
Changing Forever: New System

A Teen gains a system to help him for the rest of his life.... watch him enjoy a new life in a new way while keeping his new system hidden from the world.... wouldn’t want the government experimenting on him.

KillingSoftly · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


I do my morning routine before heading off to school but as I'm leaving the house I see Eve and Lenny parked out from in Eve's car waiting for me. "Come on slowpoke we are going to be late at this point." Lenny says out the window of the passenger seat. Smiling I hop in the car and for the next minute we listen to Eve complain about her mom saying how she is not girlie enough and how she won't ever find a boyfriend. Lenny and I laugh at how she mocks her voice and the tension slowly leaves Eve as she hears our laughing and finally was able to vent to someone because her sister agreed with her mom. We make it to school thirty minutes before it even starts so Lenny takes out his Nintendo Switch and we take turns playing Super Smash Bros.

Not long after we are separating going to our classes but each throwing out comments of rematches at lunch, I was horribly beaten in my last round Eve didn't even lose one stock. In physics we have to partner up and I end up having to work with Drew but it's not as bad as I thought I don't know what happen but he has undergone a complete one-eighty.

"Hey I wanted to apologize about the other day man, I've completely dropped those guys. I hope we can try to be friends." He stretches out his hand but when I don't take it he smiles wryly, "I won't push it but I am changing."

The next forty-five minutes he is nothing but helpful he gets a lot wrong but since I know all of this already I help him out so we get a better grade. There is no name calling all of class either he really did change and when his old friends look at him it is filled with hate not like worship as before. I don't fully trust him yet though so I don't ask nor do I bother inviting him to have lunch with my group since it seems he will be iced out by his friends today. The day goes by super slow and by the time lunch rolls around I have finished reading the next chapter in a fanfic and sat next to Lenny.

Lenny and I are already seated before Eve shows ups dropping her food on the table and letting out a loud and long sigh, when we pretend to ignore her she just does it again. "Oh my I didn't see you there Eve is something the matter?" I say faking like I didn't notice her, Lenny has to cover his mouth so he doesn't let out his laughter.

"Ha ha ass, I'm upset because after having your moms ravioli last night this food doesn't even compare." Eve grumbles glaring at the food on her tray.

"Right!," Lenny yells, "I got hungry so I went to eat that for a snack and I was sad the whole night because it was gone." He looks exactly like a puppy that was thrown out by his owner.

"Haha well she said if you guys have time this week come by for dinner just let her know ahead of time." I relay my moms words from last night.

"Really!" They say like twins then with a quick nod at each other they plan to come over tonight to eat dinner telling me to text my mom now.

"No phone remember." I remind them.

"Shit." They say in unison.

"Well when we go buy your phone after school we will call her immediately so she knows to make enough." Eve says with Lenny nodding in agreement.

The rest of lunch is spent with them turning into food critics praising my moms food like it was sent from the heavens, it makes me wonder what would happen if I bought the Cooking King skill book. Smiling I plan to buy that one next to treat them to a real heavenly meal, I checked the system and the book was 2,000 points I needed to gain more fast. In the library we end up getting kicked out and moving to the field next to the football field because we were shouting while playing the Switch, every time Eve won or lost she would shout some not so friendly words so we had to move. Lenny is no better if her won it was a victory dance but if he lost it was to curse like a sailor, but I can't judge I was just as bad cursing wether I lost or not.

After having our fun we all walked to our next class where Eve hugged Lenny and I like she was never going to see us again before heading to her class. All we could do was smile and tell her we would meet at her car after class, but as soon as she was gone Lenny busted out laughing because he said she was way to dramatic but I suspect he has feelings for her the way he looks at her. I won't call him out on it because we both just met her and from Lenny's personality I know he won't acknowledge it unless it becomes something serious in his heart.

