
Chalice of Eternity: A Vampire's Immortal Bond

"Amidst the metropolis of Whitedale, the enthralling tale of June and Ariel unfolds. June's determination to lead an ordinary life collides with Ariel's quest for centuries old vengeance, drawing them into a web of love and intrigue. As they navigate a world of hidden creatures and resurfacing secrets, their destinies intertwine against a backdrop of danger and desire. With an ancient bond between species at the core, June's concealed power places her in peril, while Ariel's unwavering vow to protect her echoes through time. In this captivating vampire romance, their journey through love, danger, and revelations promises an irresistible escape." 'I am bound to protect her, even in the face of past failure'

Strange_r · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Rank among Vampires:

1. Noble Blood vampire

2. Noble-hybrid vampire

3. Hybrid vampire

4. Human Hybrid vampires

Noble Vampires are naturally born with Noble parents while others are made. Those turned by Noble becomes Noble-hybrid. Likewise, those turned by Noble-hybrid becomes hybrid and go on. The stronger they are, the easier it becomes to control the weaker one and even hypnotize/compell.


[At present]

The city looked alive as ever. Whitedale, a name that sounded like a little town was a huge city. The places that always amazed. The city with people full of dreams.

Ariel came to city for about a month now. He adopted to his new world. Someday, he would look through the books inside his apartment even though it was hard to read with the change in writings. Some other days, he would go out to explore.

His favorite place was the butcher's shop downtown, where he had been buying an animal-blood from past weeks. He had befriended the owner of that place who was said to be a vietnamese, having the asian face in his mid- fourties. His distinctive feature was the colorfull yakuza type of tatoo on his right arm.

Ariel twice a week would visit the place and listen to butcher's war stories which was never boring, with his odd accent. Ariel sometimes would visit park in the city, about half the size of New York's Central park, the art galleries and museums that would amaze him every single time. The history he had no idea about.

For foods, he had no guts anymore. Around third day he arrived, he brought a packed beef from a store near his apartment complex after he was reminded by his empty stomach and ate it as a substitution for blood. It was the worse decision he made over centuries, making him sick through out the day and night. Then, he found the butcher's shop which saved his life for rest of the days.


It was almost eleven at night. The moon was covered with thin clouds and the sky was dark with twinkling stars. It looked like a view of the city he saw from the tallest tree back in the Black Forest.

Ariel went to the same mid- sized store, where he brought meat days ago. His friend butcher suggested him buying small containers for blood and placing them inside refrigerator for freshness.

Ariel walked in. The Fmfirst thing he saw was many white rows made of metals, filled with different products he didn't noticed last time. There were some people inside even it was past eleven, almost mid-night.

He searched for anything that seemed like an empty bottle for that mattered. The products he didn't know the purpose of inside the place confused him. Last time, he compelled the cashier while he was in hurry but it wasn't good thing to do now, was what he thought.

There were too many things to eat, drink and use. Talking about drinks, he saw huge transparent refrigerators lined up from one end to other end with many colored cans and bottles. He opeaned one and tasted it, the other one and again another one.

He grabed some of them in the basket on his hand still searching for the bottles. It became hard, instead he went to ask for help from cashier when all of a sudden noises came.


The bell at thick glass entrance rang with someone in loud voice pointing gun at everyone inside the store.

The cashier screamed with fear and was shut right after. She pressed her mouth with both of her hands to stay quite.

"Give me all of your money, NOW !!! NOW !!! ....." , the man with black face mask ordered.

One elderly man and two middle aged womens were curled covering their heads on the ground inside the store. They were shivering with the fear of getting killed.

"Don't you dare call the cops , or I WILL SHOT ALL OF YOU" , he pointed his gun at the womens on the ground and swinged back at cashier girl in her twenties. Right after opening the drawer of change money, the robber took all of it and shoved inside his pocket. She was crying with her hands trembling and making her difficult to open the vault placed at the back of counter.

"Do it faster... FASTER!!!" , he was unsteady looking outside and again at the girl, opening the small vault sitting on her kness.

Ariel came with juice cans in his blue basket. "Where is an empty bottles for refrigerator?" asked in his deep voice.

The girl, old man and two womens including the robber turned at him in huge shock.

"HOLY SHIT.... where did you come from man?"

"Now.. ON THE GROUND", the robber shouted at him.

"YOU !!! Do what you were doing girl before I shot you" , the robber ordered distracted girl, who was looking at Ariel with confusion.

"Sit... on... the... ground...boy." , the old man from the ground slowly in his old voice said peeping at Ariel with fear shown in his expression.

"SHUT UP, OLD HAG" the robber said out loud threatening an old man still holding his gun at the Ariel.

"You deaf or WHAT..?"

"NOW" , the robber screamed almost like a child throwing tantrum in Ariel's eyes.

Ariel was still confused what was going but then he ignored and then asked same questions to the girl.


He was so loud that Ariel's ear got hurt.

"SILĖNCĖ" he said directly looking at the brown eyes of the robber and it got quiet until he went back to look for the bottles, where trembling cashier girl pointed at.

The robber was confused shaking his head after Ariel went back to search, then again he continued what he was doing before Ariel returned.

[After a while]

When Ariel got back, the robber was gone with the money.

"Why didn't you help us ?" , the cashier girl in tears asked looking at Ariel.

"He took everything, now I will get fired", with her hands still trembling from the shock.

The older man in his stick stood at the same place where he curled before. He had a relief sign on his face for no one getting hurt. But the two womens already ran outside to their parked car.

"That thief....almost killed...us, ...I thought....I would not... see my grandchildrens.....this Christmas", the old man around his early eighties said turning at both of them.


"So... not movie shooting?" , Ariel asked confused at them.

The old man nodded while crying cashier girl's was staring at his face all of a sudden. Her mouth almost opeaned with a shock.

"Do you have anything small & long?", Ariel asked the girl.

"It's in front of you, there" she pointed at the role of rope with her sad tone.


Ariel rushed out looking for the scent of the robber. Then he found out that the robber was couple of blocks down inside the town with someone other.


Ariel flew just in front of the robbers making them surprised and both fall on their backs. It was a quite ally with no sign of others than them.

The one with an unfamiliar scent ran backwards tossing huge dustbin on the way leaving his friend behind.


But, he got knocked out by Ariel who rushed in his vampire speed.

The robber at back was crumbling on the ground with shock when Ariel turned around to him, who he met just a couple of minutes ago.

"WHAT ARE YOU ? HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" , the robber gripped the gun tightly, pointing it at Ariel. His hands were trembling in fear.

Ariel kept on walking forward until.....

BANG !!! BANG !!!

The gun shoot at Ariel that made him still for seconds.

All the birds flew with the sudden sound in a thin woods beside them.

"I told you that I would shoot you man" , the robber stood up crawling and tried to get away.


Ariel stood in front of the robber staring at him with angry glowing eyes that reflected the face with horror of the robber. Before the robber backed up, Ariel knocked him hitting at back of his neck.



The glass door opened with Ariel carrying two mens on his right hand tied with rope.


He threw them in front of cashier's table. "How much for my bottles and drinks ?"

She looked down at two robbers tied like a ball and back at Ariel with mountain of questions.

After looking at his basket ,

"Umm...., you can take it, Uh... no need to pay" , she said.

The girl saw two gunshot holes, one at chest and other one near stomach at the Ariels black coat. Before she could say anything, he walked out saying "Thankyou".

Ariel made his way with an empty bottles and cans at around midnight, when he noticed the eyes following him from the woods, in the walkway.

"COME OUT" , He growled like a roar of the lion.