
Chalice of Eternity: A Vampire's Immortal Bond

"Amidst the metropolis of Whitedale, the enthralling tale of June and Ariel unfolds. June's determination to lead an ordinary life collides with Ariel's quest for centuries old vengeance, drawing them into a web of love and intrigue. As they navigate a world of hidden creatures and resurfacing secrets, their destinies intertwine against a backdrop of danger and desire. With an ancient bond between species at the core, June's concealed power places her in peril, while Ariel's unwavering vow to protect her echoes through time. In this captivating vampire romance, their journey through love, danger, and revelations promises an irresistible escape." 'I am bound to protect her, even in the face of past failure'

Strange_r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Those days

Rank among Vampires:

1. Noble Blood vampire

2. Noble-hybrid vampire

3. Hybrid vampire

4. Human Hybrid vampires

Noble Vampires are naturally born with Noble parents while others are made. Those turned by Noble becomes Noble-hybrid. Likewise, those turned by Noble-hybrid becomes hybrid and go on. The stronger they are, the easier it becomes to control the weaker one and even hypnotize/compell.


"Madam you have a call", the butler informed standing outside the Mia's black wooden door with his brown eyes locked at golden knob. He waited there patiently when he already knew the outcome.

As always, the silence hit the dim hallway. He signed slowly sulking his shoulders and returned.

[After a while]


The main door opeaned with Mia fixing her black sunglass, with black chanel purse having small golden chains hanging on her left hand. She as usual wore her signature red outfit that embraced her seductive curve. She had a body that could pull anything she wore. Her long wavy blone hair tied up moved beautifully with the flow of the wind.

The butler was watering flowers and plants that covered the whole garden under the sun. Suddenly, his glance turned towards a mysterious figure that stood in front of the house. He frowned his thick black eyebrows with his weak eye-sight trying to figure out.

For a moment, his hands almost slipped watering the wrong way as the small little relieved smile grew up on his face when he watched her shining again.

How long since, he had always been admiring her? Even though she had aggressive attitude, he became familiar with her different side. They became family who protected each other. She became the hope that lead him to look forward to the greater days.

"What's with you ,....BUTT?" , she raised her voice enough to reach the ears of the butler.

He finched back to his sense almost jumping a little. He was daydreaming recalling his past that he slowly wanted to forget. Mia always called him that saying his attitude was like butt, for which he was used to it in never offended way.

He took off his rubber gloves he was wearing and walked to side of the house to closed the tap that was tuged with the water pipe. Then he reached the pocket of his butler attire & dialed his phone to driver.

It was almost a week Mia had locked up herself. After she got inside the van, she wondered the world outside from the tinted black glass window wanting to open it and feel the wind against her pale bare skin.

She most of the time wore her blue contact lens to blend with humans, to look normal. The color of her eyes back when she was a human that perfectly suited with her facial features.

Like any other day, she didn't put much effort on her makeup as she was stunning either ways. After skipping the whole schedule for a week, her days or two went being nerve wracking. Updating to her fans and facing her manager who had same attitude as her was little difficult.

Mia liked her manager, who ordered around and always created challenges that was addictive to Mia who got bored with her life.

"Drop me here !!!" , Mia broke the silence inside the van with her hand gesturing to the driver through the reflecting mirror and driver nodded right after. Reaching the front of her management company, she stepped out arranging her outfit and heels after the butler opeaned the black sliding door of the van.

The guards on the gate alerted seeing her presence without the notice and acted very fast with two bulked up tall bodyguards running towards her for protection, just in case.

"Please be careful", the butler said worrying and got nothing in response, as he did a small nod with his head knowing she got it. After seeing Mia entered building with small ruckus outside, the butler then climbed inside the van and headed back home.



The butler woke up shivering little with the cold on his young fit body from the wet grasses on the surface at dawn. He was just outside the creepy house he entered the other day. Before anything, he gulped his guts remembering for the first time in his twenty-five years, he saw a vampire.

At first he thought it was a nightmare but looking at his current state, he realized it wasn't.

He slowly stood up in his weak body with memories from night before became crystal clear, as he ran for his life in his bare foot.

He ran and ran and ran with his feet brushed against the rough surface of the road in a quiet city. He anyhow reached his place early in the morning, finally feeling safe. He felt calm and relieved, but the reality hit him like a thunder. He then remembered, he left that place so he could find a better life and move on.

He thought about calling the police for help with his horrible encounter but again he would gain nothing from it and his ear still hearing the whisper of that women. He looked around hopelessly, a room without any life to it, a place where everything was scattered and messed up.

He had no more food to eat, no better path to walk, not a single person to talk, almost being helpless. He gazed at the letters piled up beside his door probably for his unpaid bills.

He had a quick thought of jumping from the tall building or from the bridge so he could end his miserable life and go somewhere more peaceful, but he didn't have enough courage to do, not yet. He sat on side of the his bed with both of his dried muddy hands on his head.

He heard loud sound of the train jumping and sliding with the metal railway, which always passed over where he lived which was used to his ears. But that day, he screamed loudly, as louder as he could clenching both of his hands on his bed sheets. The scream followed the noise of the train, which made no other single soul to notice.

He then layed back and stared at the white painted ceiling almost worn out having black naked wire without a bulb at it's center, slowly shutting his eyes and all his other senses.

When he woke up, his body became light after a long good sleep. It was almost an evening. He walked to his little kitchen with unwashed steel plates still piled up on the basin.

Taking out a glass from wooden shelf above his head, he opeaned the tap to get not a single drop of drinking water coming out. He became mad, part of him felt like he hit the bottom of the pit on his life. His stomach rumbled in hunger and he was thirsty physically and mentally for better life ahead.

After thinking for a while, he walked to his bed and took out an old brown leather box from under it. He started to pack his file and anything useful. He changed his stained clothes then tossed it out of the window.

He opeaned his door and saw the beautiful red sun setting far on the horizon and he started to walk down from the open rusted metal stairs, not bothering to close the door.

It was his decision that day to either die by the hand of a vampire, he never knew existed or live a life for better.
