
Don't Forget (**)

Dongmei didn't wait for Wuxing's agreement. She grasped his face with both hands and claimed what was hers with the fierceness of a tigress.

"Forget about them," Dongmei muttered between her passionate kisses. "Think only about me right now."

Wuxing had no time for breath when Dongmei was on top and his face was fully in her possession. She took parts of his mind with each exchange until all he thought was her tongue that merged with his own. 

Wuxing embraced her sexy body and he moved his arms unconsciously as if they couldn't wait to experience every inch of her skin once again. When Dongmei trailed her hands down his chest, he already occupied her back with her outfit falling off. It wasn't a dress but rather a field bodysuit that was hard to strip. 

Dongmei didn't make it easy for him and enjoyed his neck while he struggled to unbutton her jacket. Compared to him, she only needed one move to take off his shirt and began to grope him freely.