
Chakra Spider (Naruto X Marvel X DC)

With great power comes great responsibility but Peter had never imagined getting in contact such power. Disclaimer: I do not own anything

EternalBliss4U · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 23

A.N. As long as you people keep on commenting and reviewing, you can expect the chapters to keep on coming.


'Oh shit, not again.' Peter easily dodged the claw by jumping back and also avoided the tail swipe.

"Doc, I am Peter."

"Do you take me for a fool? Peter would have shown some fear and hesitation when looking at me, but you showed none of it. Now, you can't even deny it since no human could have done what you did." Connor locked onto him and considered him an enemy so all his human restrictions were being withdrawn.

'Damn, what a blunder? My mind was operating at low signals.' Peter realized his mistake and face palmed.

Regardless of the mistake, Peter didn't consider this battle anything wot worry about. The foe was physically weaker and had no advantage to speak off.

"Ok wait, I am Spiderman. I saw Peter in a hurry with a worried look so I decided to help him out and here we are." Peter withdrew his statements and made up a lie on the spot while cancelling the illusion.

Connor already knew about Spiderman and his little child was a fun as this hero was very approachable. He was known for being visible and talking with people.

You could even find him walking the streets sometimes or sitting at cafes or somewhere while chatting with anyone interested.

You could say he enjoyed being a hero and the benefits that came with it.

'Is it true? Is he really helping Peter? No, he could be after me. He might want to experiment on my body to see how it happened.' Connor was thinking before but it was affected by his lizard into the negative side.

Spiderman was also known for confiscating some items from criminals, not the things stolen from others.

As such the negative thought was a possibility and he had no reason to trust him.

"Only If Peter arrives will I trust you." Connor said as he moved on all fours from side to side, eyeing Peter and looking for ways to attack him.

He knew there was no escape from the man unless he was willing to cause mass panic and destruction by destroying the buildings in the way so Spiderman was forced to help them.

Listening to his words, Peter had no answer. He could make a clone but that was an illusion and it could be easily seen though with good senses.

He could make an earth clone but once again it would be seen through since it doesn't have a heart beat etc.

"Sorry about this Doc" Peter muttered as he launched the ice pellet at Connor who was unable to dodge it in time.

It caused Connor's body to freeze up, he was able to break of the ice but the cold affected his body very negatively.

His movement slowed down along with his reaction so Peter took his down with ease and wrapped him up in his enhanced webs before heating up his body to clear away the cold.

"What do you want with me? I won't allow anyone to use me. I will kill you and everyone else before that could happen."

Peter already knew the side effects of the serum and could tell that Doctor was suffering from them. These weren't words that he would utter.

"Connor, calm down. I am here to help. You told Peter that you needed help, so tell me how we can reverse this and what happened." Peter spoke slowly while looking into his eyes, giving him suggestions to open up but it seemed to fail because of two minds in one body.

He would need better mastery of genjutsu to counter such a problem.

Connor felt the attempt and increased his struggle against the web.

"Come on Doctor, I am sorry about that. I thought you needed an extra push to open up because of the urgency. You are already losing your mind, so please talk to me before it's too late." Peter was very worried about his friend and teacher.

This person was very close to his heart and not some stranger. If anything happened to him, he would never be able to forget it and he wouldn't be able to face his family.

Connor was the man that had given him so many opportunities and opened the world of science to him. He was that had allowed him to enter a secret project because of his trust in him.

How much he owed the man, Peter couldn't tell but he knew that he owed him enough to do anything to save him.

Connor didn't reply at all and tried to bite him with giant head, moving like a worm.

It seems Connor had lost control after not seeing Peter and it made him guilty as it was now directly his fault.

Locking him in place with web, Peter tried to think of ways to solve this issue when his spider sense started tingling.

'Attack' Peter caught the web holding Connor and jumped out of the window while the building exploded behind them as it got hit by a rocket launcher.

Landing outside, he got the feeling once again and sank into the ground while bullets rained where he had been.

It was the earth fish projection technique and it came easily to him because of his affinity to earth. His highest affinities were Yin, Yang and Earth.

Yin and Yang came from Yami while earth was his natural element because of the spider side.

Yin and Earth mixing made earth projection very easy to learn.

Peter and Connor were under the ground 10 meters while robot spiders were spraying bullets.

Peter quickly moved away from the area and jumped over another building as the bullets were easily going through the ground.

They were very strong, durable and fast.

Placing Connor on the roof, Peter jumped to another building and analyzed his foes.

There were 10 giant spider robots that stood 5 meter tall. They were heavily armed with rocket launchers, machine guns, rail guns, seeker bombs, poison spray, acid and electrocution.

