
Chaos Heart

ZachTheMan_God · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 Year 5

Maxene and David had a child that they (as in Maxene) bragged about constantly, which caused other couples to be envious and oftentimes outright avoid them.

They bragged how he was always studying and was the most polite child in the world.

At this moment in time David was fighting a raccoon that was too tall for nature, he had a wooden sword his father made and polished for him.

"You ugly wretched child, you believe you can defeat I? I will humour you for now only because I pity you."

"You are one to talk you oversized rat!!"

Demons and elves had the ability to commune with animals, though royal demons could commune with practically anything with a soul that was smart enough, including stone Golems.

And royal elves could commune with trees and plants.

The raccoon let out a screetch before rushing at the child, to it's suprise the child jumped back clumsily before parrying the attack and hitting the raccoon in the jaw with a clean slice of the sword, knocking it unconcious.

+30xp Defeating Thief








Skill Points-32


Vital Breathing(P): Your breathing heals as well as regenerates mana, breathing is adaptable to different environments

Sneak Thief(P): Your steps are nimble, walking and even running is rendered silent

Persistance(P): Doing or handling something repeatedly can increase your resistance against it

Honesty(P): You can read the slightest bits of the body, and know when someone is lying

In the past five years, Baby David had leveled up 11 times, his natural growth had increased his stats as well as his added points, he also often practiced the cultivation method he had which mainly made it so he has a strong base, therefore improving future potential, he has only used 4 skill points so far as no other skills were made available

The light breeze that blew every so often made a wave across the land, the trees swayed and the blue green and purple grass waved at the clouds which scattered the sky

A hooded man with a sword and shield on his back as well as a large pack journeyed through the hills to the village of Grenz, the tall Hazel Wood gates were opened for him after the guards confirmed his identity as safe, and he was welcomed by the sight of... A fight?

A few minutes earlier

"I walked into his room and he was sitting on the floor cultivating! Can you believe it?! He goes to the library so often that I didnt even have to teach him how!! And he is only 5 years old!"

A stout woman with dark hair and a scowl on her face replied to this comment with one of her eyes half closed

"Likely, don't tell us these dumb stories about your brat anymore, just admit you lied and we can all be fine and dandy."

"I'm not lying, if you dont believe me than you don't have to. Let's just wait till he is a famous adventurer."


The stout woman walked past her intentionally bashing her shoulder roughly as she did so

"Look at me and say that."

A pretty voice said, and as the stout woman started to turn her head she was clocked in the jaw

Immediately guards rushed over and a hooded figure stood silently watching before vanishing

"This is an odd village, that punch was loaded with mana.."

As the hooded man was gliding through the air and scanned the ground below he noticed a little... Child?! Fighting a spirit raccoon.. Dodge.. Strike.. One hit, right in the jaw, with a sturdy wooden sword made from ShadeWood..

What is up with this town? He just came to pick up some Bright Steel and yet there was already two odd sights, he decided to land by the chubby adorable child.

Baby David had been practicing his sword techniques in this body, as he was a year out of practice, but he was glad that the strength points he added allowed normalish movement so he could once again do things. His spirit base was already much stronger than his previous life and was still being built.

He was wallowing in the victory when he heard a whoosh in the air and turned around to see a tall hooded figure.

"Hello there boy! Whats your name?"

The figure stretched out his hand for a handshake while scanning the adorable babies face

"They call me Baby David, my father is Papa David."

He reached out his chubby hand, unable to reach the hooded figures

The hooded ones heart trembled under the cuteness of these words.

He took off his hood before bending down to shake the babies hand

The mans features were sharp, he looked early 20's and his ears showed he was an elf. He had light bluish skin and dark brown eyes with light brown hair.

When their grips met, the man could feel the babies spirit base and mana emanation

"They call me James, Baby David, who taught you cultivation? Or those sword skills?"

"Papa David is the head guard, he made this sword, and I study at the library."

These adultish wordscoming from this kid had almost made James throw away his pride and cuddle the little adorable kid.

"Well, uhm, let me walk you home Baby David, I can give you a piggy back ride if you'd want."

Despite the serious tone he was using with a baby, it was all over his face that he wanted to hug the chubby David.


Baby David was hoisted onto the mans shoulders and gave him the directions home.

Due to his Honesty passive skill he could tell there were no bad intentions here.

On the walk the man had become more and more curious, what kind of hellish training did they put a baby through? Or what gift had allowed a baby to defeat a spirit creature?

As the door was opened both Maxene and James were suprised, James immediately recognized the first face he saw when entering the town, and Maxene was wondering who this was that was carrying her baby

"Hi mom!"

David hopped off of James' shoulders and went to eat apple pie

Maxene looked at the man with suspicioun written all over her face, but before she could say anything-

"Your son is incredible! How did you raise such a genius? He speaks eloquently and is very skilled in not only cultivation but sword skills, especially for his age! And his body is very strong!"

Maxene had been waiting a while for this and pulled out a chair for him and then herself

After about an hour of digging and listening to a talk about the powers of motherly love, James gave up and got ready to bid farewell, but not before stating that if she wants to send him to a martial school, she should send him to the Bright Loft School, he gave her a jade token and said once he is 15 send him and he will be eligible to be tested.

"My Baby David! What are you doing to be complemented so much by an elf?"

Baby David was currently overindulging on apple pie, since he could eat freely now he was surely making the most of it.

"Forget I asked."

Maxene giggled and went about her day, which was mostly just reading, as she wasn't allowed to leave the house for a while ( house arrest)

James put on his hood after leaving the homestead of Maxene, he just came for Brightsteel but possibly has stumbled upon something greater.

If he could come back for such a great talent he may possibly be able to be responsible for one of the futures greatest powers.

James entered the Blacksmiths hut, an aura of heat encapsled this mysterious hut, every breath drawn was warm and humid, with a blackened and dim steel interior.

The dark steel gave off a thin layer of coldness, weapons of many styles decorated the walls.

Sitting in a chair reading a book and drinking what could be smelled by the elfs keen sense as honeymilk tea was a half breed between Mountain Goblin and Earth-Core Dwarf.

A hairless muscular figure with scaled arms set down tea and a book on a table by his chair and turned around at the elf who was holding up a Bright Loft Obsidian Talisman.

"Good noon blacksmith, I am here to retrieve the purified Bright Steel ingots."

The blacksmith sighed before grabbing a bag and tossing it to James, who was caught off guard by the weight but saved face by quickly transferring the materials to his spacial ring.

After the blacksmith sat back down James turned around to walk away when he halted in his tracks at the sound of a husky yet smooth baritone voice


James turned halfway around and looked to the blacksmith

"I know you have met the talent here in the village of Grenz. I just want you to know that I have seen his fighting prowess against the rodents and would like you to mind your tongue in the future, or else others with greater power will do whatever they can to trample or steal the opportunity, do not miss your chance."