
Change of Fate: The Cold Prince and the Modern Maiden

The night ended tragically for Melissa when she met with an accident which took her life. However, the next moment, she was alive and turned out, she had transmigrated into a novel and engaged to a Duke! It was said that this fiancé of hers was cold-hearted and only cared about work and not interested in women! But why did he follow her around? He even kissed her every chance he got. Whatever, since she couldn't avoid her fate, she would play her character well. But, who's this adorable young child? "What're you doing here? Go back to your chambers!" "I'm your husband. I'm sleeping here with you." "Mother, I'm sleeping with you and Father." "Son, get out."

little_fieryball · History
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61 Chs

It's Over for Lady Melissa

"What?" Lady Melissa said softly, staggering backwards. She held onto a nearby chair to steady herself, both physically and emotionally. 'Fiancée? How can it be? Just moments ago the Prince has asked me to become his intended. Is she making a joke?'

"Yes, you heard me right. Prince Xavier and I are betrothed. The palace will announce it soon." Lady Anastasia said proudly.

"Why are you telling me this?" Lady Melissa still couldn't believe it. She must've ulterior motives to say these things to her.

"Why? You should know why. You didn't think your little seduction will work, did you? Smiling at him, hanging onto him shamelessly. Who do you think you are? You're just an outcast, a nobody in the society." Lady Anastasia was no longer smiling, in fact she looked so sinister as if she wanted to kill Lady Melissa that moment. 

"You're lying! The Prince is not engaged! Definitely not to you!" Lady Melissa couldn't accept this, it's outrageous.

"If it's not me, should it be you? Yes, I know about your dirty little tricks. You think the Prince really loves you? Did he ask you to become his woman? He just wants to play with you, you slut! They're countless women before you, and there will be more after you. But at the end of the day, only I will become his wife, the future Queen!" Lady Anastasia said, anger in her voice.

Lady Melissa was startled at this revelation. She instantly teared up. Looking at her, Lady Anastasia snorted, "My, my, don't tell me you've actually fallen in love with him? Haha! That's so hilarious. Don't waste your time Lady Melissa. He will never be yours. If you do not want your reputation tarnish further, stay away from him. Or else..."

"Or else what??" Lady Melissa was instantly furious, how dare she threaten me?

"Well, there's your father, mother and your precious brother. Who knows what will happen to them tomorrow, the day after, anything could happen, right? You shouldn't covet what's not yours, Lady Melissa." Lady Anastasia threatened. 

Lady Anastasia walked closer to her and whispered, "I can destroy whoever I want. I heard your brother is unattached? Hmm...maybe I should get someone 'nice' to bed him, expose the scandal, and see how will he handle it? He's such a lamb isn't he?" 

Lady Melissa couldn't stand it any longer, listening to such venomous words, each one pierced directly into her already broken heart. Her family was her bottom-line, she would never risk their safety and happiness. She turned around and walked away, crying silently while behind her, Lady Anastasia laughed maniacally.

Lady Melissa sent a page to get her carriage, while another to inform her mother that she's feeling unwell and needed to get home. Once she reached home, she immediately washed her face and went to visit her sick brother. Lord Melvin, with his red nose, was feeling miserable at the moment. He had suddenly catch a cold and had to stay home, while his sister and mother attended the palace banquet. He was restless, as his precious little sister would be alone without him by her side. What if something bad happened to her? However, when he saw her, Lord Melvin was relieved. 

"Mel! Thank God you're fine. I was worried sick!" He exclaimed.

"How're you doing, Brother?" Lady Melissa hugged her older brother, trying to sound normal. However her puffy red eyes and nasal voice didn't go unnoticed.

"Oh no! Mel, you've got the cold virus from me, aren't you? Poor girl. I'm so sorry." Lord Melvin pulled her into his embrace and stroked her hair. 

After experiencing such a turmoil earlier, the whirlwind of emotions in Lady Melissa's heart caused her to break down in her brother's warm and protective hug. She cried like there's no tomorrow. Panicked, Lord Melvin assured her quickly, "It's alright, the cold will go away in a few days. You just need plenty of rest. I'll take care of you, Mel." 

Lady Melissa stayed in her brother's embrace until she calmed down. Yes, her brother's right. Time would heal everything. She didn't need anyone but her family.

However, Lady Melissa had underestimated her own feelings towards Prince Xavier. The feelings she had accumulated over the years for him couldn't be wiped clean just because she wanted to. She couldn't forget him, no matter how or what she did. For almost two years, she had tried everything, from baking every day to sewing, reading, gardening, playing musical instruments, she had even tried praying earnestly to God. Nothing worked. She stopped going out, refused to meet anyone on the pretext that she had better things to do at home. Luckily, her family didn't suspect anything and indulged her requests unconditionally. She often cried herself to sleep some nights but Lady Anastasia's words haunted her endlessly, causing her to stay awake most of the nights. 

One night, Lady Melissa felt so tired of everything. She's also exhausted from having to pretend to her family that she's fine and happy, when she's obviously not. She's so tired mentally that she just wanted to sleep and not wake up. Instinctively, she opened the drawer by the bed and took out a bottle of sleeping pills. She opened the cap and swallowed the pills, she didn't know how many pills she took, she just wanted to have a peaceful sleep for once.

That was the last memory of the original host. 

Melissa was shocked beyond believe. Never would she imagined something like this had happened to Lady Melissa. She died...and at the same time, I replaced her soul? She died so miserably. Melissa felt every ounce of that sadness, she teared up at these memories of the original host. 

So, the mystery that wasn't revealed in the book, it was all Lady Anastasia's doing? Melissa thought back of how Prince Xavier had approached her earlier at the garden, how he had hugged her with such emotions, he couldn't be toying with Lady Melissa's feelings. He obviously loved her too. Furthermore, two years had passed since their last encounter, and as far as Melissa knows, the Queen's eldest Prince is still unattached. If Lady Anastasia and him were truly engaged back then, they would've been married by now. Who in the world would wait two years to marry a Prince, especially if that woman was the scheming Lady Anastasia?? 

Dammit! Lady Melissa had fallen victim to that bitch's scheme, and eventually her life ended because of that woman! Tsk! Luckily I had transmigrated at the right time. Don't worry Lady Melissa, I will avenge your death. I will make sure to meet this evil woman and bring her own doom to her doorstep!

Remembering her own 'death' in the novel, Melissa sighed. Lady Melissa, seems like you and I were in the same boat, we both had to deal with scheming bitches in our life. Yours ended, mine has yet to come. With this thought, Melissa shouted into the darkness. "Why, why, why! I just want to have a long and happy life with the little cutie pie!" 

Now with Prince Xavier's presence in her life, as well as Duke Kensington, things are going to get more complicated. Furthermore, she could now feel all the past emotions and feelings of Lady Melissa, which she couldn't ignore. The feelings and emotions seems to be embedded into her very soul and being, which means, she now feels strongly for Prince Xavier. Coupled with the fact that she herself was attracted to that handsome Prince the moment she saw him, doesn't help at all!

Suddenly, a blinding light flashed across her eyes. Instinctively, Melissa closed her eyes and she felt herself jolted back to reality.