

An immortal, after living for countless eras, left his home, his family behind and crossed 'The Uncrossable Void' to reach the boundary of yet an undiscovered universe. On the FIRST DAY of his arrival, a heaven-shaking battle ensued which resulted in the disarray of heavenly order. Numerous gods were killed. Old Man, the controller of Heaven himself went missing. Despite being immortal, he also had to pay the toll. He lost his body his soul entered a random dead body. At the same time the 'SON OF HEAVEN', while fighting the darkness, fell under the hands of 'The Eternal's minion'. The Son Of Heaven will meet the person responsible for the destruction of Heaven and the massacre of the majority of heavenly gods. Together they will march towards the apex they once stood on and claim the throne that is rightfully theirs. . . . . (Note: I will try to upload 4 chapters per week ........try........and also of course this pic doesn't belong to me so if the owner got a problem then plz ignore it if cant I will remove it)

ZUArrogance · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


The old man looked feeble.

His age was 65 or something but that was only what one can get from his looks.

In reality, he was carrying a girl on his shoulder, and in another hand was a sword which showed that he was far more powerful.

The sword was covered in blood and an arm was lying on the ground, fresh blood still gushing out of it. And the unfortunate fella to whom this arm belongs was standing at some distance.

A girl, probably a healer, was tending to his wounds.

The second group had 7 people but none of them were moving forward to attack the old man. They had fear and nervousness visible on their faces clear as day. It looked like the previous skirmish caught them off guard.

The man probably the leader of the group in the front said, "Old man, no need for things to get ugly you just need to walk away"

"You say that after you put your sword away even if you do that I still would not be willing to negotiate to someone who thinks with his lower half," said the old man while looking toward the person standing at last of the group wearing a golden dress.

That man had greed and lust visible in his eyes contrasting to nervousness his comrade had,

"Don't fret it old man, beauties are meant to be enjoyed and who I am? 'the young master of the soaring phoenix', not some ordinary thug... Hey stop with that dispising look in your eyes" said the young man wearing beautiful clothes which were different than the same uniform the other six were wearing.

His comrades were also looking at him with disgust in their eyes but they can't raise their voice, for that man had higher status than them in their sect.

He was their Young master which was a position higher than core disciple but lower in status than their young mistress.

When they thought about the young mistress they had respect in their heart unlike disgust for this man.

"All I see is a horny dog whether young master or not," said the old man in a cold voice

"Ah, you are a loyal dog indeed but I have had enough of this shit, our young mistress wants only what is in your possession, and as for the girl she had given no instructions so u wouldn't mind if I have a taste of her, well, in the end, you both have to die," said the young man in the golden dress.

The young man had no fear which even made his comrades perplexed since the old man was far stronger than them.

They had no chance of surviving if not for their equipment much less if they fight him individually that would be plain suicide. But the man weakest in the group had the guts to taunt the old man.

"So it's the young mistress of the phoenix clan who ordered this attack. From the outside, she tries to present herself as a good person but in reality, a greedy person is all she is" now it was the turn of the old man to taunt them.

"Don't bad mouth about our young mistress" this time the one who replied was not phoenix's young master but rather it was the healer from their group and from the sound of it she completely idolizes her young mistress.

"Enough of this idle talk, let's do this old man I myself have a family to go back to. So do u, but only one of us can have this privilege. So let it be decided by the simple rule of 'who has the bigger fist'. " after the captain of the group said that he jumped forward.

The captain concentrated the worldly energy, from inside his body, on his fist.

The yellow worldy energy took the shape of a tiger whose roar shook all nearby trees. This fist was easily blocked by the shield which the old man pulled out of his spatial bag.


The waves from this collision spread far away.

The young master of the soaring phoenix clan nearly tripped over from the shockwaves but the person next to him protected him.

The captain was clearly at a disadvantage he was blasted away.

Blood gushing out of his mouth before he can land on the ground old man was already there ready to dissect his body into two.

But at the same time, another person from the group chanted something in some unknown language a magic circle appeared on his hand.

He was using energy other than worldy energy. It was more soothing than the fierce worldy energy of the captain.

The branches of trees grew bigger and with a quick movement, they pulled the captain back before he can land on the ground. At the same time, the girl cast a healing circle on the captain.

If not for the teamwork the captain would be long dead.

The old man had a cold light in his eyes that coldness was not directed toward the captain but it was toward the healer. Healer, a danger for him if the fight were to be dragged on.

At that time the girl whom the old man was protecting woke up from her slumber.

She innocently looked around with no idea of what was going on around her.

" Gramps!!!"

Called the girl in horror when she saw the old man fighting a group of people on his alone.

The old man was barely holding himself when being attacked from all sides.

Before she can do something to help the young master of the phoenix clan was standing before her.

He was giving such a big smile that all of his teeth were visible. It gave an intense feeling of disgust. He lifted his hand which was holding a sword and slashed downward toward the innocent girl with all his might.

The girl closed her eyes in fear.





(Note: As u have guessed already English isn't my 1st language it isn't even second one so either ignore my mistakes or just comment below both scenarios are quite easy and the second one will be of great help to me)