
Champion Of Divinity

Jason's first life didn’t go as he had hoped. But he isn’t done. His story has only just begun. Jason is chosen as the Champion of a God, the leader of their faction, and blessed with abilities and a system. However, in a world filled with monsters and enemy gods with factions of their own, it still won't be easy. Jason must grow stronger fast if he wants his faction to be able to rival the giant armies and nations of those that stand against him, all the while he must protect that which is most important to him. I hope you enjoy the novel!

Edward_L_Lander · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Goodbyes Aren't Ever Easy

Jason and his parents agreed not to continue on their journey until Ryanna and Helena had fully recovered. As they spent the days together they slowly got closer. Soon even Helena's wariness started to dissipate and a good mood could be felt around the camp. However, they all still kept their past's to themselves, the fear that they might one day be enemies was sadly ever-present.

Ryanna and Helena would occasionally come to watch Jason's training and he even got some advice from Helena here and there. While he could ask his father, it was nice to hear advice from another perspective. The two who got closest were Amelina and Ryanna they seemed to share a bond that Jason didn't quite understand. Equally, Garion got on well with Helena as the warriors of the group. Despite never seeing each other fight they seemed to already have respect for each other's skills. Jason watched hoping that one day he would be able to be seen in the same light.

While they had hidden the beastman from the driver at first, they weren't able to forever. Thankfully the driver seemed to be uninterested in the new guest, he avoided the camp keeping to himself and tending to the horses. In fact, it appeared that the driver was actively trying to stay out of their business. Jason thought this might be because he worked for the royal family and was trained not to get involved. Although he suspected he would pass the message on when he returned. Garion seemed not to care too much, just saying that it wouldn't be too big a problem either way.

Soon, it was time to part ways as Jason and his parents needed to head to the capital if they were to make it in time for the ball. Ryanna and Helena also wanted to get on with their journey now they had recovered. Sadly they would be heading in different directions so they wouldn't be traveling on together.

With everything ready and having given some of their supplies to the Beatsman they needed to say their goodbyes.

"I don't know if we will meet again or under what circumstances, but I hope that we do. We will always remember what you have done for us," Ryanna said in her most courteous tone.

"I hope so too," Amelina said smiling before embracing her in one of her signature hugs.

"I hope you have a safe journey but I can wait on seeing your ugly mug for a while." Jason said. At some point their relationship had turned to Ryanna constantly teasing him and he had started responding in kind.

"I'll miss you too Jason." She said with a smile, this made Jason a little happy and it annoyed him.

Helena said nothing but gave a small bow. Garion did the same.

Jason then watched as they set off. They didn't wait long before they also hopped into their carriage and set off themselves.

As the hours passed Jason continued to look out of the window but he kept his eyes set on the direction the two had gone.

"Do you think we will see them again?"

"Who knows, but this world has a funny way of bringing people back together, whether you want to see them or not." His mother said with a smile.

The rest of their journey was fairly uneventful occasionally Jason and Garion would go hunting but only for food. They had given away a large portion of their supplies to the two beastmen so they needed to restock for the journey. Each time they did nothing out of the ordinary happened.

As they travelled the temperatures got warmer it was hard for Jason to tell if that was due to the change of the season or the environment. However, he could see that the trees got more and more sparse and in their place they were surrounded by rolling fields. They started to see people looking after crops, it made for a picturesque image.

Finally, as they came over the crest of a large hill a city came into view. It was impressive enough that Jason pulled his face closer to the glass window hoping for a better view. The city was all made from a white stone, making it look like it was shining in the sunshine. Even from afar, he could see the large walls that surrounded it. Despite them, it still looked friendly and inviting. The city sat curled into the bend of a wide and azure blue river full of boats heading up and downstream.

"Ocane the capital of the Kingdom of Ovar, the pride of the Libran continent, even though it is smaller than the capital in the empire it is known to be far more beautiful." Amelina said though she was praising it, her voice held no love.

As they got closer Jason could see the large gates to the city, they were as tall as the walls and were decorated with wonderous patterns and seemed to show stories through murals carved in to them. There was a queue of carriages and carts trying to enter the city. Since their carriage had the emblem of the royal family they were let straight in, skipping the wait with just a wave from the driver to the guards. Once inside the city walls Garion offered to swap places with Amelina and Jason so that they could get a better view of the city.

Now sitting up front next to his mother and the driver, Jason would point to different things and asked numerous questions. Amelina patiently answered each question that she could, smiling as she did looking at Jason's excited face.

Inside the city the streets were bustling with life. People were going from shop to shop. Market stalls were selling food piled high. The colourful array of fruit, many of which Jason had never seen before, was enough for him to add checking out the markets to his list of to-do's while in the city.

The smells and sounds were very different to those of Jason's small village. People looked anxious to get from one place to another and despite the amazing architecture and scenery, no one stopped to enjoy it. Even when people saw their coach with the royal crest on its side they only stopped for a moment before moving on.

Their carriage winded its way through the cobbled streets till they found themselves at yet another gate. This one was smaller but equally as formidable and led to the inner section of the city. Amelina informed Jason this was where the royal family, ministers and other prominent figures lived.

While the outer section was impressive many of the buildings were tired and in need of repair. In this central district, all the buildings were spotless. Jason could see guards wandering around. They all wore shining full-body armour despite the heat. Most looked young and were very calm, clearly, they held no fear that they might have to respond to any problems.

One building stood out even amongst the impressive collection. It was incredibly grand, made out of the brightest white stone. His mother explained that the whiter the stone the more precious it was considered, so the unblemished white blocks were a display of power. Each block of stone was almost as big as their house in the village. It seemed like a true marvel of construction and Jason looked at it with wonder, eager to know how they had put the huge blocks in place. This was the royal palace. As they had been invited by the royal family they would be staying in one of the outer buildings connected to it. The palace was asymmetrical with towers dotted on one side and a large dome on the other. Despite being called a palace it was more like a castle with clear defensible points and overhanging ramparts dotted around it. It was truly an awe-inspiring building and something in Jason cried out that he wanted to look around it and find out more about it.

After passing through more checkpoints at last, their carriage came to a halt, they had arrived at their destination. It had been a long journey, even longer due to the delay with the beastman. Jason was thrilled to finally be done with it.

Stepping off the carriage they were swiftly surrounded by a large team of attendants and servants. They all wore matching uniforms and bowed as they approached. The oldest-looking among them stepped forward welcomed them and offered to bring them and their luggage to their rooms.

"That would be very kind." Garion responded. As soon as Garion had finished speaking all the servants moved as if in a choreographed motion removing bags and guiding them into the large building they would be staying in.

The hospitality and service felt rather imposing to Jason and it made him feel a little self-conscious, but not so much that he didn't enjoy it. 'I guess I could get used to this.' He thought to himself.

It wasn't a bad introduction to the capital and set up what would be a life-defining trip.