
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Meeting part 2

After a few minutes, another group enter the group identity was the Hermes Familia, the group was led by Hermes the god of the Familia, and behind him, there was a beautiful woman with light blue hair following him like a bodyguard. This beautiful women's identity was Asfi Andromeda the captain of the Hermes Familia.

"Yo, did you wait long?" Hermes greeted with his signature smile. Without a warning, a shoe suddenly flew toward his face at a fast speed hitting his face perfectly.

Hermes falls to the ground with a shoe mark on his face unconscious, seeing this Asfi only sighed and sat on a nearby chair ignoring her unconscious God.

Everyone looks toward the one who threw the shoe, with eyes saying is that a bit much?

Loki who threw the shoe said, "What!"

Everyone, "Nothing."

Hephaestus Giggles seeing this, she knew the reason why Loki did this, Loki was the first woman that Hermes ever peek at, and on top of all that Hermes said to Loki's face at the same time, "What a disappointment all hardship and only I got was a washboard." on that day Hermes figure was never seen for over a century.

A few minutes later Hermes was already conscious and drinking some wine quietly while waiting along with the others inside the room.

A Few minutes pass again and then another group arrives, the identity of this group was the Freya Familia led by the Goddess of beauty Freya, behind her there are Ottar and Allen Fromel follow her like a bodyguard.

Freya looked around the room and saw the other Familias and their God and Goddess, and when her eyes fall towards John, her eyes show an inexplicable light and joy.

John notices Freya's gaze, while he was sleeping on the table John raises his hands and said like a close friend, "Hello Frey come here there is an empty chair right beside me."

Freya was surprised to hear this but moments later her cheeks became rosy in embarrassment and satisfaction when she realized that John give her a nickname.

Freya was happy and she also realized that her disguise as Syr was already known by John, she was sure about this because the way John spoke and interact with her right now was similar to how he interacted with her when she was disguised as Syr.

Behind Freya, Ottar, and Allen show different reactions, Ottar shows a gentle smile when he saw her Goddess finally found what he was looking for, on the other hand, Allen shows a hideous face of anger that wanted to kill someone.

"Watch your mouth boy she is my." Before Allen could finish his words John threw his chair toward him. The chair travels through the air at a supersonic speed reaching 30 times the speed of sound making the chair reach Allen in an instant hitting his face without any warning.

Allen can't dodge the move or even notice the chair at all, the chair hit his face knocking him unconscious to the floor with a smashed face right after an explosion of sonic sound follow.

Before Allen lost consciousness he was wondering what happened to him, in his perspective, he is just about to threaten John, but the next second he is already on the floor on the edge of losing consciousness with a broken face.

In this sudden throw, John covered the chair with his chakra to absorb the impact, because of this Allen's head did not explode like a watermelon from John's throw avoiding his death.

Everyone in the room except John's friends, gasp in shock they all thought, [Isn't he just a level one? What is this physical strength that can knock off a level 6 adventurer with a single blow?]

In Loki's mind, [As I thought this man is not a normal mortal, even though this kid is a mortal in front of my divine eye, my instinct as a Goddess warning me that this man is far above me, I don't know why but I will trust my instinct, also the world and the entire universe were giving me the warning to do not anger this man, making his identity more terrifying]. All of these thoughts were running through Loki's mind in milliseconds.

In Hephaestus' mind, [As expected He is incredible, He even took Freya the Goddess of Beauty true affection].

Freya show a lovely smile and sat beside John like they knew each other for a long time.

John created another sit in an instant and sat on it while Freya took the sit beside him, moments later they both engaged in a fun conversation like a friend. Ottar who was acting as an escort drag the unconscious body of Allen and Ottar put Allen in a wall and stood quietly behind Freya like he body a guard.

The others calm down their self and then didn't say anything, the two goddesses understood the meaning of privacy so they did not ask anything. They all wait for the next group, but from time to time, Loki and Hermes were taking glance toward John who was talking casually with Freya while his head was on the table.

They both thought that John must be an incredible existence. On the other hand, Hephaestus was staring at John calmly, but inside her thought and emotion are tainted with love toward John.

John notice this but he didn't mind it and continued to talk with Freya.

A few minutes passed another group arrived, this group was the Dian Cecht Familia. The group was led by Dian Cectht, and right beside him Airmid Teasanare was following him.

"Are we late," Dian Cecht said with his signature smile, at the same time Airmid bowed as a greeting.

"Tsk! The pervert arrive," Loki said without hiding her displeasure. The other Goddesses in the room Freya and Hephaestus was looking at him with disgust in their face.

Dian Cecht's smile twitched and he almost makes his act collapse, but he immediately fixes it.

"That's harsh Loki, you know that I am not that kind of person."

Loki ignored him and continued eating her snack in front of her, Dian Cecht's smile almost collapsed, but he manage to maintain it.

Dain Cecht didn't say anything and just sat on the nearby chair. A few minutes later another group arrived, the group that arrived was the Demeter Familia led by Demeter their goddess, right behind her there are two people following her, a cute woman and a middle age man, the two people were wearing clothes that were screaming that they are a farmer at a glance.

The cute woman was Rona Glamora and the middle age man was Flonzo Baken.

(Demeter Image).

(Rona Glamora Image).

(Flonzo Baken image).

Demeter looks around the room and realized that they are the last Familia who arrived, she smiles brightly and then sat just opposite John, Demeter noticed John who was sleeping opposite her, the moment she saw John her eyes glinted with mysterious light, her gentle smile grew even wider and her gaze never left John like she was infatuated by his figure.

"Interesting," Demeter muttered in a low voice that only she could hear. in Demeter's eyes, she can see that John was recognized by the world, universe, and Omniverse as the center of everything no matter what John thought he can do it without doing anything the world, universe, and omniverse will do it for him.

After all arrived Rose who was appointed as mediator announced the start of the Meeting.