Growling I walk into Spanish and as always me and Bethany ignore each other and when we get the paper back from yesterday it had a big red zero. I don't really mind but Bethany looks like she is about to freak out over it, not my fault though no one told her to ignore working with me the other day. Looking at the new paper we got today it is a packet and we have the week to finish it, this is how we are meant to spend the rest of the class for the week. Picking it up I finish half of it before sliding it over to Bethany then I lay my head down and try to sleep before the class is over, all that yelling earlier has me tired. Bethany scoffs but after seeing I did half she shuts up and seriously concentrated on doing it, the teacher collected everyone's phones so no one would cheat so she has no choice but to do it.

"Ummm..... Josh?" Her voice is quiet and she is hesitant to talk to me, I look over at her showing a little pity, "Could you help me with this I really have no how to translate it to Spanish."

Throwing her a bone I look at the question the answer "la biblioteca está en el primer piso" i say and teaching her how to spell everything. She smiles gratefully and deciding that we can't keep going like this I help her by teaching her how to do the next questions but since she spent so much time on the first one class is over before we finish it. Not bother to say goodbye I throw the packet into my backpack and walk out of class with her staring at my back.

In the parking lot Lenny and Eve are already waiting, when she see me Eve has a wicked smile before tossing me her keys which bounce off my chest. "You're driving so pick those up big shot." Shooting me a wink she hops in the passenger seat Lenny just laughs and gets in the back.

After settling behind the wheel and when we're on the road do I complain, "why do I have to drive why couldn't Lenny?"

"Well I asked and his response was...." Eve says pointing back at him.

"I don't drive." He comments shrugging his shoulders, they then ignore my grumbling and start to play games leaving me alone to drive to the mall. When we park I hand Eve her keys and proceed to ignore them as we walk in, they find it hilarious though and start mocking me some friends. When I threaten to not let them come over for dinner they immediately become quiet and I laugh at their obedient expressions.

When we get to the phone store Eve waste no time and immediately ask them to bring us a galaxy note10 so our phones can match she's even making Lenny upgrade from his note8. After we pay for them Eve snatches then away saying she wants to name herself in our phones, when we get them back I can only laugh it says 'My Princess Eve' and she put 'Eve Kirby' in Lenny referencing the characters she always beats each of us with. Going along with it Lenny names himself 'Ness L' in my phone and 'Mario L' in Eve's I agree so I end up being named Pit Jax in both of theirs cause that is the only character I can beat them with.

After letting my mom know that I am bringing them over she almost cry's cause I am finally acting like a teenager like I'm suppose to be doing. Letting them know it's okay Eve drives us to her house because she has to finish her French homework and Lenny has to do his English. Her room is exactly what I expected pink everywhere but on her walls instead of hot guys it is full of gaming posters and anime stuff all over she blushes when Lenny and I stand there with our mouth open. Growling she pushes us into her room the plops on the bed to do her homework, taking off my shoes I lie down next to them dying I'm going to take a nap since I have no work to do.

Thirty minutes later right when I'm nodding off Eve yells and slams her books onto the bed startling me awake, "Jesus! What is it woman?" I say frowning at her, Lenny looks scared.

"I can't get this French is so annoying." She growls in frustration biting her lip making her look adorable and sexy.

I look down at her paper and smirk, "aller ranger la nourriture et je vais nettoyer la table." Finished I put my face back into the pillow, when I hear no one move I look up to find them staring at me. "What?" I ask tilting my head.

"I thought you took Spanish?" Lenny ask. Nodding I tell him I do.

"Then how do you know French?" Eve asking pointing out the obvious. I draw a blank I forgot that they know that I am taking Spanish but I quickly make up a lie.

"I do but at my old school I did two years of French I only took a language class this year so it will look good on college applications." The lie just rolls off my younger but neither of them question it.

"Good that means you can help me with this work." Eve says excitedly since I don't feel like moving I just lay my head on her lap and noticing my head position Lenny does the same thing then starts working on his homework again.