

Its amazing with lot of wonders so without delay let's get into it

Fabulous_Beauty · Action
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12 Chs

chapter 1


I woke up again with the same nightmare. When will this stop this all is so much I can not take it any more.

I got out of bed did my wudhoe and read 2 rakat tahajuud and asked Allah for help .I asked Allah please help me and give my mom and dad paradise. I cried and made dua for my health, and to shower me with happiness.

After I got done, I saw the time, it was still 3 am, so I went back to sleep and covered my self with my purple blanket .

Upps! I forgot to introduce my self I am Erina Shoan, currently living at middle Cape in stallyland.

I work at fashion company and I am a Muslim who loves my religion a lot.

My parents were killed when I was 14 years old.

Currently I am 23 and I have a stable life beside the nightmare. I use to live with my Nanny she is like a mom figure to me and I love her so much but at the age of 20 I shifted to my new apartment.

With this thoughts about my self I dozed of in deep slumber hoping not to be awake with any thing.

But my prayers were not answered and here I woke up with the most annoying thing, you guessed it right the alarm!

not only alarm but the worst tune ever, which my annoying best friend Anika changed it yesterday. The rooster tone.

Well what a nice way to start your day!

I took nice shower and wore my leggins and tank top, applied some lotion and brushed my normal sized hair.

Well the colour of my hair is natural brown but I always wanted to dye it blue but never got the courage to do it.

After pulling my hair in pony I headed to kitchen to fill my tummy with my love.

I made my normal breakfast which consist of half fried eggs, melted cheese, bread with butter and jam and a coffee with sugar and cremora.

As soon as everything was ready I devoured in it like they is no tomorrow, if some one would have seen me I will be so embarrassed, but who cares my house my rules.

My apartment consists of 2 rooms, a kitchen,living room ,toilet and bathroom. Its normal and cozy place which I love.

My Nanny never approved of me living alone but after I turned 20 she had to agree. Technically I call her Nanny B or Babbe. Her name is Badrun but people address her as "Mrs. Olam."

She has a son zaroon who is ambitious and nice guy.

A daughter as my age Sania who works at the university as a lecturer, they both are the seeblings which I never had.

Mrs. Olam's husband passed away trying to help my mom and dad, she never ever blamed me instead helped me and I am so grate full to her for all the staff she did.

I washed the dishes, then wore my abaya and plain hijab,and my normal black sneakers.

I grabbed my phone, purse and my car key.

I locked my apartment and headed to my lovely car the "BMW" the dark red colour one. I bought it with my savings and some money that was given to me from Nanny B.

After hitting the road in no time I was at the fashion industry called "ENJOY THE WEAR." Its one of the top industry in Stally Land.

I parked my car in the parking lot , and spotted Anika just near the entrance, I called her name and went near her, we hugged.

I smacked her for the alarm which she began to laugh and said "I assume you had a beautiful morning."

We both headed to the industry together she works as a receptionist while I work as a PA for miss Anastasia. She is really wonderful lady and treats everyone equally, technically I was not planning on working here more like in a fashion industry but because of my boss I made it my permanent job and the pay is also so good.

I made Ms. Anastasia her coffee and headed to her office.

After knocking her door and going in, I saw Ms. Anastasia talking on her phone with our recent client regarding some fabric which was not delivered yet, she seemed so tense so I placed her coffee on the coffee mat and headed to get a aspirin, after getting the asprin I still saw her talking on the phone so I decided to wait and organize her table and files, as I was in the middle mam said "thanks a lot Erina, you really never had to," I told her "it's ok mam." she made a frown and said "don't call me that, I am Anastasia for you or Anny." I just smiled and said "the coffee and asprin is on the table, you should have it it will ease the pain."

She was shoked and asked "how did I know that she was having a headache"I just laughed and said "I know you better"

After organising and chatting for while with mam I headed toward my cabin and made my self busy in my designs of the upcoming presentation and encouraging some clients to buy the designs.

After what seems like few hours Anika come in with a screem saying "mam gave her a week free" because of her brother's weeding, she seemed so happy which bought smile to my face.

I stood up and hugged her and said "what will I do for a week without her" which she said "I should also take a break."

I told her "no! I cant leave mam alone and pile her up with work," the same time we heard man saying "Erina you also should take a leave and go enjoy the weeding you hardly go" the minute she said this Anika screamed so loud that the whole floor began to shake which mam and I scolded her to be quite.

After showing our excitement mam said "we could leave early" I assume because after 2 days we had to go to Anika's house which is in Australia.

Oh! yeah Anika is from Australia she come here to study and got a nice job which made her settle here.

After our work was done both of us went to our house, I stopped at Nanny B's bakery and told her that "I will go for the weeding" which she was happy and excited about, she went to her safe and took out some cash and gave me, at first I refused but later accepted it because of her stubbornness, after a while I headed to my house and made my self dinner, I skipped lunch because of the work.

I saw a message from Sania saying "she want to join me for shopping" I asked how she knew she said Anika, I sent a imoji of sleeping face and she sent a smily and we started talking with emoji until she said "I will take this as a yes."

Well me Sania and Anika get along pretty well, I asked "are you coming for the weeding" which she said yes but I will come late because the university will not approve of a whole week holiday, I said "just quit tat job and get somewhere else" which she replied " whatever" after chatting for a while I went to eat and wash the dishes.

I cleaned the house and prayed my prayer and decided to watch TVD before going to sleep, after watching 2 episode I drifted in deep slumber.

I began to see a guy behing me saying "Erina you can't do that, no mom, no dad, ! "I will kill you "Erina "run! run. Mom, Dad, blood.

And I woke up with a screem again. My head began to throb so I went to the closet and took asprin and gulped it down my throat and slept.

Next morning I woke up with the knock on my door, I checked the time and it was 12.

I was shocked but then I remembered I took 3 aspirins.

I opened the door and saw Anika with an angry face which I apologized and told her "about the dream" she hugged me and said "all will be ok." I told her give me few min, I quickly took a shower and headed out.

She gave me the muffin and hot chocolate which she bought on the way, we both ate and headed to get Sania, after getting her we headed to the mall.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. leave your thoughts in the comments till next chapter love you all...