
Chaos Eyes

In a planet we called earth in year 2020 a catastrophe accured in different parts of the world in which a dimensional rift opened making way for creatures which is called chaos beings to invade our planet killing millions of people along the way. inspite of the world's government successfully defending the planet they still fear the second coming of these invaders. Thus the government formed a secret organization that will one day defeat the chaos beings and they called it Defenders. In year 2030 ten years after the catastrophe that shook the world a teenager named Jhin Kaizaki a survivor of the catastrophe found himself in a peculiar situation wherein he found himself having an ability to see the future.... Follow Kaizaki everyday life as it changes and knows the reason why he can see the future (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Fantasy
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256 Chs

Chapter 237: [The Second Apocalypse II]

[Grandora City, Sub-Headquarters]

The moment Head chief Oliver reviewed the USB containing the video file from the cctv in the city that saw Nueve loitering around the streets and hearing the explanation from Sanaguchi, Ryuuji, and Jinwoo, he then begun to wore a grim expression as he realized the dire situation that their city is undergoing.

After all Nueve based on records, is the first of the enemy that fought the subjugation army and took out a lot of them with only its fist and kicks alone. Many were gravely injured and killed by his hands, causing the morale of the subjugation force to plummet. What's more he is part of the group in which that took care of their prime target for capture, Argie Franklin.

Feeling stressed from the pressure building up, head chief Oliver then begun to ponder silently as this situation is not simple at all. He doesn't know whether the enemy was still amidst the citizens of this city, or the possibility that it may already have infiltrated this base. After all no one noticed him actually entering the city's walls, so it is already a given fact that Nueve might have an ability to bypass security. Such a person having a trait of an assassin is pretty dangerous, much more to a monster such as him.

"When was this?" asked by Head chief Oliver

"Yesterday" answered by Sanaguchi

"Yesterday... is it possible that he may still be in the city?" asked by head chief Oliver

"It's not zero but we cant be sure... after seeing him entering this corner based on the video, the camera then suddenly lost track of him... there's only possibility in this case, one is that he can turn invisible, or two he can morph into something else" explained by Sanaguchi

"What's the most likely case?"

"I'm not sure... both of them can actually be it but we cant be too sure"

After hearing that, head chief Oliver look all around his room and then asked.

"What's the most likely he is listening right now?"


Upon hearing that question, Sanaguchi was then lost for words as he cant give an assured answer for head chief Oliver right now, after all even he is starting to doubt whether the enemy is listening right now or the security measures of the base can secure the conversation of this confidential meeting.

Of course, the moment head chief Oliver saw Sanaguchi's expression, he then understood that even he is having a hard time answering him due to this recent incident. With the possibility of the enemy turning invisible or morphing, you can't even feel safe anywhere anymore, much more just by overthinking about it, literally paranoias a person. The longer this issue is unresolved, the more anxiety attacks them mentally.

Plus if perchance they tried to mellowed down and not think to much, the enemy might take this chance to finish them off without them realizing it. This literally puts them on a tight rope.

"At this point, you cant just simply trust anyone or even your surroundings, be careful" advised by head chief Oliver which was immediately nodded by everyone in the room

After stating that, he then proceeded to think of a way to tackle this with the people in this room.

"How about i issue a lockdown and martial law in the city?" asked by Head chief Oliver as he thinks of a away to catch their infiltrator

Martial law refers to the temporary imposition of direct military control over a designated area or country. It is usually declared during times of extreme emergency, such as widespread civil unrest, natural disasters, or war. When martial law is declared, civil liberties may be suspended, and the military takes on roles typically held by civilian authorities, such as law enforcement and governance. Martial law grants the military broad powers to maintain order and security, including the ability to enforce curfews, restrict movement, detain individuals without trial, and censor media and communications. The decision to declare martial law is a significant one, as it involves balancing the need for security with the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

Governments must justify the declaration of martial law as a necessary and proportionate response to the situation at hand. In democratic societies, the imposition of martial law is often subject to legal and constitutional constraints, and its duration is typically limited to the duration of the emergency. In this case the organization controlling the order of the city right now is the Chaos breaker organization, so they have full rights to issue this.

"We cant just do that! the city and its citizens wont take it seriously and protest would rise" commented by Ryuuji

"But its for their sake! we need to find that monster" said by head chief Oliver

"Yes we do need to find him, but how can we explain to the people that an enemy unit is pretending to be a citizen in the city among them?" asked by Jinwoo

"We don't need to explain, we have the evidence" answered by head chief Oliver

"It would cause mass panic among the city's citizens, trust in us would fall and the media as we know it may use this chance to criticize us... even if we are the protectors of the human race and is held in high regards, not everyone regards us in such ways due to the casualties our organization has every end of the year report, just as we have a lot of supporters, we also have a lot of haters" said by Sanaguchi

"Public opinion, yes that would be hard"

Public opinion plays a crucial role in democratic societies and governance systems around the world. If the public holds negative perceptions about an organization, its products, services, or practices, it can erode trust and credibility. Negative publicity, scandals, or controversies can quickly spread through media channels and social networks, shaping public opinion in detrimental ways.  Negative public perception can also affect employees within the organization. Employees may feel demotivated, embarrassed, or disillusioned if their employer's reputation is tarnished. This can lead to decreased morale, productivity, and potentially higher turnover rates as employees seek more favorable work environments.

Rebuilding a damaged reputation can be a challenging and lengthy process. Organizations may need to invest resources in reputation management, crisis communication, ethical reforms, and community engagement to regain trust and restore their brand image. Those are the things how public opinion can affect the organization.

In that moment the whole room went silent as they all think of a way to  mitigate this situation.