
Chakra Progenitor

John Wodwick Alver died and then reincarnated in a magic world as the King of All Bijuu and King Of The Tree Of All. He is also the Progenitor Of All Chakra, and the only Being that can easily surpass The existence that Beyond All. Warning MC is ridiculously overpowered, has an abnormal mindset and logic, has a light view of life, death is a trivial matter to him, is kind but ruthless, hates planning much, and has a ridiculous harem. I am only a newbie writer and can't speak English very well and only rely on Grammarly for grammar and spelling corrections. This novel is only my hobby and my entertainment. by the way all the picture that I posted are not mine I all get them in Pinterest and google. Thank you for reading and good day.

Alfon_Soultan · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Guild part 2

I waited for an hour before my turn came.

In front of me, a beautiful haft elf guild staff with straight shoulder-length brown hair greeted me with her business smile, this beautiful half-elf was Eina

"Greetings sir, I am Eina Tulle, what can I help you with".

Me who was in front of her become entranced by her beauty, luckily Miu woke me up from my daydream with her harshly honest remarks".

(Hello readers I will now use brackets from now on as an indication that the conversation happened inside John's mind or if the characters have inner thoughts).

[cough!]. I cough inwardly and started to talk with Eina.

"I'm here to register as an adventurer".

Eina didn't object to this and opened her mouth, "Ok, are you a member of any Familia"?


"Sir you can't register as an adventurer if you are not a member of any Familia".

[Miu do you have any plan, I forgot that the guild has this rule].

[That's a problem, you can't join any family, as a Bijuu Proginetor your body can absorb all types of energy including the Divinity of a God, if you are going to join and the God put his divinity to your body will react and absorb all the divinity of that God and he will die, no Mortal God or True God can handle this absorption and will die immediately, only God Of All can handle this absorption after all God Of All like us can do anything].

[That's serious, so Miu, do you plan to make me a member of your Familia then].

[I don't want to, I don't want, to make you my children you are my husband and partner for Eternity].

[Do you have any other plan then].

[Yes, just use one of the Unknown numbers of Dojutsu of your Rinnesharingan called Unique Dojutsu All Replica, this Dojutsu can rival the strongest skill of All known as Unique Skill All Replica].

[I have that kind of Dojutsu].

[Yes, All Dojutsu, Skills, and Abilities that exist and don't exist can use by you, If you want to know more about this, you need to meditate and dig all the information about your power inside the deepest part of your memories, these memories are implanted by the True Rinne Sharingan the origin of all Dojutsu, Skills, and Abilities that you possess right now].

[I understand, I will change my plan for time being and learn about all of the powers that I possess, before doing what I want to do].

"Miss Eina I will postpone my registration for time being until I find a Familia".

Eina nodded her head in appreciation and she thought. [This kid has good thinking, that few adventurers have, if I tell this kind of thing to the others they will lose their cool and yell at me or sometimes they force fully join and become a freelancer and dive into the dungeon without Falna most of those adventures either die or got cripple].

"Ok I understand, is there anything else".

"Yes, miss Eina how to buy a plot of land here"?

Eina thought for a moment and then open her mouth, "You can buy some land from the Hisako company owned by Goro Hisako, wait for a moment". Eina walk towards a table and started to draw something on a piece of paper, a few minutes later.

"Here is the map, it will lead you there". Eina handed me a piece of paper.

I look at the paper and saw a rough map that lead to the company, I nodded my head and put the paper inside my pocket. "I'll go then miss Eina thank you for your time".

"Your welcome sir". Eina waved her hand and see me off, after that, she then helps the other adventurer next in the line.

I walk out to the Guild Building and follow the rough map leading to the company, on my way I bought some streets food from this world such as Bake Potato, Grilled meat, Meat Skewer, and Crapes, there is still more types of streets foods but I did not buy them because I am already full.

I carefreely walk the streets of Orario while looking around to marble the unfamiliar yet familiar view of the city, I already haft a way to my destination when suddenly I heard a scream at the alleyway that I pass through.

I sigh and mattered, "why does trouble always find me". I look around to observe the people around me but every one of them did not care, they only stop for a moment to look at the alleyway and then ignore the scream and continue their own business.

I shake my head and thought [This world is even darker than I thought].

[Husband that's why I said to you that don't compare to this world because this world is darker than you thought].

I walk toward the alley, the deeper I got into the alley the louder the scream can be heard. after a few seconds of walking, I saw a beautiful woman with silver hair and the same color eyes, she was dressed in the standard uniform of the hostess of fertility.

Isn't that Syr Flova the Goddess of beauty in disguise, Syr Flova's real identity was Freya the Goddess of beauty. she is beautiful.

On the surface, Syr appears to be a human girl but in fact, she is the most beautiful goddess the Goddess of beauty Freya figures as Syr Flova. She has bluish-gray hair that she keeps tied with a small knot in a ponytail style. Her eyes are the same color as her hair and she has light peachy-colored smooth skin. She wears a white blouse and a leaf-colored knee-length long skirt. She also wears a slightly long half-apron around her waist. She wears a pair of brown boots over black stockings.

Freya has a beauty that is superior and outstanding even among the gods. She has long silver hair, silver eyes (purple in the anime), and white skin like that of fresh snow. She has a perfect golden ratio, enough to think that the golden ratio originated from her. Her clothes are in large part black and red, they expose most of her stomach and breasts. She also wears two flower-like ornaments in her hair.

I release my blood lust directly to the three men to avoid affecting Syr or should I say, Freya, the three thugs' eyes roll back to their heads, and fall to the floor losing consciousness because of fear.

After knocking off the three men I walk towards Syr while saying with a smile, "Are you ok".