
Chapter 3

Shubh's POV

I told Sandy that I would come and pick her up whenever she wanted to come home. But Dr Vikram said that he would drop her at our place. I agreed as he was a nice man and otherwise I would have to come back once again.

I invited him inside when he came to drop her home.

Sandy went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I also went there and said, "Sandy, Dr Vikram is having dinner with us. Please make food accordingly. Please make something nice. "

" Why did you ask him to stay for dinner? "

" He can't go without eating food at this hour of the day. He helped you so many times and really take very good care of you." I said and smiled, she made a face and I shook my head and left the kitchen.

We all had dinner. It was awesome as always.

" Shubh, if you have any problem in the hospital just give me a call and you don't need to come back to drive Sandhya to the hospital I can drive her to hospital and you can come back in the morning. " He said and I just nodded. Sandy looked shocked.

We all finished our food and Dr Vikram took his leave. I also left for the hospital.

Sandy was shocked at my behaviour. She was surprised to see that I trusted him with her.

Actually, I had gone to talk to Dr Vikram yesterday as I was in tension. " Dr Vikram, I don't know how to say this, but I am very tensed as mom is in hospital and someone is coming to meet Sandhya tomorrow. On top of that Sumeet is sending your pictures to everyone. How would I explain anything to that guy or his family? Or what would I say to Sandhya's mom and dad? " I said.

" Don't worry, everything is under control... " He patted on my shoulder and said.

" I failed as a brother, I could not protect my sister. I was not there when she needed me the most... I tried to protect her, but I could not even see that my friend was trying to hurt her. I want to kill him... Even after looking at those pics, I understand that nothing happened between two of you, but how would I explain it to the man she is going to get married. I seriously failed as a brother... Big time... " I was so depressed.

" No, you didn't... You are an amazing brother. You take very good care of your sister. I have seen that with my own eyes. You didn't fail at all, in fact, you passed with flying colours. "

" But how would I expl..." He stopped me in mid-sentence.

" You don't need to explain anything to anyone, I will take care of it... "

" What?? But why? How?? "

" Because I am the man your sister is getting married to. "

" What nonsense?? "

" It is not nonsense. My dear would-be brother-in-law... "

" Listen, I am serious and I don't like this kind of jokes. "

" Will you please shut up and listen to me? I am Vikram Singh Rathore. My family lives in Jodhpur. My mom and Sandhya's mom are best friends. I am the one who was coming to your home tomorrow. I am the one who is getting engaged and finally married to your sister Sandhya. Got it??? "

" What?? Why didn't you say anything earlier? "

" You didn't let me say anything. " He smiled at me and I shook my head and smiled.

" So you asked for her hand in marriage? Does she know???"

" NO.... "

" Why??? " I was curious as hell.

He told me every single thing.

" I am asking for forgiveness from her. She has finally forgiven me. After this camp, we became friends also. But I really want her in my life so I asked my parents to help me in getting married to her."

" I would have punched you hard for hurting my sister. But over this time, I saw that you are a nice man and you take good care of her. So I will help you. But don't ever try to hurt her again. " I said to him and smiled.

He nodded and smiled back. We embraced each other and patted on each others' back and laughed.

He told me not to tell her that he was that man whom she is getting married to.


My Mamaji's family has come here. And my mom was alright now,

Sandhya had to go to the hospital, so I dropped her there and reminded her to invite all her friends for the engagement. After that, I went to do my work.

Vidhi's POV

( A few days back)

It was morning and I had to go to one of our hotels, so I got ready and came out to have breakfast and go. But I was so surprised to see my brother Vikram there.

" Hey, Bhai!!! I am so happy ... " I jumped with joy and threw myself in his arms. I love him. He kissed me on my forehead.

We all had the special breakfast, mom made as Bhai was back after so long. And then he told us that he wanted to get married to mom's best friend's daughter, Sandhya. Mom and dad had selected her for him earlier but he had refused.

Mom was so happy and excited. We all went to her place and Bhai apologized for his earlier behaviour and asked for her hand in marriage.

Both the families were very happy and started finding the suitable dates for engagement and wedding. Bhai went away after a day


We all were here in Delhi now for their engagement.

I wanted to meet bhabhi but bhai refused. He had some plan to surprise her.

Bhai had gone to the hospital while we had to go and do shopping. He had not even bought the engagement ring till now. So I planned to go to the hospital and go to shopping directly from there.

I reached his hospital and was looking for the cardiology department when I saw a group of youngsters like me.

I went towards them and asked, " Do you mind telling me, where is the cardiology department. I have to meet Dr Rathore... "

" Come I will take you there. " One of the girls said and I followed her.

I knocked at the door of his cabin and went inside. As usual, I hugged him and he took me in his arms and kissed on my forehead.

" Hey what are you doing here? " He asked me.

"We need to go shopping... Right now... And have you even selected a ring? " He just shook his head and smiled.

" I thought so... C'mon get up now...we need to do a lot of shopping. " He smiled at me.

We came out of his cabin just then mom called me and I started walking while still talking on the phone. She wanted me to get more things from the market.

She sent me a list and I assured her that I would get everything and just then I realised that I kept walking while Bhai was still there. So I turned and I don't know how but my foot got twisted.

I lost my control due to my high heels and I started falling and before I could land on my bottom, someone caught me.

But due to sudden impact, both of us fell on the floor with me on top of that someone. I hoped it was Bhai. But I felt he was not.

I opened my eyes to see who it was and was shocked to see a very handsome face. He was looking at me with a shocked expression on his face.

His eyes were almost black with some kind of depth in them. His face was chiselled and very handsome with a defined jawline.

We were still lying on the floor. We both were looking at each other. I didn't even realise that I had to get up first as I was lying on top of him.

I heard someone clearing his throat and I came back to earth. I smiled shyly as I realised our position and tried to get up by pushing on his chest. It was awkward and he was also smiling now.

I looked that Bhai was standing there near us. He offered his hand, I caught his hand and got up. That handsome also got up. I was so embarrassed, I stole another glance at him and saw that he was doing the same.

He was tall dark and very handsome. My cheeks were turning red.