
Change of fates: The assassin wife takes over

[Status: Ongoing] ***I update when I can and have time*** ~~~~~ "I can't help but love you, even though I try not to." ~~~~~ “Every time you speak all I hear is the shrieking of a dying cat!” “Well, every time you speak I want to strangle myself!” They both shared a small silence after their statements. “Screw you, Lewis!” Clair humphed and turned her heels, changing her direction to her bedroom. “Lewis? Did you just call me Lewis?” James’s eyes turned wide as he marched after her. “Yes, and?”
 “Well screw you too Ainara.” Clair gasped. “You dirty little-“
 “You started this first!” Oh, she begged to differ. “You man child!” “Are you seriously speaking right now? You’re acting like a child yourself!” “Whatever I’m out of this stuffy palace!” “If you’re going to run away at least don’t announce it. Look how that turned out for you last time.” He mocked. “Well, third times the charm! L-E-W-I-S” She raised her hand picking up her pace as he still followed behind her persistently. He suddenly stopped and said, “Fine. You can try to run away I don’t care.” Clair halted her steps and turned around. “Really?” She asked. He could imagine literal hearts in her eyes right now. Not responding he turned around and walked to the opposite direction where his room was, only to realize they had the same bedroom! He then turned around and entered their room, slamming the door shut. Clair scoffed and ran down the hall to make her grand escape. ….. A few minutes later, If the guards who were trying to help up their unconscious fellow guards, didn’t witness their King pick up their Queen and drop her on his shoulder like a bag of potatoes, they would have thought he was carrying their Queen’s corpse. With her head hanging low Clair groaned. “You said I could escape.”
 “No, I said you could try.” ******* Cold-blooded.Cruel.Demoness.Killer. That’s what they labeled her as, not that they were wrong. She was feared amongst all killers, many said the devil himself was afraid of her. But others insisted she was the devil herself! This was the way she survived, the way she trained herself for the most important day of her life. The day she could take revenge on the man who had stolen all her family members from her. Saved by her adopted father in the attempt to give up on her own life, she received a new identity and chance. Just when she thought she was able to put her past away, someone shows up with the intention of marrying his son off to her. Since when did she get men as offerings? Sure she was a goddess, but guys chill out! "It was love at first sight!" Her adopted father insisted. The way they both tried to strangle each other as soon as they met, was love at first sight? What are we? What have we become? -------- (TW's: mentions of sexual assault, r@pe, and suicide.) Instagram: Author_lizmorgan Discord: lizmorgan#9231 Discord Link: https://discord.gg/pA7JTjngJv

lizmorgan · Urban
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90 Chs

Chapter Sixty-Two: Family dinner

James glanced at her for confirmation and since she didn't want to seem rude she nodded her head.

"Lady Yves, the daughter of His Grace Timothy Yves." He introduced her.

'Wait isn't father like a duke but like a bit higher than that? This is so confusing. Can't we just say Clair?'

Even 'Young Miss' was better than this.

She knew the way she was thinking would not become a real thing but still, she hoped greetings weren't so...you know.

"You may address her as your Crown Princess from now on," James added.

'Did I ever agree to that????'

The servants bowed again and she flinched when they all sang in chorus, "Your highness, Crown Princess of Seis."

'Crap it's so….surreal?'

She only smiled politely not knowing how to act. She even squeezed his hand even tighter.

James only smiled, holding back a laugh.

"Your highness, her majesty the Queen is waiting." One of the maids came forward and guided them to the dinner table.

As soon as she walked in Clair felt a wave of hostility hit her. A beautiful woman with dark black hair falling on her back, a pair of sharp eyes that glared at her fiercely and a tall gorgeous figure were in front of her.

She wore an elegant royal blue dress and next to her was Mr.Davis and his blue suit perfectly matching his wife.

She noticed the younger one was missing but anyway, what brought her attention were the crowns on their heads. Damn, the memories of how casually and even THREATENED the crown prince in front of a KING came back with a huge realization.

Crap, she had now realized how casual she was being with royalty. She immediately loosened her hand off James and swallowed nervously.

