
Chapter 2 The Decisive Decision

Scene 3

Emperor Vikramaditya, the ruler of Ujjain, was pacing to and fro in his chambers, his face filled with worry. He had just decided in the court to conquer Jambudweep, but now doubts had arisen in his mind. What if he made the wrong decision? What if he is putting his kingdom and his people in danger?

As he was lost in thought, his wife, Queen Madanalekha, entered the room. She saw the distress on her husband's face and went to him with concern.

"Emperor, what's the matter? Why are you looking so worried?" He asked.

Emperor Vikramaditya heaved a heavy sigh and told them his concern. "I have just decided to conquer Jambudweep, but now I have doubts. What if I am doing something wrong? What if I am putting my kingdom and my subjects in danger?"

Queen Madanalekha patiently listened to her husband's concerns and then said, "My dear husband, I understand your concerns, but you must remember that every decision comes with its own risks and rewards. You have always been a wise ruler, and I trust your judgment. If you have decided to conquer Jambu Island, you must have carefully weighed all the risks and rewards.

 Emperor Vikramaditya nodded thoughtfully at his wife's words, but his concern was still there. "But what if I'm wrong? What if I made a mistake?

 Queen Madanalekha placed a reassuring hand on her husband's shoulder and said, "Emperor, we cannot always be sure whether a decision is right or wrong until we take action. But what we can do is have faith in our abilities and believe in ourselves. You are a strong and capable ruler, and I have no doubt that you will lead our kingdom to greatness.

 Emperor Vikramaditya smiled at his wife's words, comforted by her unwavering support. "Thank you, my dear wife. Your words have given me the strength and confidence to go ahead with my decision."

 Queen Madanalekha smiled at her husband and said, "Always remember that I am here to support you, whatever decision you take. Together, we will face any challenge that comes our way."

 As his wife's words echoed in his mind, Emperor Vikramaditya felt that his worries were gone. He knew that he could face any challenge as long as he had the support and love of his wife.

Act II

Scene 1

Emperor Vikramaditya, the great king of Ujjain, stood outside the Mahakaleshwar temple looking at its towering shikhara. He took a deep breath and entered the temple with a sense of reverence and humility. He had come to pray to Lord Shiva for his victory in his upcoming war and to take an oath to conquer Jambu Island.

Inside the temple, the smell of incense was in the air, and the sound of prayer filled his ears.

Emperor Vikramaditya went to the priest sitting near the entrance and introduced himself.

"Hello, Swami. My name is Samrat Vikramaditya, and I have come to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva for my upcoming battle," said Samrat Vikramaditya.

The priest nodded and gestured for her to follow him. Together, they walked towards the inner sanctum of the temple, where the main deity of Lord Shiva was located.

The priest gave a basket of flowers to Emperor Vikramaditya and asked him to offer them to the deity. Emperor Vikramaditya bowed his head and closed his eyes while offering flowers to Lord Shiva.

After offering the prasad, the priest asked them to sit down and explained to them the importance of the Rudrabhishek ritual. Emperor Vikramaditya listened attentively as the priest chanted mantras and poured water on the Shivalinga.

As the ritual progressed, Emperor Vikramaditya felt a sense of peace wash over him. He felt as if all his worries and fears were slowly disappearing, and he was filled with confidence and strength.

The priest then asked him to take a vow promising Lord Shiva that he would conquer Jambu Island and glorify his kingdom. After taking the oath, Emperor Vikramaditya stood up and closed his eyes.

"I promise to conquer Jambu Island and bring glory to my kingdom. I will be a just and fair ruler, and I will always uphold the principles of Dharma," he said.

The priest nodded in approval and blessed him. He said, "May Lord Shiva give you the strength and courage to fulfill your promise."

Emperor Vikramaditya bowed his head and thanked the priest for his guidance. He left the temple feeling a sense of fulfillment and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He knew that with the blessings of Lord Shiva he would be victorious.

Scene 2

The court of Emperor Vikramaditya was abuzz with activity as the king himself was about to make an important announcement. Emperor Vikramaditya, dressed in his royal attire, proceeded to his throne and stood in courtly respect.

Emperor Vikramaditya said, "My dear courtiers, I have called you here today to discuss an important matter."

He paused for a moment, and then continued, "As you all know, we were planning to attack the Satavahana Kingdom. But after much thought, I have come to the conclusion that it would be better to conquer the Indo-Scythian kingdom first."

There was a whisper of surprise among the courtiers, and some of them looked puzzled.

Emperor Vikramaditya continued, "We are a proud and righteous kingdom, and we should not allow foreign powers to rule our land. It is important that we subdue the foreigners first, and then focus on our own people. That's why I have taken this decision. First attack the Indo-Scythian kingdom.

He paused and then said, "But don't think that we have given up on our plan to conquer the Satavahana kingdom. We will still do it, but it will be a strategic move. We need to implement some strategy to fight the unscrupulous trickster.

Emperor Vikramaditya then turned to his trusted general, Amarasimha, and said, "I have already sent gifts to the Satavahana kingdom, marking a change in our plans. I am sure they will understand.

Amar Singh nodded in agreement.

Varahamihira, who was present in the court, said, "But Emperor, is it not against the moral principles of our righteous kingdom? Shouldn't we be focusing on doing the right thing instead of being strategic?"

Emperor Vikramaditya smiled and said, "Varahamihir, I understand your concern. But we are doing this only for the sake of righteousness. By subjugating foreigners first, we are ensuring that our people are safe and our land is secure. And that, my dear friend, is the most righteous thing we can do. It is called tact to us, but the world will see it only as a change of judgment, which is quite right."

The courtiers nodded in agreement and there was thunderous applause at the decision of Emperor Vikramaditya. The king had once again proved his intelligence and leadership skills, and his men were proud to serve under him.