
Challengers Remorse

A boy, given knowledge through the blood of his predecessor. Traverses a Path of Challenges and Tribulation given through a Unyielding Spirit of Love, Compassion and fierce Passion.

Dominic_Harris_7173 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Normality? I guess? I don't know.

-Congratulations! The daily quest has been completed successfully. Your hard work and dedication have paid off with an increase in stamina, agility, and endurance by 5 points each. The physical exertion of running for 30 minutes may have caused discomfort, but the reward is well worth it. Your inventory has been updated with the allocated stat points and reward. Keep up the good work and continue to push yourself towards your daily goals.-

Yup. This is daily life now. Honestly I don't get it but for some reason I love that it is like this. A part of me knows that this day would come, but a part of me also wants to keep understanding. What do I mean by "I knew this day would come?" well to tell you the truth, I've inherited the blood of my predecessor, though outwardly I am victim of all things that are on the earth today, but Inwardly I know that I established this place. Well how can I do that? How can I in the present establish a place through my blood? How is it that This place I've directed myself in is subject to the place I've made in myself? Though it has its reward, I yield not to the things of the flesh, but The happenings that are , do bring joy to me. Henceforth why this place I have created directs as accordingly. Though I'll get back to this story.

Upon opening my inventory, I noticed three "Body Cleansing" Liquids in the third slot. I decided to consume all three, allowing the effects to take hold. The "Body Cleansing" Liquid is a highly effective solution for eliminating negative effects from the body. Depending on the grade of the liquid, it can provide various benefits such as cleansing illnesses, diseases, mental disabilities, viral infections, blood impurities, and even internal organs. As more individuals become aware of the benefits of "The System," their health gradually improves.

It is intriguing to note that there is a substance that can materialize into the physical world without any knowledge of its creation process. However, I have a strong suspicion that this phenomenon is linked to the individual who preceded me. My belief stems from my discovery of a book and metal jewelry during my childhood, which I believe are connected to this enigmatic substance. I recently read a book that intrigued me with its exploration of the beginning of all creation. However, I noticed that the book had blood on most of its pages, and I ended up getting a papercut as I continued reading. Despite the pain, I sucked on my finger and kept reading, not realizing that I had touched the bloody part of the page. My bleeding finger mixed with the blood already on the page, but I didn't let that stop me from continuing to read. As I read into the night, I fell asleep with the book, and had strange dreams that seemed to teach me important lessons. Upon waking up, I was surprised to find that I had been given a foundation of knowledge in my dream. Initially, I didn't think much of it, but as I began to remember and implement what I had learned, I grew to love these newfound abilities. It wasn't just about following a set path, but rather seeking out the potential and mystery of these things. As I continued to gain understanding, I knew of just the way to fully embrace and utilize this knowledge.