
Race to the Island

"Good Morning, miss," Elior woke up from his meditation to give her a bright greeting. He looked around the sun, the strikingly blue sky, and water everywhere, to mutter, "Sometimes nature wants to question your sanity, isn't that right?!"

Inari lifted her head to look at him. Her depressing thoughts were broken as he heard the radiating greeting. He certainly had uncanny ways to greet.

"I am feeling very sane today," he said again to stretch his body as cranking noise came out. Inari a head the feeling that this youth has unlimited energy to keep on with things.

"Is it otherwise, any other day?" Inari could not help but ask. 

"Oh, no, I am sane most of the time, but I am always prone to bad decisions," Elior continued, "but here in the trial, most of my decisions will not have any drastic effect. I can kill around as I please without any repercussions."

"All sounded right, except the last phrase," Inari said, raising her eyebrow.

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