"Man, I'm telling you," George cursed. "That woman is evil incarnate!"
"Not getting laid sure is driving you crazy," Khan commented, keeping his eyes on his phone.
"It's been weeks already!" George shouted.
"Two at most," Khan pointed out.
"Two and five days!" George corrected. "More than three if you count the occasional hookups!"
"Are we keeping track of the hours too?" Khan wondered.
"You talk like this," George scoffed, "But you would be more desperate than me in my situation."
Khan lowered the phone to show a mocking expression. He wanted the best for George, but he only had himself to blame for his predicament.
"How did you even fuck up after Nippe 2?" Khan questioned.
"A lot can happen in two weeks," George muttered.
"You just had to remain serious for a few hours," Khan scolded.