She wasn't intimidated but she was fearful. She didn't want any attention from royals or any connection to them. Now that she was here she should at least be respectful and keep her safe distance.

James who saw her reaction frowned.

Is what he feared coming true? Will she distance herself and eventually run away?


He wouldn't allow that.

"Mother." He lowered his head in respect and greeted his mother.

"Rosa? From Argentina?"

Mr.Davis who was about to step forward to greet his son and daughter-in-law sent his wife a confused glance.

James also furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Clair lifted her eyebrows in confusion as well.


Wait, that voice why is it so familiar?

"Mimi? From France?"

'The crazy woman that couldn't stop asking questions about me and my products?'

James and his father shared a glance.

"No way…" Mrs.Davis placed her palm in her forehead and took a deep breath.

"How is this even possible?" She asked sending the question straight at Clair.

Clair on the other hand pursed her lips, she felt like things were a lot messier now.

"Honey, can you fill me in?" Mr.Davis asked.

"We met when I was looking for skincare products a few months back. She told me she worked at the store and gave me great recommendations. I just didn't expect this at all. Did you lie to me?" She looked at Clair again.

"Pardon me, but you also lied to me. I don't think we are both the type to tell a stranger our identities."

Mrs.Davis took a deep breath in and looked at her son.

"It's a pity, really it is. This still changes nothing. You two take a seat, the food is getting cold." She shook her head in disappointment and took her seat.

To be honest, she felt guilty for acting like this. She had a remarkable conversation with Clair once and she liked how confident and independent she is. Still, it bothered her to know that these two had married in such a whim.

She only wanted her son's happiness and looking at his efforts to convince her that he's in love with someone, confirmed her doubts.

Even if her husband was trying to matchmake them it's wrong to have them get married right away. She still had to scold him for that.

Mr. Davis sent Clair an apologetic glance and walked up to her. "I apologize for this startling occurrence. My wife will warm up to you as time passes.." He gave her a short hug and then patted his son's shoulder.

He also shrugged at his son seeing how his wife was too upset to even greet her son properly.

"Well, we just came back from an important meeting, that's why we are all dressed up. I hope you don't mind." He turned to Clair once more.

"Not at all." She responded with a polite tone.

James led Clair to a seat across his parents and then sat next to her.

The servants all came inside and placed the food down on the table. After Mrs.Davis started eating everyone else followed in complete silence.

"I heard from my husband, you two are 'madly' in love." She suddenly broke the silence.

Clair, who was taking a sip from her water, almost choked. She cleared her throat and stepped on James' foot.

"Father, did you really say that?" He asked, also clearing his throat.

"Haha, well not exactly but you two look like a pair of lovebirds." Mr.Davis laughed nervously, neither taking his wife nor his son's side.

"Well, we only met not long ago so 'madly' wouldn't be the word I'd use." Clair corrected her.

"So you admit you two are in love?"

Clair stayed quiet for a few seconds, trying to get James to answer that.

"Yes, we wouldn't marry if we disliked each other." He responded, not directly answering her question.

"Hmm, when did you two meet?" She looked at Clair, hinting she wanted her to answer.

'It will be less convenient if you say we met because of father two weeks ago.' He said through his thoughts, hoping she would read his gestures under the table.

"Oh..that...we met five years ago," Clair answered.

'Haha if only she knew....' Clair thought.

"Is that so? I thought you two meet only a few weeks ago?"

Clair smiled and said, "Not exactly. We actually met five years ago. I was coming from work and he was 'injured' so I 'saved' him and we kinda had a 'connection'. We saw each other a couple of times after that and I guess, when we saw each other a few weeks ago something 'sparked.' Haha…"

God, her acting skills sucked at this moment. She was too nervous to even act properly!

The queen is such a scary person...

It was hard to lie under such pressure, it would have been easy to lie through it if she had experience with acting like a couple!

For sure this something that has never happened in her life and she had definitely not trained herself for such a thing.

Writing about Clair and the Queen's interactions is going to be so much fun!

They will be like frenemies but don't worry their relationship will improve.

Stay safe~

lizmorgancreators' thoughts