rather unique options."

Alex started to process the information slowly and carefully, like a man picking up his first glass of water in months. He'd thought he was pretty well prepared for whatever lay ahead in life. But this? This was beyond his wildest imaginings.

"Enough of the questions, now let us move on to the more pressing matters," said the entity.

"The preparations for the tutorial are completed and the system has been fully integrated". "Now You can see your status screen, by imagining or saying 'status'. There you will find all the information about Your present state."

He imagined it, 'status'

A full-color display came into view in his head, with the words:


Thanks for reading 😊😊