
Chapter 1: Birth of Chaos and a Big Bang

In the beginning, there was nothing. No concept of space or time, just an endless void of nothingness. Within this void, a soul emerged, developing sentience.

It pondered its existence and questioned, "Who am I? What am I?" But there was no one to provide answers. As it contemplated these questions, the soul gradually arrived at an answer.

It was the Source of Nothingness itself—a paradoxical being that embodied the very essence of nothingness. It became known as Nihility, destined to exist as long as nothingness remained.

Yet, once Nihility comprehended its nature, a new inquiry arose: "What is my purpose?" It delved deep into thought, but soon realized it had no purpose. Without a goal to pursue, boredom and loneliness consumed Nihility.

The emptiness grew unbearable, prompting it to seek a solution to its plight. Nihility decided it needed a companion—a being that could alleviate both its boredom and loneliness. Nihility thought about it and using a fragment of its soul, Nihility gave birth to an entity.

The aura of Nothingness attempted to destroy the newly created entity, but Nihility intervened, unaware that in doing so, it was inadvertently sacrificing itself. This being began devouring the nothingness, replacing it with infinite colours brimming with energy.

By the time Nihility realized the consequences, over three-quarters of the nothingness had been consumed. Amidst this transformation, Nihility sensed something it had never encountered before—a vast realm of endless possibilities. Unlike the static nothingness it was accustomed to, this energy fascinated Nihility to the point where it willingly cooperated, feeding the remaining nothingness to this burgeoning being.

As it observed the entity, Nihility experienced a new emotion—pride. It no longer cared and embraced its annihilation if it meant the birth of the being it had brought forth. And so, Nihility continued to feed the entity its soul, until only a minuscule fraction remained.

Aware that its time was drawing near, Nihility divided its remaining soul into two halves. One became a message for the being: "My child, unlike myself, you possess infinite possibilities. I name thee Chaos and thine energy shall be known as Chaos Energy. Unlike me, you will never be alone. Flourish and grow."

Nihility took the other half, stripped it of any consciousness, masked its energy to resemble chas energy, and left a command: "Find the Fated One." Nihility didn't know who the Fated One was or what they were fated to do. It just felt like something that had to be done. With Nihility's eradication, the entirety of nothingness disappeared.

Chaos, having received all that Nihility had to offer, fell into a deep slumber to assimilate its newfound essence. Yet, even as Chaos slept, its realm—the Chaosverse—continued to evolve, thanks to the wonders of chaos energy. Eventually, three clusters of chaotic energy converged, taking the form of eggs.

These eggs gestated for nine epochs until the Chaosverse birthed its first lifeforms—the Chaos Progenitors. One egg blossomed into a lotus-shaped plant, while another hatched a serpent-like creature adorned with enormous horns. The final egg yielded a majestic avian creature with a regal feathered crown. Though dissimilar in appearance, they all possessed colossal size, bodies adorned with infinite colours, and an unmistakable aura of power.

Simultaneously, three additional clumps of chaos energy began converging. Just like the Progenitors, these clumps also gestated for nine epochs. Finally, two burst forth, forming majestic rivers, while the third sprouted into a towering tree. These were the Chaos Primordials. When the Progenitors beheld the Primordials, a primal instinct surged within them. The Progenitors hurried toward the Primordials, each finding their destined abode.

The avian creature nested atop the towering tree, the lotus-shaped plant rooted itself within one of the rivers, and the serpent-like being plunged into the other. They felt an overwhelming sense of belonging. They didn't have anything to do and their idleness eventually led to clashes between them.

Unbeknownst to the Progenitors, their battles had consequences. Injured during combat, they shed scales, feathers, petals, blood, and more, which subsequently evolved into entities resembling their progenitors. These became known as the Chaos Behemoths, bearing resemblance to the Progenitors from which they originated.

Amidst the ceaseless conflicts, Chaos's dormant consciousness stirred slightly. It received the message left by Nihility and experienced emotions for the first time. Despite being a mere message, Chaos could feel the emotions of its progenitor. It also sensed the presence of the Primordials and the Progenitors realized they held a similar role to Chaos as Chaos did to Nihility.