All these weapons were beyond normal levels and were made specifically to counter Spiderman by Kingpin's team.

This was the first Spider slayer squad going out on the first hunt that would prove their worth.

They were expensive stuff with durable materials and high class weapons that would murder Tombstone with ease.

Through the cameras inside the robots Kingpin watched the encounter. Shocker had done his job well and brought back the serum, and now he was interested in the other project's result.

"Get the lizard as well. We could have some use for him." Kingpin ordered as he sat on his boss chair and watched the screen with some light snack and wine.

"By your command"


Peter could see that they had heat and sound sensors so they could easily locate him. Invisibility was of no use here.

They worked really fast on these machines because of the availability of resources and high class equipment and now it was time to see whether they could stand against his changes.

Peter sensed an attack as the spiders released seeker bombs at him but instead of dodging he opted for a direct attack this time.

He didn't want the bombs to explode anywhere else as people could die.

Making few signs, Peter's body was covered by the ground below him causing the roof to collapse but giving him another layer of armor.

With that done within a split second, Peter launched himself at the Spider nearest to him while shooting web bombs at the others.

The web bombs were covered with chakra to enhance their durability and flew at high speeds, using his visor he had locked onto their lower portions.

The bombs hit the legs of the Spiders causing their movements to become hindered and almost made them loose balance, delaying their response.

Peter crashed into his target while surviving the bullet storm with his earth armor, real armor underneath and chakra enhancement.

He didn't know what material they had used but it was exceptionally durable to actual do something like that and the bullets moved at extreme speeds as well, mach 10.

If he wasn't so strong physically that might have put a hole through him. He could tell these people weren't playing around.

With the impact at high speed, the spider shook and Peter punched its head. His hand cleared away the armor and reached the softer area where he released an electric shock using his armor enhanced with chakra for extra oomph.

It caused the robot to short circuit as the current overloaded some parts and melted some of them.

Jumping away as he sensed another attack, Peter used the web to lock onto another one and pulled himself towards them.

Like a comet he kicked the leg and it broke from the extreme force causing it to collapse while the other robots launched rockets at him.

Peter acted quickly and took cover using the spider he had just attacked.

But felt acid land on him and it melted his armor while the earth armor had been destroyed by the explosion.

'Release' Peter released his hidden weapon, the One Shotter as it seems the battle would cause too much damage that could reach other buildings by stray hits.

The building around him had collapsed and there were large holes on the ground. The night had come alive in the area and police sirens could be heard in the distance as reports had been made.

Without further ado, Peter locked onto his targets and shot them in the centre. Just like its name, it one shotted the targets as the bullets were durable and enhanced with chakra along with the gun itself.

It shot at mach 10 and left a huge in the centre of their body as Peter had moved quick and shot them from under their bodies.

Seeing people looking in this direction, Peter got on top of the broken robots.

"Guys, never do this. It's still too dangerous." Peter warned them and quickly landed on the ground as he his hands flew through signs before slamming his hands on the ground.

He felt another attack and realized that the bots were about to explode. With his hands touching the ground, it turned into a dome that covered up all the bots.

Peter moved with haste and webbed up the people nearby and caught one of them to save them from the explosion.


It was the loudest explosion he had ever seen so close and fortunately the dome had reduced the affect. Nonetheless, it sent rocks and metal pieces in every direction.

The people were lucky that Peter had webbed them up and created a net using the web bombs when he jumped at one of the man nearby.

Letting go of the man, Peter stood up and looked at the result. It was much better than expected but now he realized that barrier making might be needed.

Fortunately there was only some collateral damage but the people were saved. The countermeasures had worked out fine.

Looking at the scene, the people were humbled and realized how they had almost died.

As he walked towards the scene of destruction, the people thanked him for his help.

It was a dangerous battle and Peter realized that he wasn't the only one improving, the criminals were improving as well and they were targeting him.

Collecting the metallic pieces for use, Peter waved and bowed at the people before going towards Connor.

He had gotten a prize today. The first spider he had managed to collect it before the explosion took place. Its circuits were fried so the explosion didn't happen.

Reaching the rooftop he only found his web, it had been cut by the metallic piece from the spiders.

Some of the pieces had landed here and Lizard managed to use them to cut the webs as the metal was sharp enough to cut his web and body.

Peter couldn't tell who was responsible for the attack especially since these were a new sight.

'Where did the doctor go?' Peter quickly looked around the area using his senses and visor but couldn't find anything so he quickly rushed to the Professors house.

He didn't find him there either but decided to keep watch just in case while giving Jess a call. He needed her support.


A.n Hope you enjoyed and comment