

In a room were people inside strange glass boxes with a strange liquid and wires connected to it,they all looked like they were asleep. One of them suddenly woke up,she looked confused and held her head as she tried to open her eyes she looked around the room and once she saw everything it was like she recalled something scary as she tried to hit the glass but it was really hard.As she did so she saw red lights flashing and knew she was done for. The door to the room opened and two men in white coats walked in as one of them pressed a few buttons on the glass and increased the voltage from 50 to 70 and then the girl blacked out as she was electrocuted. "Subject 001 has become more dangerous".one of the men said as they stared at her inside the box,if it wasn't for the situation she looked really beautiful. "They've asked that we watch her carefully or else there will be a repeat of the same situation".The other man replied suddenly cracks began showing on the glass as the girl opened her eyes and smiled slowly at them,they nervously tried to increase the voltage to 100 but even after doing so she still kept on her cold smile. They tried to run as the glass broke and the strange liquid gushed out,they slipped on the liquid as she walked out of the box. Red lights began flashing in the room with a robotic voice sounding everywhere in the building. "Warning! Warning! subject 001 has escaped"

Coco_Belladonna · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
52 Chs


There was a lift just by the side, Tiffany pressed a button by the door and the lift opened as they got inside, inside the lift you could see a few buttons with different names such as Silver,Gold,Platinum,Diamond,Gray and White which was the button that Kyra pressed as the door closed.

Once the door opened you could see a few doors to different rooms,this part of the club was where extremely rich people who wanted to be alone or maybe do their dirty deeds without being caught by Reporters.

The rooms at this club was the best especially with the sound insulation but then this one was even better.There were only three rooms in the White area and theirs was the last.

While passing by the rooms they saw one of the rooms open as an angry middle aged man walked out with another man who seemed like his secretary walking after him,they looked inside for a brief moment before looking away as the door closed.

They stood in front of their room as Tiffany scanned her iris and the door opened.Each of the rooms at the White area was personally owned,the room Tiffany just did her iris verification on could only be opened by Kyra and herself.

Just as they were about to go in someone suddenly stopped them,he was wearing a suit and seemed like a bodyguard, they were more men behind him.

"My master invites you to join him in his room".The one in front said coldly as he stared at Kyra

Tiffany and Kyra exchanged glances as they stared at the bodyguard who seemed like he would only leave if she went with him.

What sort of person would tell his bodyguard to invite Kyra to his room.

"Tell your master were fine with ours"Kyra said to the body guard as was just about to leave when he spoke up again.

"My master does not like being rejected to please come with us"The bodyguard said as the other guards surrounded them

"You know the last person who tried this nonsense with us i sent him to the ICU". Tiffany said as she looked at the bodyguards who seemed like they didn't care

"Don't forget that Sasha has told us not to cause any more trouble in her club"Kyra whispered into Tiffany's ear "Lets see who this boss of yours is,lead the way".

The bodyguards made sure they were in the middle,they made it seem like Tiffany and Kyra would run away as they led them towards the room they had seen the middle aged man walk out from.