
Champion of the Netori Goddess

If a depraved 'Goddess' offers you a choice between becoming her champion, and being extinguished forever... what will you choose? Notes - Support the author on Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=116426820 This work began as a way to practice writing smut. Expect lewd degeneracy - like holding hands, and a bare minimum of plot. Tags include - Netori, Keeping the Bloodline Pure, Breeding Kink, Yandere If you're an Issei stan, I would rather you didn't read this novel, please.

Mahou_Shonen · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Prologue #2

If a depraved 'Goddess' offered you a choice between becoming her eternal champion, or letting your existence be extinguished forever, what would you choose?

"Hey! I take offense to that statement. I'll have you know that I'm a proper, bonafide Goddess. I even have a certificate of graduation from the Goddess Institute!"

'I see that you didn't object to being called depraved.'

The goddess shrugged nonchalantly. "Morality is overrated anyway. Viva La depravity!" 

She declared what was probably her life motto with aplomb before she snapped her fingers and an ornate 'certificate' was nearly shoved into my face.

I, of course, ignored it completely, as well as her subsequent protests. 

After all, how hard can it even be to forge a piece of paper?

Even if the paper seemed like the most exquisite piece of parchment that could ever exist. 

Instead, I chose to focus on the divinely beautiful woman whom I suddenly found myself lying next to, in a lavish four-poster bed, the only other thing that existed in this featureless space besides the pair of us.

A smugly smiling goddess, who, for some reason, gave me the same vibes as a certain useless blue-haired water goddess the more I looked at her. 

She was obviously reading my mind this entire time… as her immensely pleased expression suddenly morphed into one of extreme distaste, and she immediately retorted.

"I would prefer it if you didn't associate me with someone like her. I'll have you know, unlike that dead-last ranked, sad excuse of a goddess – the shame of the Goodess Institute, I graduated with summa-cum-laude, with the highest ever marks in my subject in the Institute's entire history!"

Oh, I didn't expect her to actually know Aqua. Still…

'Subject?' I thought rhetorically.

"What else, but Netori?" She raised an eyebrow as if I were the stupid one to wonder how they even taught something like that.

Or the fact that there was a university of sorts for deities.

'I see. And now that you've graduated, comes the practical experience?'

She nodded almost frantically. "And that's where you come in… You, who I have chosen as my champion."

'Why me?'

"Do you really not know?" She grinned like a cat that had caught the canary. 

I chose my right to be silent.

She giggled amusedly. "I looked into your past, you know." I cringed internally. Her smile widened. 

"Such an interesting specimen you are – my ideal champion even. I know I'll have a lot of fun with you at the helm. As evidence, I present your current situation. It is how I found you in the first place – Mister, I glitched out of the omniverse's reincarnation cycle and almost got incinerated by the cycle's diagnostic software."

'Oh, so that's what that scary thing was.'

She shivered and nodded, before pursing her lips hesitantly. "Still… if you really don't want to," she said with the face of someone who had sucked on a particularly sour lemon, "I can send you back, you know… even though it might take me a long time to find another candidate that I'm satisfied with."

"But You." She stared at me intensely. "You will disappear if I send you back to that place. Forever."

'You could always put me back in the reincarnation–'


I blinked in stupefaction as the Goddess… pouted, and turned her head away petulantly.

'Excuse me?' was all that I could say.

"I found you. You're mine now. Forever. I'd rather you be destroyed than to have to give you to someone else. Deal with it."

She continued, ignoring my gawping face. "Didn't you humans have the adage? Finders keepers." 

"Umu." She hummed in appreciation as she nodded her head. "Definitely, one of the cardinal truths of the omniverse."


Then, suddenly, she held my ethereal hands and said pleadingly with teary eyes. "Ne~ Ne~ Say yes! I'll… I'll even throw in a few freebies. Become my champion… Pretty please?"

I blinked in surprise at her sudden desperation, then sighed as I petted the head of this silly, flaky goddess giving me puppy dog eyes. Her lips curled up in happiness as she closed her eyes and pushed herself against the headpat.


I sighed mentally, and –

'So, what happens now?'

"You accept?!" She asked happily, and I nodded, not understanding why she was surprised. Did she really expect me to choose to die?

In the end, when it came to choosing between slightly ruining others' lives, and my soul being wiped out… I found out that my morality and ethics died a very quick death.

"Good! Great!" She whooped and cheered for a while before settling down and explaining, "Then, since you are in agreement, here's the deal. I have a younger sister, who chose the domain of breasts…" She shook her head disdainfully. 

"As a responsible older sister, it's my duty to show her the correct path." 

My right eye twitched as someone immediately came to mind. 'You don't mean…'

She nodded happily. "Umu. You catch on quickly. As expected of my champion~" 

"You're going to help me in this endeavor to correct my bratty little sister. As you know, she too has chosen a little champion in a certain world called Draconic Deus… and you're going to be reincarnated into this world – as his older brother, obviously. After all, it's the duty of older siblings to NTR the younger ones."

My mouth twitched. 'I thought the duty was to guide and protect the little siblings.'

"Ppft… good one!" She chuckled heartily, ignoring my exasperated stare.

Still, 'That's it?'

She nodded, a strange smile on her face. "Of course. What, did you expect me to ask you to go save the world or something? You can, if you feel like it, but that means you'll have to train."

Our faces cringed together at the last word before we burst into laughter as we saw each other's faces. She shook her head in amusement. 

"Hmm… do good, and I'll give you various powers to play hero with. My sister has some nonsense planned out for her little champion as well. Something called the chosen heavenly breasts or something. How silly~"

'Powers… Hmm, can I cultivate?'

"Depends… if it's that world's version, Senjutsu, sure. The real one though…"

She snorted in disdain. "Don't ask for the impossible, brat. The strongest of those lunatics could fold me like origami in an instant. Also, what will you even do with cultivation knowledge? I dare to bet my domain on the fact that your restless ass will never be able to cultivate properly anyways. After all, you need to have a certain kind of screw loose in the head to sit in one place for that long."

'Touché… So, what happens now? I reincarnate?'

"Hmm? Oh no, you've done that already. You're even ten years old in your new life."


"You can be thankful, you know. I sealed your memories so that you won't have to go through the humiliation of having your diapers changed as an adult in a child's body~"

'I see… but then, why awaken me now? Why even ask me to become your champion, if you've already reincarnated me?'

"Consent of your partner is important." She said with utter seriousness. "After all, my domain is Netori, not rape."

'What if I refused?'

She looked away and started whistling. 

This flaky goddess didn't even consider that I'd refuse, right?

Then, her expression suddenly did an about-turn as she turned to face me and gave me a Cheshire cat-like grin. "As for why it has to be now – it's because something interesting is going to happen in a short while, courtesy of a little nudging from yours truly of course~"

I opened my mouth to ask… but found that the 'realm' was disintegrating. She waved her hand goodbye, and as everything started to disappear from my vision, I heard her last words to me.

"Enjoy your first freebie~"


I opened my eyes and found myself in a familiar-looking room. My room, my subconscious mind supplied helpfully.

"So-chan, what's wrong?"

It was late at night, and my room was barely illuminated by the faint moonlight that trickled inside from the lone window. I heard Mom's concerned voice coming from behind me.

I was lying on the bed, just a bit further out of Mom's reach – something that had never happened before.

Apparently, I was a cuddleslut in this new life as well. 

Still, as my memories of two lifetimes merged and I remembered the events from barely a few moments ago – from the perspective of my ten-year-old self, of course, I realized the reason for my awkwardness. 

Puberty had arrived tonight for one Hyoudou Sosuke.
