

Warning :- Adult scene are there Alex didn't says anything and and move forward towards the girl standing infront of him simply kisses her " what was that for ..? It was the first time she heard what happened next "what you have to kiss to.........?" she was flagbastered --------------------------- Alex wasn't born ordinary,he was born with alxythemia.He is unable to feel pain or emotions;the world is full of secret. He belongs to the military background family with the year where technology rules..... The life of their planet was changed when the asteroids started to fall which led to mutation of animals into cosmic ravanger the world deadliest creature or those who can finish one country easily. How is Alex gonna do that????? ------------ Well I am not gonna focus on his harem as much as I will be focusing on main story but I will make sure u guys not gonna leave behind wetting your pants. Main lead includes many milfs in his harem. There will be milfs,who don't love them. No ntr of mc This is gonna be mine very first novel so I hope u support my work. Join in discord for help in improving my work. - https://discord.com/invite/mcRwgAZ9

Live_Dashu_player · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Neighbour house

As Alex and Jake decide to end their exploration of the village then Jake urges with cute puppy eyes Alex to visit his house which Alex agrees to, they soon arrive at Jake's home a sleek, modern structure nestled amidst the bustling streets. As they approached the entrance, Jake turned to unlock the door, but before he could, he noticed something unusual.

"Hey, Alex, is there something in your coat pocket that's shaking," Jake exclaimed, pointing towards Alex's coat where a small figure was emerging. "Is that... a squirrel?"

Alex looked down in surprise, only to see Haze yawning as it stretched its tiny limbs. "Oh, yeah. This is Haze, my squirrel friend," Alex explained a hint of amusement in his voice. "Seems like she wanted to join us on our adventure."

Jake's eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Haze hop down from Alex's coat and scamper over to his side. "Wow, that's incredible! I've never seen anything like it," he exclaimed, reaching out to gently pet Haze's fur. "She's adorable!"

Haze chirped happily in response, seemingly unfazed by the attention, before darting back towards Alex and perching on his shoulder once more.

Alex smiled at the sight, feeling a sense of warmth at the bond he shared with his furry companion. "Yeah, she's a pretty special friend," he said fondly, gently stroking Haze's fur.

With Haze by their side, Alex and Jake entered the house, eager to continue their exploration of the village and the adventures that awaited them. As they stepped inside, the door slid shut behind them, sealing them in Jake's house, revealing Jake's parents inside, both adorned in advanced clothing that seemed to meld seamlessly with their surroundings.

"Mom, Dad, this is my new friend Alex!" Jake exclaimed, gesturing towards Alex with a grin. "We've been exploring the village together."

Jake's parents greeted Alex warmly, their clothing adorned with intricate patterns and glowing accents that spoke of their expertise in the world of technology. His mother wore a form-fitting jumpsuit embedded with sleek panels that shimmered with every movement, while his father sported a tailored jacket with built-in sensors and communication devices.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alex," Jake's mother said, extending a hand in greeting. "I'm Maya, and this is my husband, Ethan. We're both engineers here in the village."

Alex shook their hands, feeling a sense of awe at the impressive credentials of Jake's parents. "Nice to meet you both," he said, his voice tinged with admiration.

As they settled into the cozy living space, Jake's parents regaled Alex with stories of their work in the field of technology, sharing tales of their latest inventions and projects. From developing advanced medical devices to designing cutting-edge transportation systems, there seemed to be no limit to their expertise.

As they spoke, Alex couldn't help but be drawn into their world of innovation and discovery, his imagination ignited by the possibilities that lay ahead. With Jake's parents as his inspiration, he felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, eager to explore the endless possibilities of the technological frontier.

As Alex settled into Jake's house, his gaze lingered on the shelves filled with dusty tomes and artifacts. His young mind struggled to process the overwhelming array of information before him, a mixture of fascination and uncertainty swirling within him. Despite the excitement around him, Alex couldn't shake the persistent fog that clouded his thoughts, a constant reminder of his condition.

"Um, what are all these books for?" Alex asked timidly, his voice barely above a whisper as he shifted uneasily on his feet.

He has learned to read and write but he doesn't not about history or words as such because in a mansion there were books but all they contained was a child's poem or military records so he didn't come to know any of this and who the hell teaches his kid about all boring history as such as for word it naturally comes.

Jake's parents exchanged a sympathetic glance, recognizing the confusion in Alex's eyes. "These books hold knowledge from long ago, Alex," Jake's father explained gently, his tone soothing. "They're filled with stories, facts, and discoveries made by people who came before us."

Alex furrowed his brow, struggling to grasp the concept of the ancient knowledge contained within the worn pages. "But... why do we need to know about the past?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Jake's mother knelt beside Alex, offering him a reassuring smile. "Learning about the past helps us understand the world around us and how things came to be," she explained patiently. "It's like piecing together a puzzle to see the bigger picture."

Despite their comforting words, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of disconnect that plagued him, his thoughts muddled and elusive. He longed to join in the excitement of exploration and discovery, but the fog of his condition held him back, casting a shadow over his enthusiasm.

"And who knows, Alex," Jake's father added, his voice hopeful, "maybe you'll find something in these books that sparks your interest and helps you see the world in a new way."

As Alex settled into Jake's house, his eyes wandered over the shelves filled with dusty tomes and artifacts. His curiosity piqued, he approached Jake's father, who was carefully arranging a stack of books on a nearby table.

"Hey, Alex," Jake's father greeted him warmly, a kind smile on his face. "I noticed you're interested in learning about the world around you. How about I give you some books to explore?"

Alex nodded eagerly, his interest piqued by the prospect of diving into new worlds through the pages of a book. "Yes, please!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement.

Jake's father selected a few books from the stack and handed them to Alex with a gentle smile. "Here you go, Alex," he said. "These books cover a wide range of topics, from animals and plants to the wonders of the universe. I hope you enjoy them!"

As Alex flipped through the pages of the books, his eyes widened in wonder at the colorful illustrations and fascinating facts contained within. Despite the fog of his condition, he felt a sense of clarity and purpose wash over him as he delved into the realms of knowledge waiting to be discovered.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith!" Alex said gratefully, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I can't wait to start reading these!"

Jake's father smiled warmly at Alex's enthusiasm, knowing that the books would not only provide him with hours of entertainment but also spark his curiosity and ignite his thirst for knowledge.

As someone said"Knowledge is power without it we become ignorant towards the truth"

As Alex eagerly began to explore the pages of his new books, Jake's father couldn't help but feel a sense of pride knowing that he had played a small part in fueling the young boy's passion for learning. As Alex embarked on this journey of discovery, he knew that the world of words and ideas held endless possibilities for him to explore.

Alex remained silent, his mind filled with unanswered questions and unspoken fears. He tentatively reached out to touch the worn spine of a nearby book, wondering whether he would ever find the clarity and purpose he desperately sought. As he embarked on this uncertain journey of self-discovery, he knew that the path ahead would be challenging and full of obstacles, but he was also aware of the potential for growth and understanding.

During their conversation, Jake's parents shared their vision for the future of the village, which was based on progress, innovation, and collaboration. As Alex listened attentively, he realized that with friends like Jake and mentors like his parents, they could achieve anything together.


{Note: Jake's father's full name is Ethan Smith.}

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