A sense of impending evolution pervaded Chaos's awakening. Aeons passed, and finally, Chaos fully awakened. Its first act was to summon the Progenitors and the Primordials to its side. Then, it began to consume chaos energy voraciously. The Progenitors and Primordials received a telepathic message compelling them to converge at the centre of the Chaosverse.

Upon arrival, they beheld a condensed ball of chaos energy, irresistibly drawing all energy towards it. The Chaosverse struggled to contain this immense power. When Chaos finished its consumption, it began condensing upon itself until it could no longer compress further.

The Progenitors and the Primordials, a mixture of fear and curiosity, drew closer to the radiant sphere. And just as they were about to make contact, it exploded.


The explosion reverberated through the dimensions, its force surging through the bodies of the Progenitors and the Primordials. But instead of meeting their demise, something extraordinary occurred.

The giant tree's veins shimmered, radiating a silver luminescence that resembled a celestial star. One of the rivers' waters turned transparent, while the other flowed with a subdued grey hue.

The metamorphosis extended beyond the Primordials, as the bird-like beast erupted into white flames, the serpentine creature moulted its scales, gradually transitioning from its original colour to a deep black, and the lotus-shaped flower ignited, its flames taking on a mesmerizing transparency. They were all in the midst of a profound transformation.

The process spanned an epoch, marking the passage of countless years. When the metamorphosis concluded, the Primordials and the Progenitors appeared so vastly altered that they almost failed to recognize one another. However, a lingering sense of incompleteness pervaded their beings.

As they began to assess themselves, a resounding voice echoed within their minds again. "My children, you may not yet know me, so allow me to introduce myself. In the past, I was Chaos, the Source of the Chaosverse, the Firstborn of Nihility. But now, having discovered Order within Chaos, I have ascended. I am Iussum, the Source of Nihilistic Judgment, the Creator of Rules, and the All Mother of the Omniverse."

Iussum gazed at the six beings before her, perceiving their intense curiosity regarding their transformation and their lingering sense of incompleteness. She chuckled gently as she continued,

"Patience, my little ones. I was just about to address that very matter. As I unravelled the essence of Order, I uncovered the intricate nature of chaos energy. It consists of myriads of different types of energies, but among them, six particular kinds exist on an elevated plane.

They are Space, Time, Fate, Destruction, Creation, and Karma. Each one of you bears a fused Source connected to these energies. Your sense of incompleteness stems from the fact that these Sources have yet to fully merge with you."

Iussum's aura took on a solemnity as she uttered the following:

"Arise, Rudra, the Immemorial Dragon of Destruction."

"Arise, Nisarga, the Immemorial Phoenix of Creation."

"Arise, Samadhi, the Immemorial Lotus of Karmic Retribution."

"Awaken, Aevum, the Eternal River of Time."

"Awaken, Spatium, the Eternal Tree of Space."

"Awaken, Sors, the Eternal River of Fate."

As Iussum spoke these words, a profound awakening surged within the Primordials and Progenitors, erasing their sense of incompleteness and empowering them with newfound purpose.

Countless aeons unfolded, and the Omniverse transformed from a desolate expanse into a realm teeming with life. Myriads of trichiliocosms—clusters of interconnected world systems—sprang into existence, yet one world reigned supreme among them all—the Origin Plane.

Within the Origin Plane resided the most formidable race in existence—the Primarchs. Born from the union of the Primordials and the Progenitors, the Primarchs represented the culmination of their legacy. Three dominant clans governed the Primarchs unitedly—the Rudraevums, descendants of Rudra and Aevum; the Nispatium, descendants of Nisarga and Spatium; and the Sorsamadhi, descendants of Sors and Samadhi.


Author's Notes:

An Epoch is 12.3 trillion years and an Eon is 12.3 Epochs.

Iussum: Latin for Order

Rudra: It is one of the names of the Hindu God of Destruction, Shiva

Nisarga: Sanskrit for creation

Samadhi: a mythical fire that burns karma

Aevum: Latin for time

Spatium: Latin for space

Sors: Latin for fate

Trichiliocosm: A concept found in the cosmology of Mahayana Buddhism in which the universe is said to be comprised of three thousand clusters of world-systems each of which consists of a thousand worlds.

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