
Champion of the Netori Goddess

If a depraved 'Goddess' offers you a choice between becoming her champion, and being extinguished forever... what will you choose? Notes - Support the author on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820 This work began as a way to practice writing smut. Expect lewd degeneracy - like holding hands, and a bare minimum of plot. Tags include - Netori, Keeping the Bloodline Pure, Breeding Kink, Yandere If you're an Issei stan, I would rather you didn't read this novel, please.

Mahou_Shonen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

The Grief of Y Ddraig Goch [Non-Canon Omake]

A cute black-haired young girl cut a lonely figure as she stood by the water fountain at the local park, her gaze bearing down on the boy who was supposed to be her date for the day, rushing back home.

Someone not in the know would be forgiven for pitying the poor girl having been ditched by the boy, if not for one little detail… 

The crimson rays of the setting sun illuminated the face of the young girl. Her hooded eyes had an expression of disdain, and a massive scowl was simultaneously plastered upon the face of one Amano Yuuma, or rather, Raynare, as she saw her prey rushing back home.

It was supposed to have been a mildly entertaining day. Something to stave off the boredom while their rag-tag group waited for the silly little nun to arrive. 

She had it all planned out. To pretend to be lovey-dovey with the human boy on a silly date, drawing out his emotions by acting cutesy all day, then finally, stabbing him in the gut with a spear of light at the very climax of the date, just when he was expecting something silly like a chaste kiss…

Let it be known that Raynare was self-aware to admit that she was a massive bitch. She also knew that every other single fallen angel was off the rocker as well, in some way or other. Especially the first generation.

She shuddered violently as some images she generally pretended to have forgotten flashed through her mind.

Still, the fact that this was a mission from her beloved Azazel-sama was like icing on the cake… Not that she had the slightest idea why someone great and powerful like Azazel-sama would designate this worm-like boy as a potential threat.

But then, if she were that good at thinking… or as powerful as Azazel-sama, she would probably be by his side right now… instead of the disposable pawns and mooks that accompanied her.

Nevertheless, it happened as a massive surprise to her, that the date went nothing like what she had anticipated. She had expected either the boy to be a pervert of the highest order, i.e. his usual behavior, and that he would leer at her tits through the entirety of the date, or that he would strive to be a total gentleman, or as Mittelt liked to call it, a try-hard fag.

What happened instead was that the boy was a fidgety mess all day, with his mind being somewhere 99% of the time.

Honestly, Raynare was so bored that she considered shanking him in some corner and disposing of his useless body, then going back to the base and jill or something, but then decided on a whim to see what was up. The fact that he was so scatterbrained on probably the first date of his life meant that something was up, especially considering the reputation the useless worm had accumulated.

Mind-reading magic surprisingly didn't work on the boy, neither did mind-control, so she couldn't get a direct answer and be done with this farce, probably a courtesy of his sacred gear. Raynare entertained a silly thought for a moment that the boy might have had a longinus, but then almost burst out laughing at the silly thought. After all, the boy was weak as sin. 

Like she said earlier. A worm.

Also, Azazel sama would have probably commanded them to get the boy in their camp in that case. It would have been easy too. Just flash a tit or two, promise the possibility of a harem. Would have been the easiest job she ever had.

In the end, the date ended prematurely with the boy running off home in a hurry after making a slipshod of an excuse. Now, as she saw the boy disappearing from sight, Raynare sighed and took flight while thinking…

'Might as well see what's up with the boy. Maybe those blind bats finally made contact with the boy?'


"Is the fallen angel following me?" The brunette boy who had just ditched his date, Hyodou Issei, asked in a mosquito-like whisper to seemingly nobody as he raced back home.

"Ddraig? Partner? Buddy? Lord of the Skies? Red Dra–"

An audible groan could be heard by the boy's side, and his unseen companion uttered a despondent [Yes], knowing from a rich bank of experience that not replying would just lead the brat to unceasingly keep repeating his limited vocabulary of adjectives. 

The boy's face flushed slightly in excitement at the affirmation, his heart started beating faster, and his hands started clamming up.

[...Disgusting.] The voice exclaimed as it made a gagging noise.

The boy habitually ignored the insult like a fart in the wind, something that had become second nature to him by now, and a massive smile appeared on his face as he realized that he was nearing his home. 

Unknown to the boy, however, at this moment, a neighboring lady that he knew just happened to look in his direction, only to let out a terrified squeal at what she saw. 

Now. On other days, Issei would definitely have not missed the sighting of that particular lady and would have offered help upon hearing the scream, if only to be able to leer longer at a member of what he had mentally designated as the family with the best oppai in his neighborhood.

…Whether the lady would have called the police upon him instead was another question altogether though.

(Un)fortunately for Issei, he didn't even see the lady, nor registered her shout, or the voices of concern of her daughters, as he almost tore down the front gate to his house with his bull-like momentum, only to leap over the walls at the last moment and landing quietly on the front garden with all the grace and elegance of a cat.

Unfortunately(?), nobody else was there to watch the impressive, Olympic-esque gymnastic display from the boy, something that could finally have earned him appreciation from the opposite gender. For the only two witnesses, the boy and his soul companion, the feat was so utterly mundane that it registered on the same scale as being able to breathe.

His mouth now dry and his heart hammering violently in his chest, Issei crept up slowly to one of the walls of his house. Looking up, he crouched for a moment, jumped, and quietly entered his bedroom on the first floor, through the window he had intentionally left open when he left his home for the date, earlier this day.

The house was silent, for those of normal hearing anyway. Only a tiny, repetitive, rhythmic sound could be made out if a normal human were to absolutely concentrate to listen.

Hyoudou Issei was not a normal human, however. The possessor of the Boosted Gear, the Red Dragon Emperor of this generation could easily discern more sounds.

Lewd sounds.

His face flushed red as he took several moments to listen. Then, he took off his shoes, exited his room through the door he had intentionally left open earlier, quietly tiptoed across the corridor, and into the spare bedroom. By now, the carnal sounds and voices were clearly audible to his ears, and with a practiced motion, he pulled down his pants and underwear, picked up lotion from the bedside table, applied lotion to his right hand, sat down nervously on the bed and stared intensely at one of the room's walls as he began jacking off slowly.

A tired heave sounded beside him causing his heart rate to spike. But before he could chastise the dragon, Ddraig's tired voice sounded.

[They won't be able to hear you, so don't get your panties in a bunch, you voyeuristic fag.]

A quiet, relieved sigh escaped Issei's mouth as he focused his attention back to the wall, easily ignoring the insults towards him, and the further grumbling of the dragon in his soul about finally regretting picking a fight with the Christian God. 

Slowly, as the moments passed by, the view in front of Issei changed. His eyes saw beyond the static visage of the room's wall, to a nebulous, yet erotic display of lovemaking in his older brother's room, one that seemed straight out of one of his beloved eroge. 

The clearest thing visible to him were the remains of clothes that resembled a maid's dress, lying discarded at the foot of the bed.

On the bed was a silver-haired woman… currently happily cowgirling his brother like her life depended on it, evident from the delirious smile on her face, and judging by the twitching of both of their bodies, Issei, unfortunately, had arrived at the climax.

No! It's just enough time for one shot, if I do–


…His hand producing afterimages, Issei thought he definitely broke his record of his fastest fap ever, as he timed his orgasm to the ones on the other side. He thought he heard a muffled muted [I hate you], but his mind as he went into post-nut clarity was focused on just one thing – the identity of today's guest.

'Isn't that–'

[The Satan's Queen, yes… Gods, why did I get the wrong brother.]
