

The relevant information arrived, and a series of unstoppable events unfolded in the following days. Khan and Monica found themselves with work to do, forcing them to split once the weekend approached.

An interesting development prevented Khan from using his ship. Entering the Empire's territory had always required multiple security measures, but the specific destination increased their number. Surprisingly enough, Lord Exr had appointed Cegnore for the meeting.

Curious eyes full of respect unfolded in Khan's vision as soon as he reached the space stations occupied by Thilku. Those aliens had heard about his exploits, earning him boundless honor. Still, he ignored those reactions to focus on crossing the security measures.

The Thilku didn't show their respect only through silent reactions. When Khan reached the last part of the trip, the aliens led him to one of the Empire's circular ships. It seemed they had no intention of hiding their technology anymore.